Re: Balsa 1.2.0

On 2001.10.02 01:26 Richard Kimber wrote:
>   I could try making pcre from source, but others have emailed me saying 
>   don't need pcre.

First of all, KISS (Keep it simple).

./configure --disable-pcre --disable-gtkhtml

This will get balsa working, only with some minor features switched off. 
If this works, go further and play with pcre and gtkhtml.

BTW, your pcre problems seem strange.

Concerning gtkhtml, you need gtkhtml-devel, and apparently also 
gconf-devel. Compiling complex UI stuff is never simple (unless you 
install EVERYTHING on your box, which is generally bad idea). Keep your 
installation CDs/images at hand. Be systematic. Do not perform random 

I find following line handy when I look for missing files:

for i in *rpm; do rpm -qlp $i | grep file_I_look_for && echo "PACKAGE: 
$i"; done

(sh/bash style).

Pawel Salek, Theoretical Chemistry, SCFAB, Stockholm

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