Re: [Q] (and message dragging)

I think that I would prefer the following:

(1) If the message clicked on is selected, then apply the action to all 
selected messages.

(2) If the message clicked on is not selected, then select the message 
clicked on and apply the action.

I think that a right click should ALWAYS bring up a non-greyed out 
menu, and I think that menu should ALWAYS be associated with the object 
clicked on.

Actually, since we're on selections.... I just noticed an inconsistency 
in the way dragging messages works.  If I press a mouse down on a 
message and then move the mouse, Balsa DRAGS the message.  This is 
inconsistent with the usual interpretation which is to EXTEND the 
selection.  I prefer to see dragging done by a click on an already 
selected message.  The other consequence of the current behavior is 
that it is impossible to select multiple messages and then drag them to 
another folder... the attempt to drag clears the selection.

-- Jim

On 2001.11.08 15:49 Peter Bloomfield wrote:
> On 2001.11.08 08:42 Jules Bean wrote:
> ...
>> Maybe check the message which has been clicked on.  If it's selected
>> (possibly as part of a multiple selection) apply the action to the
>> selection.  If it's not selected select (only) it?
>> Jules
> That seems reasonable to me--while checking whether the clicked-on 
> message is selected, we would necessarily find out whether *any* 
> message is selected, and we could grey out the whole menu if none is. 
> This looks like a proposal to me!
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