Re: Survey v6


I made some changed based on the version5.

Brian will help on the English of the survey.

Question 1 says:

  How do you know about the GNOME.Asia Summit?

That should say:

  How did you find out about the GNOME.Asia Summit?

For Question 2, shouldn't we also include "MacOS" as a choice?

Question 4 should say:

  What about GNOME should be improved?

Question 8 says:

  Some words you most want to say to the Summit organizer?

I'd say:

  Please provide feedback below for the Summit organizers.

For all the above questions, the English translation is on a separate
line than the Chinese, except for question #8-9.  Might look better
if this were more consistent.

Question 9 says: "Make friends, collect signatures".

Instead I would say "Make friends and collect signatures"

You say:

  Rule: Try to make friends around you, and have his/her signature.
  After fulfilled, please submit this feedback for gifts and luck draw

I would say:

  Rule: Make friends with those around you and get their signatures.
  After getting the following signatures, please submit this feedback
  for gifts and the lucky draw.

The area where you enter the signatures seems a bit confusing.  Each
column has a header, but these are not translated to English.

I don't think "Localizer" is a word.  I'd say "Localization Engineer"
I'd say "Marketing Representative" instead of "Marking Person"
I'd say "GNOME Volunteer" instead of just "Volunteer".

You say:

  Notes:Bring back this survey to the questionnaire collection table,
  you will :

I'd say:

  Notes: Return this survey to the questionnaire collection table and
         you will:
  1. Receive a gift, such as a t-shirt, cup, or bag (first come, first
     serve and supplies are limited)
  2. Participate in the lucky draw where you will have a chance to win
     gifts like a laptop, cellphone, or blue tooth headset.  Gifts are
     provided by sponsors Lemote, Nokia and Motorola.


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