[gcompris] [l10n] Update Japanese translation

commit f2fbd92e33d1338327124d667b979dc7ab4d62f2
Author: Jiro Matsuzawa <jmatsuzawa gnome org>
Date:   Fri Aug 10 23:12:11 2012 +0900

    [l10n] Update Japanese translation
    Merge latest pot

 po/ja.po | 4990 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 1949 insertions(+), 3041 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
index 5b89044..bc5d8a0 100644
--- a/po/ja.po
+++ b/po/ja.po
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: GCompris 8.1\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-11 13:15+0000\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gcompris&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-03 12:47+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-12 22:28+0900\n"
 "Last-Translator: OKANO Takayoshi <kano na rim or jp>\n"
 "Language-Team: Japanese <translation gnome gr jp>\n"
+"Language: ja\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Go to Algebra activities"
 msgstr "äæåããããã"
-#: ../boards/algebra_group.xml.in.h:2 ../boards/menu.xml.in.h:22
+#: ../boards/algebra_group.xml.in.h:2 ../boards/menu.xml.in.h:2
 #: ../boards/money_group.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Left-click the mouse on an activity to select it."
 msgstr "ããããéæãããããããããããåãããããããããããããã."
@@ -40,28 +40,26 @@ msgid "Discover the Braille system"
 msgstr "ããããããã"
 #: ../boards/braille.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"The Braille system is a method that is widely used by blind people to read "
-"and write, and was the first digital form of writing."
+msgid "The Braille system is a method that is widely used by blind people to read and write, and was the first digital form of writing."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../boards/chess.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess_computer.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Play chess against the computer in a learning mode"
-msgstr "åçãããããããããããããããããåæãããã."
-#: ../boards/chess.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Practice chess"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../boards/colors_group.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Colors based activities."
-msgstr "èããããããããã."
+#: ../boards/chess.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess_computer.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Play chess against the computer in a learning mode"
+msgstr "åçãããããããããããããããããåæãããã."
-#: ../boards/colors_group.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../boards/colors_group.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Go to Color activities"
 msgstr "èããããã"
+#: ../boards/colors_group.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Colors based activities."
+msgstr "èããããããããã."
 #: ../boards/computer.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Discover the Computer"
 msgstr "ããããããã"
@@ -71,13 +69,13 @@ msgid "Play with computer peripherals."
 msgstr "ããããããããåèèçãéãã."
 #: ../boards/discovery.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Colors, sounds, memory..."
-msgstr "èãéãèæå..."
-#: ../boards/discovery.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Go to discovery activities"
 msgstr "åæããããã"
+#: ../boards/discovery.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Colors, sounds, memory..."
+msgstr "èãéãèæå..."
 #: ../boards/experience.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Go to experiential activities"
 msgstr "çéãããããããããã"
@@ -119,29 +117,29 @@ msgid "Number Munchers are games to play with arithmetic."
 msgstr "ãããããããããããéãããããã"
 #: ../boards/keyboard.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Discover the keyboard."
-msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../boards/keyboard.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Keyboard-manipulation boards"
 msgstr "äæããããããæä"
-#: ../boards/math.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Mathematical activities."
-msgstr "æççãããã"
+#: ../boards/keyboard.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Discover the keyboard."
+msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../boards/math.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../boards/math.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Mathematics"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../boards/mazeMenu.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Find your way out of different types of mazes"
-msgstr "éãååãèèãååãèãããããã"
+#: ../boards/math.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Mathematical activities."
+msgstr "æççãããã"
-#: ../boards/mazeMenu.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../boards/mazeMenu.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Go to Maze activities"
 msgstr "èèããããã"
+#: ../boards/mazeMenu.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Find your way out of different types of mazes"
+msgstr "éãååãèèãååãèãããããã"
 #: ../boards/memory_group.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Go to Memory activities"
 msgstr "èæåããããã"
@@ -165,14 +163,26 @@ msgid "Go to mathematics memory activities"
 msgstr "#: ../boards/memory_op_group.xml.in.h:1"
 #: ../boards/menu.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "GCompris Main Menu"
+msgstr "GCompris ããããããã"
+#: ../boards/menu.xml.in.h:3 ../src/boards/menu2.c:886
+msgid "GCompris is a collection of educational games that provides different activities for children aged 2 and up."
