Re: Suggestions for Cheese Tour

hey josh!

On Di, 2008-02-12 at 23:17 +1100, Joshua Henderson wrote:
> Hi Everone,
> Currently I am working on a "tour" for cheese, which will, hopefully
> just be a single webpage with a few screenshots and some text, that
> has a very nice layout, that will introduce new users to cheese, and
> convince them to install it.
> I am currently looking for suggestions of "headings" that I can use on
> the page. If you are unsure of what I mean, something like "Easily
> share photos with your friends", or "Add amazing effects to any photo"
> and then explain that particular function with a small screenshot (not
> of the whole application, just apart of it, maybe for the effects one,
> just one effects icon). I am hoping for up to 5 titles to show a new
> user all the main features of Cheese.
> Any discussion and suggestions would be great!

it would be easier if you just show what you have right now and we go
from there? i think you did great work on your ghop project, but not all
readers here may know that. so please just post what you have right now
and we go from there?

thanks for your work!


> Thanks, Josh.
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