Re: [Anjuta-list] debugger didn't stop at breakpoints

What I had was a just one program computing 1+2 and print the the result. I am learning how to use anjuta using very simple programs to try all functions of anjuta.


Forrest Sheng Bao, BSEE, Graduate Student
Dept. of Computer Science/Electrical Engineering
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas

2009/7/5 Sébastien Granjoux <seb sfo free fr>
Hi Forrest,

Forrest Sheng Bao a écrit :

Today I noticed a funny thing. I set couple of breakpoints in a program, and enabled them all. But Anjuta debugger didn't stop in front of any of them, but went thru all the way down to the last bracket of the main function. Does anyone out there know the reason?

I know one bug related to breakpoint here:
But it's a quite particular case, you need to have several files with the same name in your project.

Then you could have some issues if you compile your program without disabling all optimization.



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