Re: Line Format

On 2001.11.17 20:43 Rikke D . Giles wrote:
> Wonderful Balsa coders:  I noticed that to see the changes you 
> specify in preferences, you actually have to quit out of balsa and 
> restart.  Apply doesn't seem to work for this.  To duplicate, I 
> turned word wrap for incoming and outgoing email off, and hit apply 
> both times.  I sent myself an email, it was wrapped.  I quit and 
> restarted balsa, the email I sent myself wasn't wrapped.  I turned 
> word wrap for incoming and outgoing email back on and hit apply both 
> times.   I sent myself an email, it wasn't wrapped.  I quit and 
> restarted, the email was wrapped.   This is balsa 1.2.1.
> Rikke

You're right: changing the wrap setting for incoming mail in the prefs 
window wasn't being communicated to the preview window. Fixed in 
version 1.2.3. 

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