POP3 critical problem


i detected one critical unbehave with balsa that really
should get reviewed before naming it *stable*

following situation:

i download some files in background using ISDN line.
now i get a sign (from an email applet) telling me, that
my pop3 account has e.g. 20 new mails waiting for me.

i press the icon for balsa and it comes up. i then press
check to get my emails. now lets say. balsa gets 13 of 20
mails and then a dialog comes up and tell me that i reached
a timeout or something that tells me that there was some
errors with my mailbox (maybe its timeout or maybe the intern
timer for balsa exceeded or whatever)..

oki now i have 13 new messages in my mailboxes that i can
read. but hey.. i got only 13 of 20 emails and i press check
again. but instead of getting the remaining emails. balsa
starts over again and get me all 20 emails.

this ends in this..

- 13 emails that i got before.
- abort due an timeout or error.
- 20 emails after i pressed check again.

13 emails double..

this is not good. i would suggest that you get one email
after another and delete that one to avoid getting emails
double. and whenever an error happened and balsa wasnt able
to delete the mails on the mailbox then make sure the email
(might come here partially) gets deleted too.

correct behave might be this.

1) connect to pop
2) get 1 email on pop
3) check if no errors happened during transer (timeout)
   - delete 1 email on pop


   - delete unfinised received email.

4) goto 2 until last email reached.

so there will never be any double emails again...

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science
E-Mail..: mailto:ali.akcaagac@stud.fh-wilhelmshaven.de
WWW.....: http://www.fh-wilhelmshaven.de/~akcaagaa

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