Re: new Customize menu

On 2001.07.17 11:12:13 +0100 christophe barbé wrote:
> Le mar, 17 jui 2001 11:26:40, Carlos Morgado a écrit :
> > > For the buttons I would prefer a normal row of factory buttons.
> > "factory" buttons ? you mean default gnome buttons ? 
> Yes I mean default default button.
there are no default buttons for some stuff

> What do you mean with menu-factory ? Is it a gnome standard dialog box or a
> widget ?
it's a gtk "widget" that builds menus from an array of menu defs

Carlos Morgado - chbm(at)chbm(dot)nu - -- gpgkey: 0x1FC57F0A FP:0A27 35D3 C448 3641 0573 6876 2A37 4BB2 1FC5 7F0A
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