Re: Hackfest requirements...

On 03/14/2011 03:59 PM, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 7:51 PM, Pockey Lam<pockeylam gnome org>  wrote:

Hi srini,
Here you go the 13 hackers and their emails adds, I think we will have
more :)
Thanks for arranging!

Bharath Acharya<abharath(at)>
Pockey Lam<pockeylam(at)>
Emily Chen<emilychen522(at)>
Vincent Untz<vuntz(at)>
Andre Klapper<ak-47(at)>
Allan Caeg<Allan Caeg<allancaeg(at)>>
Allan Day<allanpday(at)>
Andreas Nilsson<nisses.mail(at)>
Frederic Peters<fpeters(at)>
Frederic Muller<fred(at)>
Ryan Lortie<desrt(at)>
Chandni Verma<chandniverma2112(at)>
Josselin Mouette<joss(at)>
14. Lakhil<lakhil(at)>
15. Brian Cameron<brian.cameron(at)>

Is it only 15? Do we expect more to join? I shall wait for a few more
days if needed. Else I can send the list and get a approval asap.

15 hackers are not bad, no? and we actually subsidized 10 of them to join :) Yes, we may have a few more to register before 28 March, so please wait if the approval process is allowed, thanks!




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