+msgstr "GCompris ããæããæåã2æääãåãããæäããæèçããããããããããããã."
+#: ../boards/menu.xml.in.h:4
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The goal of gcompris is to provide a free alternative to popular proprietary edutainment software"
+msgid "The goal of GCompris is to provide a free alternative to popular proprietary edutainment software"
+msgstr "GComprisãçæããåèåãããããããããããããããããæææãçæãäæææãæäãããããã."
+#: ../boards/menu.xml.in.h:5
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid ""
-#| "A simple click on an icon brings you to an activity or a menu of "
-#| "activities.\n"
+#| "A simple click on an icon brings you to an activity or a menu of activities.\n"
 #| "At the bottom of the screen is the gcompris control bar.\n"
 #| "The following icons are displayed from right to left.\n"
-#| "(note that each icon is displayed only if available in the current "
-#| "activity)\n"
+#| "(note that each icon is displayed only if available in the current activity)\n"
 #| "    Home - Back to previous menu or exit gcompris if at the top\n"
 #| "    Thumb - OK. Confirm your answer\n"
 #| "    Dice - Display the current level. Click to select another level\n"
@@ -184,12 +194,10 @@ msgstr "#: ../boards/memory_op_group.xml.in.h:1"
 #| "    1, 2 or 3 simple stars  - from 2 to 6 years old\n"
 #| "    1, 2 or 3 complex stars - 7 years and up"
 msgid ""
-"A simple click on an icon brings you to an activity or a menu of "
+"A simple click on an icon brings you to an activity or a menu of activities.\n"
 "At the bottom of the screen is the GCompris control bar.\n"
 "The following icons are displayed from right to left.\n"
-"(note that each icon is displayed only if available in the current "
+"(note that each icon is displayed only if available in the current activity)\n"
 "    Home - Exit an activity, go back to menu (ctrl-w and escape key)\n"
 "    Thumb - OK. Confirm your answer\n"
 "    Arrows - Display the current level. Click to select another level\n"
@@ -209,13 +217,10 @@ msgstr ""
-"    ãå - åããããããæãããããçéãæãgcomprisãçäçèãçéããã"
+"    ãå - åããããããæãããããçéãæãgcomprisãçäçèãçéããããã.\n"
 "    èæ - OK. ãããããããçããçèãããããã.\n"
-"    ãããã - çåãããããèçããã.äãããããéãæããããããããã"
+"    ãããã - çåãããããèçããã.äãããããéãæããããããããããããããããããã.\n"
 "    éç - ããäååéãçãèããã.\n"
 "    ãããããã - ããã\n"
 "    åå - çåèåãããã\n"
@@ -224,30 +229,6 @@ msgstr ""
 "    1, 2 ããã 3 åçãæ  - 2æãã6æ\n"
 "    1, 2 ããã 3 èéãæ  - 7æããããää "
-#: ../boards/menu.xml.in.h:20
-msgid "GCompris Main Menu"
-msgstr "GCompris ããããããã"
-#: ../boards/menu.xml.in.h:21 ../src/boards/menu2.c:886
-msgid ""
-"GCompris is a collection of educational games that provides different "
-"activities for children aged 2 and up."
-msgstr ""
-"GCompris ããæããæåã2æääãåãããæäããæèçãããããããããã"
-#: ../boards/menu.xml.in.h:23
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "The goal of gcompris is to provide a free alternative to popular "
-#| "proprietary edutainment software"
-msgid ""
-"The goal of GCompris is to provide a free alternative to popular proprietary "
-"edutainment software"
-msgstr ""
 #: ../boards/miscelaneous.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Miscellaneous activities"
 msgstr "åæéããããããã"
@@ -311,91 +292,84 @@ msgid "Strategy games like chess, connect4, ..."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../gcompris.desktop.in.h:1
-msgid "Educational game for ages 2 to 10"
+msgid "Educational suite GCompris"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../gcompris.desktop.in.h:2
-msgid "Educational suite GCompris"
+msgid "Multi-activity educational game"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../gcompris.desktop.in.h:3
-msgid "Multi-activity educational game"
+msgid "Educational game for ages 2 to 10"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../gcompris-edit.desktop.in.h:1
-msgid "Administration for gcompris"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../gcompris-edit.desktop.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "GCompris Administration Menu"
 msgid "GCompris Administration"
 msgstr "GCompris ççãããã"
-#: ../nsis_translations.desktop.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"An instance of GCompris is currently running. Exit GCompris and then try "
+#: ../gcompris-edit.desktop.in.h:2
+msgid "Administration for gcompris"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../nsis_translations.desktop.in.h:2
+#: ../nsis_translations.desktop.in.h:1
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "The race is already being run"
 msgid "The installer is already running."
