Re: [anjuta-list] libvala 0.14 requirement?


> It's a gnome package, and looks to be the very latest.  I thought we
> were trying to keep Anjuta dependent on stable packages.  This is four
> versions higher than even Fedora has, and it's known not to shy away
> from unstably new things.

You mean you have 0.12 and need 0.14, right? For gtk+ and glib and other
low-level stuff that is hard to build this is true, for vala see below.

> Is there a way to build with an older vala (0.12) or will I need to
> build Vala from sources first?

The reason we were disabling the build with 0.12 was that it was hard to
maintain and even if we had #ifdef'd everything it would still crash
because of bugs that have only been fixed in 0.13.x. In the end that
would have caused more frustration than having to build 0.13.x. By the
time anjuta 3.2.0 (stable) will be released vala 0.14 will be stable too
and there will be packages.

You should still be able to build anjuta master without vala support if
you have a problem installing vala 0.13.x. It should be super simply
though, just download the tarball (./configure --prefix=/usr && make &&
sudo make install) as vala doesn't have any strange dependencies.

Sorry for the inconvenience!


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