Tuesday 14th IRC meeting notes

Dear all,

Please find the minutes of the meeting:

1. Pockey updated the group on her research and work related the the 2011 conference:
 - Air ticket costs from Europe & USA to Asia are available at http://live.gnome.org/GnomeAsia/FlightCost
 - AsiaGroup created on wiki for the GNOME Committee members
 - GNOME.Asia Summit 2011 survey page located at: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeAsia/survey2011

2. In order to get everybody up to speed and why we were having this urge to turn GNOME.Asia into a GNOME 3 hackfest on GNOME 3 release day we went into the reasoning & objectives (or in other words, the problem we were trying to solve):
 - 2 past years of Gnome.asia with poor control over the finance and losing money so we would like to aim at something similar as our first year where we would end up being cash positive
 - Since next year is the GNOME 3.0 release, it's a good opportunity to get the buzz our way. Organizing a hackfest on the release day/week could help us to get some GNOME contributors together in Asia set up in a similar manner as a "command center", companies might be willing to sponsor travels, the conference and more if the cost is not over the roof.
 - It would be a great opportunity to take on the successes from Beijing and Taipei were we discovered "hidden" GNOME contributors to build a bigger Asian community
3. The committee then discussed about the survey format:
3.1 Hackfest schedule:
Intro: "An event that is focused on making GNOME 3 successful"
use quotes from the 1-on-1 discussion (see below) about why others should want to come.
5 hackdays closed to the public+ 1-2 days conference open to the public

3.2 Audience:
1. People actually doing the release.  The marketing and release team will have work to do at this time.
2. Promoting the release, raising attention to it.  Having people talk about it, educate people about it, etc.
3. Celebrating the release
4. Dealing with technical issues on the way.  Responding to users who need help, have questions
or in other words:
1. GNOME release team
2. GNOME docs team
3. GNOME marketing team
4. Others who will be involved with the actual mechanics of doing the launch
5. companies - potential sponsors
6. GNOME contributors living in Asia

3.3 Location:
1. Currently looking at India, Hong Kong, Indonesia
2. Airfare to Indonesia about 20% higher than the other 2 countries.
3. Flight extra cost to Indonesia could be compensated by cheaper resort
4. Utian mentioned an Indonesian resort in bogor: http://www.mitrakonservasi.co.id/ where the local ISP can sponsor the Internet connection.
. Max capacity: 120
. Final conference days in Bogor city hall to accommodate for a larger audience
5. It is noted that GNOME developers can share rooms during hackfests.
6. Wers offered to talk with his contacts to find more resorts in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bogor and Depok area.
7. Resort page created on the wiki at http://live.gnome.org/action/edit/GnomeAsia/ResortVenue

3.4 Survey steps:
1. An initial 1 on 1 discussion should take place once the above topics are filled with:
 - The leaders of the GNOME release and  marketing teams
 - A few other important people in the community such as people like Owen Taylor, Vincent Untz, Jon McCann, Paul Cutler, etc.
2. An initial release of the question would then be sent to the 10 people we want the most
3. If we get good responses, adapt the survey to reflect any feedback we received from the first round and widen it to the whole release and marketing team, etc.

3.5 Survey questions, current suggestions:
1. Do you want to join the upcoming GNOME.Asia 2011? why?
1. Where do you want it to host? a list of countries / cities
1. If there is a one day tour offered to participants, will you join?
1. If yes, what kind of places you would like to go? multiple choice
1. Will you encourage any of your friends, co-workers or colleagues to attend the event?

Survey page is here for improvements: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeAsia/survey2011

Action Items:
1. Utian to send his GNOME wiki account to Pockey to put in AsiaGroup
2. Ask BharathAcharya to check for resort packages and venues for a capacity of e.g. 200 (in India)
3. Check what Hong Kong could offer (Pockey)

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