Re: [patch] be more liberal in accepting wrongly encoded national chars

Am 2003.02.09 01:34 schrieb(en) Carlos Morgado:
   > On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 09:35:40PM +0100, Albrecht Dreß wrote:
   > > Am 08.02.03 20:11 schrieb(en) Carlos Morgado:
   > > > i may be having a memory lapse here but i think rfc clearly states
   > > > us-ascii unless told otherwise.
   > >

   > it's a balsa source thing, not a libmutt thing :)
   > anyways, you got a vaild point. i guess it deserves a checkbox
   > in preferences :)
Why make balsa even more complicate to underrstand and configure for 
people don't want to know anything 'bout "charset", "encoding" and 
Other mailers can handle such clutter as well!?
A possible solution for me would be to guess the default-charset from the 
locale (it was invented for things like that) and put a small txt telling 
that Balsa presumes it is an "...-Mail".

To complete this put an encoding-chooser in "View" or "Message" and tell 
about this in the small msg as well.


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