[libsoup] Created tag LIBSOUP_2_37_1

The unsigned tag 'LIBSOUP_2_37_1' was created.

Tagger: Dan Winship <danw gnome org>
Date: Tue Oct 25 09:18:29 2011 -0400


Changes since the last tag 'LIBSOUP_2_36_0':

Dan Winship (18):
      post-branch version bump to 2.37.0
      Update for GStaticMutex deprecation in glib master
      SoupSession: make pause/unpause work in any state
      redirect-test: add a test for accidental connection sharing
      Use GTlsDatabase, add new SoupSession properties for it
      libsoup.supp: belatedly commit some fixes
      Add SoupServer:tls-certificate to go with SoupSession:tlsdb
      SoupSession: fix some SSL problems
      Fix SoupMessage https status information to be set more reliably
      tests: make "./tests/foo" work from the toplevel dir
      oops, I apparently didn't run "make check" after the tls changes...
      configure: turn some warnings into errors
      SoupRequestHTTP: don't cast GFileInputStreams to SoupHTTPInputStream
      SoupHTTPInputStream: remove GSeekable support
      SoupRequest*, SoupHTTPInputStream: misc cleanups
      SoupRequestHTTP: reorganize the async code a bit

Sergio Villar Senin (2):
      SoupSession: set the connection to IDLE on unqueuing SoupMessages
      soup-http-input-stream: use a list of SoupBuffers instead a custom buffer

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