

 there is a question I'd like to ask:
While I have made numerous patches in those past few days, none of them have
made it into CVS. I get the impression that all the patches I make that
change the UI aren't even considered for inclusion.
I am seriously starting to wonder if I should continue making them or just
save myself the worry and disappointment by keeping them to myself.
It is my goal to make Balsa into a full featured email program, that can be
used in day-to-day work by just about anyone. But if all my work does not
even have a chance to get into the project, I might just as well make all
the patches I need for myself and keep them to myself, too.
It has never been a GoodThing to have too many patches floating around,
maybe even patches that are incompatible to each other, it's a sure way to
kill a project. I don't want that. The goal cannot be that everyone has her
personal Balsa, patched to fit. There should be one Balsa, and I think it
can profit from my work. But if my patches are not wanted, I won't post them

Hoping to hear from you,


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