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I have a couple ui suggestions for balsa. These would make balsa more
like outlook express.  I usually don't like microsoft products but 
outlook has some nice ui features.  The mailboxes should not need to 
be double clicked to be opened this just makes it harder to open them
a single left mouse button click should open a mailbox a right button 
click should pull up a popup menu.  If that were the case from a user 
point of view there would not need to be a tabbed list. Since it is
really easy to switch between mailboxes anyway.  how about switching to 
the gtkHTML widget for reading email. it is mentioned in the weekly gnome
This would do all the things balsa would want it to do.
look at the screenshots

ok now tell me what you think.

It says it's for dogs, but she can't read.

		-- Homer Simpson
		   Simpson's Roasting on an Open Fire

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