Re: November 16 Meeting Minutes

I made some minor changes :)


On 11/16/2010 11:28 PM, Allan Caeg wrote:

You can find the November 16 meeting minutes here

Here it is:

Planned Agenda

  1. Update on outstanding action items - ALL
  2. Update on statistic of pre-event survey - Pockey
  3. Discuss on matching the date with GNOME 3.0 marketing hackfest (late Feb / early Mar) - ALL
  4. Update on the status of preparing proposals for the GNOME.Asia Summit 2011 - Pockey / Abharath, Akhil / Utian
  5. Discuss on potential sponsors - - ALL

  6. Update on user experience on GNOME Desktop in Asia - Allan
  7. Update on the proposal of website - WILL

Attended by:

  1. Pockey
  2. Allan
  3. Fred
  4. Abharath
  5. Lakhil
  6. sakana
  7. terral

Action Items

  1. Will to wait one more week for Mario's response and then send him another email to remind him
  2. lakhil to continue to follow up with university management to check for the venues
  3. Pockey / Akhil / Utian to prepare proposals for the upcoming summit
  4. The team discussed about the duration of hackfest, due to feedback of the survey and Boston Summit, we have decided to change the hackfest from 5 days to 3 days. Send a separate email to the mailing list to inform them about making the hackfest 3 days long + 1 day for the conference - DONE
5. Pockey to send email to Hong Kong team to invite them to join our upcoming 23rd meeting and inform them our agenda
6. Pockey to go to Hong Kong to meet potential sponsors and partners in Hong Kong the coming week.
7. Everybody to think of local potential sponsors and put down sponsors name here at
8. Allan to follow up on user experience on GNOME Desktop in Asia

Venue Updates

  1. Hong Kong
    1. Team is writing the proposal

Noteworthy Stuff

  1. Survey results are up

a) To sum up, we have a total of 79 respondents, exceeding our target by roughly 50%.
b) 30% of the survey participants are involved with the GNOME 3.0 release.
c) More than 70% respondents are from Asia (I can see some lobbying right here! ).
d) 71% of those 79 people will most likely join the event.
e) The leading hosting city is Hong Kong, followed closely by Bali and Jakarta in Indonesia, then Bangalore (India).
f) Most respondents favor a university as the venue of choice, followed by resorts and offices.
g) The best moment for the hackfest is during or after the GNOME 3.0 release.
h) Rather than the initial 5 days plan, 3 days seems to work better for everyone involved.

  1. Committee will decide the dates together with the venue end of this month. We will wait for marketing team to reply on our offer to change the dates to "before the release". If we receive no reply, we will consider either during or after the gnome 3.0 release  according to the feedback from our survey

Next Week's Agenda

  1. proposal updates + Q&A + opportunities to improve localization for Hong Kong + start a Hong Kong GNOME user group + Hong Kong needs from GNOME - DONE

Tell me if I missed anything. :)

User Experience Designer
+63 918 948 2520

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