Re: Mailbox/MailboxNodes

Am Mit, 08 Dez 1999 21:26:23 Stuart Parmenter Sie:
> eek, you're right.  Mailbox's used to not be GtkObjects... uhm..  you
> should be able to do  BALSA_IS_MAILBOX(node) to see if it is a mailbox
> now which you couldn't do before, so ismbnode should be able to go away.

which causes balsa to crash :((

I put in 

    if (!BALSA_IS_MAILBOX (mailbox))
	printf ("debug: mailbox is no mailbox.\n");

just for testing in line 233 of mblist-window.c. After jumping into 
	GtkType balsa_mailbox_get_type (void)

and returning from there it crashes. I have no idea why and debugging didnt give
me any more information. Could you maybe have a look at it? Maybe its crashing
because I already got a pointer to a mailbox by

	mailbox = gtk_clist_get_row_data (clist, row);

in line 231 which is no mailbox but a node? Then we _really_ have a problem
anyway, as if any member of the structure the pointer is pointing to is accessed
balsa might do bad things.

Knut Neumann                           

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