Re: New imap problem

Hi Jack:

Am 13.07.18 18:30 schrieb(en) Jack via balsa-list:
OK - one note - I was using TLS, and it has to be IMAPS.  (I noticed the wrong port being used in the 
wireshark captures.)

Side effect of switching to the new imap base layer (libnetclient) which uses the unified security 
configuration model.  Sorry for the confusion…

At least now it shows up in the folder list as expandable, even if I'm not getting any real content yet.  I'm 
also now seeing some imap debug output, when there was none before.

You could run Balsa with debug messages, i. e.

        G_MESSAGES_DEBUG="imap libnetclient" path/to/balsa

and see what happens.

Hope this helps,

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