Re: [Anjuta-list] Like to be part of the team (been sitting on the sidelines)

I will start participating in the mailing lists more and also on the
gnome-devtools list.  As to the documentation I will look at what we
have and see what I can do.  I will start with anjuta doc and move to
getting anjuta2 doc organized.  Starting with documentation 
on will give me some time to get familiar with the tool and source.

So let me know if anyone has ideas for updating and developing new docs.

Chris Woodruff

On Wed, 2001-12-19 at 16:53, Andy Piper wrote:
> Hey Chris,
> The list has reacted with silence so far, and the last thing we want is to put you off, so...
> On 2001.12.17 20:51 Chris Woodruff wrote:
> > After a long time saying if I had the time to help with Anjuta I would. 
> > Well I don't think I will ever have the time really but I do want to
> > help and contribute where I can for the project.
> Great!!
> >  If there is someplace
> > I can start and get up to speed will someone point me in the direction.
> > I can dig in but would like to maximize my help as quick as possible.  I
> > can help out where needed including documentation.  I prefer development
> > but use me where the most need is.
> You've two options - working on Anjuta 1.x (the current stable stuff) or the new project, Anjuta2 which is the merger with gIDE. I'm maintaining Anjuta 1.x and coordinating some of the existing group; Naba, Dave Camp, Stef and others on the team are working on Anjuta2. 
> Of course you're welcome to work on both :-)
> For Anjuta 1.x, there's a HACKING file in the source tree which has some coding information and background, and should hopefully help to get you into the structure of the source tree. The list of bugs and feature requests at SourceForge should form the basis of any work. Join the anjuta-devel list and see what is going on, feel free to post any questions, then choose a bug or feature and have a play. It's useful if you can let me know what you're working on.
> The documentation *does* badly need updating and I've not had time for a while. Several features are not covered at all right now. In many ways it is the best way to find out what is in the application at the moment - document the features that are there. I'm happy to accept chunks of text actually, I'm familiar with the way the current documentation is put together so it's relatively easy for me to slot it all together.
> For Anjuta2, most discussion goes on in the gnome-devtools mailing list, and you should probably talk to Naba and Dave for details of what needs doing.
> Hope that helps to get you started. I'm about to update the bugs list on SourceForge since Biswa has been blitzing it lately :-)
> Andy
> -- 
> Andy Piper - Farnborough, Hampshire (UK)
> andy piper freeuk com - ICQ #86489434
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