Re: The release plan

One thing which people might think is important is that someone needs to make
it so that menu items get enabled and disabled at the right times. 

In particular this means adding a 'readonly' flag to LibBalsaMailbox (set it
libbalsa_mailbox_*_open) and using this in balsa to setup the menus, as well
the obvious things like disabling all the mailbox menus items if there is no
mailbox open.

The reason this is important is that all the many bug reports about changes
being commited (ie deleted messages never get deleted) are due to the fact
the mailbox was opened read only, often due to bad permissions preventing
dotlocking. Obviously we should tell the user we are opening readonly, andtry
and give a reason..

I have this on my todo list, but I am currently rewritting the libproplist
stuff into gnome_config stuff (someone should say if they are working on this
aswell...) So I don't know if I will have time before the feature freeze...

Having said that, I have so much free time at the minute (since I'm in
Cambridge out of term time, yawn...)...

I'd also like to get my new address book stuff in, but there just isn't


On Fri, 08 Sep 2000 16:49:00 Pawel Salek wrote:
> Hi developers,
> Here is my plan concerning the feature freeze for next stable version
> of balsa.
> 1. convert configuration format to gnome_config (drop libPropList
> dependency)
> 2. if there is any time left, use gnome-print for printing.
> BTW, I am away from Sunday to Wednesday, so the exact date of the
> freeze
> doesn't matter but I expect that no feature patches will be commited
> after Wednesday. 
> We can release then 0.9.5=x.x.pre1 and hammer the bugs as long as it it
> feasible (or go down to at most 30 in releaseing
> prerelease versions on a rather regular basis.
> Any comments?
> /Pawel
> -- 
> Pawel Salek (
> Theoretical Chemistry Division, KTH voice: +46 8 790-8202
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