Re: Balsa + LDAP - Configuring LDAP

On Tue, 09 Jan 2001 01:54:39 Scaramanga wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any information out there on setting up balsa to use OpenLDAP
> contacts,
> more specifically, the OpenLDAP side of things, I have balsa connecting
> to the
> server OK (ie: no errors), but the contact list appears empty?

If you tell me how you get valid data with ldapsearch, I can
try and help you setup Balsa.

Anyway, my OpenLDAP entry looks like:

---[ cut here ]---
cn=Berend De Schouwer, dc=ucs, dc=co, dc=za
cn=Berend De Schouwer
sn=De Schouwer
o=Universal Computer Services (Pty) Ltd
registeredaddress="209 Smit Street - Braamfontein 2001"
postofficebox=31266 Braamfontein 2017
---[ cut here ]---

That should help.  These also work with Outlook and Netscape last
I checked.

If you get an empty list back, check:
- That the Base Domain Name is right.  In my case, its listed in
  the first line 'dc=ucs, dc=co, dc=za'.
  On some LDAP servers, it seems to work fine without a base
  domain name, but ONLY if there is only one directory.
- There is an 'email=...' entry.  Balsa looks for these
- There is a 'cn=...' entry.  It is also required.

Balsa won't grab the whole entry - only the data that is needed.
(at least, that is true in CVS).

> Apologies if I have overlooked something glaringly obvious...

No problem at all.

> --
> // Gianni Tedesco <>
> Fingerprint: FECC 237F B895 0379 62C4  B5A9 D83B E2B0 02F3 7A68
> Key ID: 02F37A68
> Remote operating system guess: Solaris 2.6 - 2.7
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Kind regards,				  

Berend De Schouwer, +27-11-712-1435, UCS

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