Re: [gpg] migrate to new gpgme lib?

Hi Albrecht,

Quoting Albrecht Dreß <>:

> In the past there were some questions about moving to a newer version of 
> the gpgme lib which serves as a "glue" between gpg and balsa. As there 
> were many changes in the API, even between versions 0.4.0 and 0.4.1 (balsa 
> uses 0.3.14 or .15), I preferred to stick with the old one (read: avoid 
> more work... ;-)).
> Now the gpgme team released 0.4.2, and as Marcus Brinkmann (the main 
> developer) told me they are quite confident that the api has now 
> stabilised (apart from bugfixes etc.).
> As gpgme 0.4.2 seems to fix some ugly things, I would like to migrate 
> balsa to the new version. Although it will probalely only change 3 files 
> (the configure script and libbalsa/rfc3156.[hc]), this will require to 
> either install the new gpgme lib or forget signing/encrypting mails.

Is this new version of GPGME library correct problem with compilation and order
of linking : problems with libpthread and libgpgme that we have in the past with
GPGME 0.3.15 ?

If this problem is corrected with GPGME 0.4.x, I think that will a good idea to
switch on a newer version of this library.

If you want, I can help you to adapt your Balsa's code for GPGME 0.4.
I definitely stop my work on GPG support for Balsa 1.4.x with the end of devel
for this branch.

Thx, Foxy.

Laurent Cheylus <> OpenPGP ID 0x5B766EC2

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