Re: Suggestions for Balsa

On 2001.10.06 15:05 Jon Tai wrote:
> Peter:
> 1)  Thanks for the multiple message moving tip!
> 2)  UW IMAP is kind of weird.  It allows folders to contain 
> subfolders OR messages, but not both.  So let's say I have a folder 
> named "Mailfolder" that contains mail and a folder named "Folder" 
> that contains two subfolders, "Subfolder 1" and "Subfolder 2".  The 
> two subfolders both contain mail.  Other mail clients, (ie. 
> Squirrelmail, Outlook, Outlook Express) all recognize "Folder" to be 
> a non-selectable folder, but Balsa thinks "Folder" is a selectable 
> mailbox and displays it as a mailbox, so clicking on it generates an 
> annoying little Select error.  With UW IMAP the list of subscribed 
> folders looks like:
> Mailfolder
> Folder
> Folder/Subfolder 1
> Folder/Subfolder 2
> If I edit the file and remove "Folder":
> Mailfolder
> Folder/Subfolder 1
> Folder/Subfolder 2
> I get the desired behavior in Balsa ("Folder" is recognized as a 
> folder), but all my other mail clients break.  I don't know how to 
> dump the dialog with the server... if you could tell me how, I'd 
> gladly post it.
> 3)  When I learn C, I'll contribute.  =)  It was just an idea.
> Thanks again!  - Jon

One more question: can you be more specific about `If I edit the 
file...'? What file is that? Would it be the same as unsubscribing? If 
it is, the folder is still supposed to be listed, since the MUA needs 
to explore its subtree for subscribed folders/mailboxes, and I think 
you'd want Balsa to show it as a node in the mailbox tree. A client 
that fails to see the subtree is itself broken, as I understand the 

The only imap environment I'm familiar with is a server where I have 
*only* imap access, so my control over the layout of the folder tree is 
only through imap commands, and the interface to them offered by Balsa 
(or NutScrape, as a last resort!). A lot of issues seem to be far 
different for uw-imap users!


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