[BuildStream] IRC monthly meeting next Tuesday 18th December

Dear BuildStream passionate lovers,

# Schedule and channel

The monthly IRC meeting takes place next week:
* Date: Tuesday 18th December
* Time: 14:00 UTC
* The monthly BuildStream team meeting is being held on IRC
   * See [0] for your local time.
   * Check the BuildStream calendar for further meetings and event[1].

* The channel is #buildstream-meetings on GIMPNet[2].

* Check previous meeting minutes[3]

# Agenda

Is there anything you want to discuss? Please add it to the agenda below so we discuss it in first place.

The idea of the below points is to go over them fast, ensuring that if there is something already reported 
that you want to go over, there will be a specific time to deal with it.

* Action points from the previous meeting[4]
    * tristan
      *  to add a comment in ticket #442 including a link to the thread were a related topic was discussed 
(toscalix, 14:14:48)
    * cs-shadow 
      * will open a discussion on the mailing list about #644 (toscalix, 14:23:31)
    * laurence
       * laurence to post to the mailing list regarding the code base  expertise list
    * **UNASSIGNED**
  * create a ticket for execution env. reqs and add label blocker
     * create a task to investigate how to add info to news and feature page (website) at the same time, 
related with https://gitlab.com/BuildStream/website/issues/24
* Hot topics:
   * New bugs[5]
   * Requests[6] 
   * Any other hot topic 
      * Report about metrics: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/buildstream-list/2018-December/msg00097.html
      * New 1.4 release schedule: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/buildstream-list/2018-December/msg00039.html
      * Proposal: spreading responsibility and maintainership: 
* WIP: 
   * Features under development[8].
   * Bugs being fixed[9].
   * Any other WIP
      * toscalix: reminder of the open call for testing ideas to be including in the overnight builds: 
* AOB (Any other business)

# Agenda description

* Hot topics: new or very recent topics you want to bring to the meeting to
inform, confirm or discuss with others.
   * It would be way simpler for participants to understand the topic and
provide you a better feedback if you send in advance the link with further

* WIP: Work in progress: this is the time to provide an update of what you are
doing if it is relevant to others beyond the information that is already
available on the ticket/bug/merge request. It is also the time to ask a
question or discuss any topic related with work currently in progress.

* AOB: any other topic you want to raise.
   * The time for AOB varies depending on the rest of the topics so if you
already have one, please send to the list so we add it to the agenda, ensuring
some time for it.

[0] http://time.unitarium.com/utc/14
[2] IRC: irc.gnome.org:6667/#buildstream-meetings
[3] https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/BuildStream/Monthly-Meeting
[4] https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/BuildStream/Monthly-Meeting/20180918
[5] https://gitlab.com/BuildStream/buildstream/boards/580472?milestone_title=No+Milestone&=&label_name[]=Bug
[7] https://gitlab.com/BuildStream/buildstream/boards/688208?&label_name[]=Blocker
[8] https://gitlab.com/BuildStream/buildstream/boards/580459?milestone_title=BuildStream_v1.4&;

Best Regards
Agustín Benito Bethencourt
Principal Consultant
Codethink Ltd
We respect your privacy.   See https://www.codethink.co.uk/privacy.html

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