[COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010] PR for calling for papers

Hi, Emily and Pockey

  The deadline of call for papers is 6/19, which is about 3 weeks from
now. We should push harder to get more speakers for the joint
conference, it's important to spread the CfP right now.

  In the last irc meeting, we discussed about putting the confirmed
speakers in the PR. But I think it will take too much time to confirm
attendance of speakers from both side. I suggested let's finalize the
short version story first, and we can submit the story to online media
like Linux Gazette or mailing lists of communities. We can still work
on the official PR for mass media later.

  Enclosed please find our latest version of story, please review and
feel free to revise it. We like to release the news by end of this

  BTW, if you have the CFP document, please send a copy to us. Then we
can help to translate it into Traditional Chinese, and send it to
local communities.


COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 now calling for papers

The joint conference of COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 is calling for papers now. COSCUP is the largest open source conference in Taiwan, and GNOME.Asia Summit is Asia’s GNOME user and developer conference. The joint conference will be held in Taipei on August 14 and 15. With a tagline of "Open Web and Mobile Technologies", it emphasizes the exciting development in these two areas as well as the GNOME desktop environment, and leverages the world-leading hardware industry in Taiwan. The program committee invites open source enthusiasts all around the world to submit papers via http://coscup.org/2010/en/programs. For more details on the joint conference, please visit the conference websites at http://coscup.org/ and http://gnome.asia/.

~~~ 中文短版本 ~~~

2010 年開源人年會 暨 GNOME 亞洲峰會開始接受投稿

開源人年會和 GNOME 亞洲峰會在 2010 年聯合舉辦,開始接受投稿。開源人年會是台灣最大的開放原始碼研討會,GNOME 亞洲峰會則是亞洲的 GNOME 使用者與開發者的研討會,聯合研討會將於 8 月 14、15 兩天舉行。今年主題「Open Web and Mobile Technologies」強調了在這兩個領域及 GNOME 桌面環境中令人振奮的發展,並且倚重台灣領先世界的硬體產業。聯合研討會邀請世界各地熱衷於開放原始碼的人士上 http://coscup.org/2010/en/programs 網站投稿。有關研討會的細節請參考官方網站 http://coscup.org/http://gnome.asia/。;

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