Re: Fwd: Re: ANNOUNCE: Balsa-1.2.1 released. [wabbit tvec net]

Am 25.10.2001 09:32:09 schrieb(en) Pawel Salek:
> I guess they need to be created and distributed with balsa... Balsa uses 
> gnome/gmc icons for several mime types but the available list does not 
> include icons specific to mail messages like multipart/alternative and 
> multipart/mixed.

The same is true (at least on my Ximian/LinuxPPC system) for message/rfc822 
(try forward as attachment) and for message/external-body...


     Albrecht Dreß  -  Monschauer Straße 22  -  D-53121 Bonn (Germany)
       Phone (+49) 228 6199571  -

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