Re: characters ISO8859-1 (West European - pt)

On 2001.06.04 16:27:22 +0200 Carlos Morgado wrote:
> On 2001.06.04 15:19:31 +0100 Cristina Nunes wrote:
> > I've encontered something I can't seem to find any cause for it. When I
> > read a message, if any character has an accent (like á or é, ect ect) the
> > rest of the line isn't showned.
> > 
> WorksForMe(tm) with gtk+-1.2.10-ximian.9
> i remember an old gtk version with a similar bug .. but i don't recall
> the details.

its not a bug, its due the fact that xfree changed localisation
and authentification from xfree 401 to 402 +++ and now 410...
you must explicitely make sure to have your language, charset etc
exported correctly because new xfree rely on correct exported things
if it cant find it it defaults to C usually english. i once had this
problem myself and i worked through many things for weeks and finaly
found the solution on some messagebases at xfree itself.

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science

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