Some bugs for balsa 2.0.2CVS


The -r BALSA_2 addition to cvs command (is there a way to actually see 
what branches are there? I have tried the manual....) did the trick and 
I can verify that the things promised are in fact fixed. Life is 
getting better :) Thanx

One of the things that remains is the not-opening-inbox-at-startup 
oddity. Not critical, but if works for others, it has to work for me 
too. I tested and every time it jumps to Trash instead. Could it be 
that this is because I have "empty trash on exit"  option checked? Just 
a hunch.

As you haven't commented on my RFE's, I will go now and file them in 
gnome bugzilla. What shall I do with buggy messages though?


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