Re: [CRASH] : deleted messages

On 14.02.2002 17:09 Peter Bloomfield wrote:
> On 2002.02.14 05:10 Emmanuel wrote:
> [ snip ]
>> Ah, a back port to 1.2.4 could be possible? But if the filtering code 
>> is the only case that triggers, this is a non-issue because if is only 
>> included in devel branch.
>> Bye
>> Manu
> Yes, I believe the fix could be back-ported--is there a procedure for 
> that?

I don't think so. AFAIK the problem is only to be able to extract the fix 
of his new context so that it can be applied in the old branch. I don't 
know in this particular case if the code has changed a lot or not.

> The issue also arises whenever Balsa uses a mailbox that has been left 
> with deleted messages by some other MUA--in my case, aftering accessing 
> an IMAP folder using Netscape Messenger. Balsa cleans up when it closes 
> the mailbox, but committing changes *before* closing causes problems.

OK so it seems necessary to back-port this fix, so that 1.2.x is actually 
a stable branch ;-)

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