Support for different charsets in Message


I have noticed that the Message structure does not contain information
about the used charset: it's assumed that the mails are sent with
balsa_app.charset (that's how I understand the code). This can be
wrong: imagine that I start writing message in - say Polish
(iso-8859-2), postpone it, change charset to Western European
(iso-8859-1) and try to send the postponed message: the message charset
will be wrong. 

In my opinion, the Message structure should include the charset
information. My questions are following:
1. do you agree with my view?
1.a. if so, is anybody working on this aspect (I don't want to
reimplement things)?
1.b. if not, what is the better approach to the problem?

The information about charset would be taken from value of the
charset attribute specified in the `Content-type' header and stored as a
string. It should be used when replying the mail (the reply charset the
same as the original message), forwarding and sending (to set properly
the content-type header), viewing (to choose the font character set
registry and character set encoding). The information about the default
character set should be used when composing a new message.

Besides, I think one should not select whole font path (XLFD) in the
preferences, possibly only font family and size, since the character 
set registry and character set encoding (last two entries) is determined
by the message, isn't it?

Any comments?


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