(no subject)

	Hi all,
here are one or two thoughts I want to share with everybody contributing 
to balsa on how we should do the port to gnome-2.0. Please comment, 
remark... Be patient for my requests, my costlt dialup connection does not 
allow me to be on-line frequently :(

OK here I go (you can IMHO at the beginning of each of the following 
sentences ;-)

To optimize our effort I think that we should focus the port effort on 
necessary changes (here I mean what is needed to at least compile) first, 
then actual improvments (here I think of clist/ctree to TreeModel/TreeView 
changes to, hopefully, get rid of eg the as famous as nasty "last line 
bug" ;-) ) and , then we should take care of deprecated 
functions/objects/whatever. This way we can port balsa quicker, but still 
benefiting of the good new features. Indeed deprecated functions objects 
are there for that : they will stay to let everybody concentrate on the 
important parts of the port process, then later you can take care of them 
when the port is fairly OK.
Moreover, for the harder parts (I mean here the more complex objects or 
source files) we should perhaps take the time to discuss what they should 
become : ie see what is their actual aims (because after several years of 
fine tweaking, brute force hacking, things can get a bit obscure to 
non-gurus ;-), and then agree on the API needed to achieve these goals. 
Here I think, for example, about balsa-index : it is a bit complex and 
moreover I think that if we port it, let's make it more flexible to allow 
an easy coding of "virtual folder".
Thanks for your attention.

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