Re: gpg et co

On 2001-07-12 14:13 Brian Stafford wrote:
> On Thu, 12 July 12:31 Pawel Salek wrote:
> > > What about adding to balsa support for
> > > plugins written in Perl and then
> > > implementing PGP/GPG (or strong
> > > encryption like rot13 ;) ) etc. support
> > > in plugins?
> > 
> > I don't have strong opinions about this. I would like to make just
> two
> > remarks:
> > 1. plain passing the data through the plugin is not sufficient, the
> > encoded part must have proper MIME type.
> I just think using scripted plugins to implement stuff in a fixed
> format mandated by standards that allow no latitude for reasons of
> interoperability is wrong.

Well, I did not say it is right. :-).

> Having plugins to present data is a different matter. (Though I'm
> still nervous of plugins in mail UAs).

Yes, it requires extra carefulness that many people lack. (I still don't
understand why the default browse action for browsing postscript is just
gv, instead of "gv -safer"). But scripting would be useful for smart
shortcuts (like "check just received mail, if there is one from the
boss/wife/husband/neightbor, trigger alarm!", or "setup a template for
spam report") or similar tuning. I like the way certain issues are
solved in emacs or sawfish, or gimp (no, I am not going to rewrite balsa
from scratch :-).

Pawel Salek (
Theoretical Chemistry Division, KTH voice: +46 8 790-8202

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