Re: data as tool or type

Actually I think you are right!

Tbh I think we should move this to a proper unit test setup.

2013/8/11 Abderrahim Kitouni <a kitouni gmail com>:
Hi all,

It's been a long time since anybody touched the buildj code,

I'm trying to write a plugin for anjuta to handle buildj, as part of the
GNOME IDE, so I have looked at the format a little more. I found something
that looked somewhat inconsistent: the data targets.

Currently, you specify the data target with
    tool: data
while it looks to me to be more logical to have
    type: data

(I assumed it was the latter as I was writing the plugin some time ago, and
just noticed it was otherwise)

What do you think? Which is better? and is it ok to change it now?


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