Re: [Anjuta-list] Debug problem on Anjuta

On Wed, 2003-04-16 at 19:42, jiang wrote:
> Thanks a lot for reply, Biswa!
> What I did was download Anjuta...src.tar.gz, extract to a folder,then
> ./configure, make, make install, then run it. Then I have the problem.
> (1)
> Do I need to modify makefile? Or is it better to install using .rpm?
"-O0 -g" compiler options Biswa mentioned was for your program and not
for anjuta. In anjuta, you should be able to set the flags for your
program at Settings->Compiler and Linker settings->Others (set the
optimization to none and enable debugging).

> (2)
> I'd like to debug into Anjuta src, and add some good feature and thus
> contributing back to Anjuta. May I ask you guys what IDE you use to
> debug Anjuta code itself? (I imported Anjuta src into a Anjuta project,
> but couldnot debug, error message saying "The target executable does not
> exist for this project").
When the project was first imported, you could set the project target
(generally the main executable of that project) in the Import wizard,
like "src/anjuta". You can also set this later from Project->Project

But for anjuta, the project file is already available in CVS, so you
don't need to import it again. Please read the development page at to know to get the CVS source code. You can also
download the hourly tarball from the site, if you have problem accessing


> Thanks a lot in advance!
> Richard
> On Wed, 2003-04-16 at 01:23, Biswapesh Chattopadhyay wrote:
> > Have you compiled with -O0 -g ? Looks like the local integer variables
> > are very likley to get optimized away if you use, say, O2 for example.
> > 

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