Re: HEAD and "persistant passphrase"

Le 02.05.2004 15:42:26, Albrecht Dreß a écrit :
> Am 02.05.04 10:57 schrieb(en) Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh):
>> With 2.0 there is a feature that allows to have a persistant  
>> passwotd via /usr/share/balsa/gpg-cache.
>> I've not found this (handy) feature in HEAD.
> Please see
> for an explanation why it's not available in HEAD and a simple (and  
> safer) workaround. I'm currently preparing a patch for gtk+-2.0  
> support for pinentry 0.7.1, btw, hopefully available later this week.


I've seen the explanation but not understood the workaround.
I've a Debian system and I've not founs any trace of pinentry.
Do I've to install pinentry to have this workaround to work ?

		- Jean-Luc
> Cheers, Albrecht.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Albrecht Dreß  -  Johanna-Kirchner-Straße 13  -  D-53123 Bonn  
> (Germany)
>       Phone (+49) 228 6199571  -
> _________________________________________________________________________

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