 msgstr "ããããéåããããã."
+#: ../nsis_translations.desktop.in.h:2
+msgid "An instance of GCompris is currently running. Exit GCompris and then try again."
+msgstr ""
 #: ../nsis_translations.desktop.in.h:3
 msgid "Visit the GCompris Web Site"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../nsis_translations.desktop.in.h:4
-msgid "You do not have permission to uninstall this application."
+msgid "Your old GCompris directory is about to be deleted. Would you like to continue?$\\r$\\rNote: Any non-standard plugins that you may have installed will be deleted.$\\rGCompris user settings will not be affected."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../nsis_translations.desktop.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"Your old GCompris directory is about to be deleted. Would you like to "
-"continue?$\\r$\\rNote: Any non-standard plugins that you may have installed "
-"will be deleted.$\\rGCompris user settings will not be affected."
+msgid "the uninstaller could not find registry entries for GCompris.$\\rIt is likely that another user installed this application."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../nsis_translations.desktop.in.h:6
-msgid ""
-"the uninstaller could not find registry entries for GCompris.$\\rIt is "
-"likely that another user installed this application."
+msgid "You do not have permission to uninstall this application."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:88
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:86
 msgid "Select a profile:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:145
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:147
 msgid "Filter"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:150
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:152
 msgid "Select all"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:155
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:157
 msgid "Unselect all"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:160
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:162
 msgid "Locales"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:165
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:167
 msgid "Locales sound"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:170
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:172
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/group_user_list.py:140
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/user_list.py:181
 msgid "Login"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:242
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:244
 msgid "Main menu"
 msgstr ""
@@ -404,35 +378,35 @@ msgstr ""
 #. image = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
 #. image.show()
 #. column_pref.set_widget(image)
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:308
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:310
 msgid "Active"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:309
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:311
 msgid "Board title"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:422
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:424
 #, python-format
 msgid "Filter Boards difficulty for profile %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:453
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:455
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "<span size='x-large'> Select the difficulty range \n"
 "for profile <b>%s</b></span>"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:642
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:654
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:645
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:657
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/wordlist.py:45
 msgid ""
 "<b>{config}</b> configuration\n"
 " for profile <b>{profile}</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:660
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/board_list.py:663
 #: ../src/pythontest-activity/pythontest.py:511
 #: ../src/smallnumbers-activity/smallnumbers.c:618
 msgid "Select sound locale"
@@ -487,8 +461,8 @@ msgid "There is already a class with this name"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/class_list.py:165
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_edit.py:263
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_group_list.py:140
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_widget.py:180
 msgid "Class"
 msgstr ""
@@ -519,7 +493,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #. FIXME: How to remove the selection
 #. Label and Entry for the first name
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/group_edit.py:98
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_edit.py:95
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_edit.py:76
 msgid "Description:"
 msgstr ""
@@ -541,15 +515,15 @@ msgid "Select a class:"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/group_list.py:210
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_edit.py:273
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_group_list.py:150
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_widget.py:190
 msgid "Group"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/group_list.py:221
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_edit.py:283
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_group_list.py:160
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_list.py:194
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_widget.py:200
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr ""
@@ -563,65 +537,30 @@ msgid "Birth Date"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/administration-activity/administration.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"- In the 'Boards' section you can change the list of activities. Just "
-"untoggle them in the treeview. You can change the language used for reading, "
-"for example, then the language used for saying the names of colors.\n"
-"- You can save multiple configurations, and switch between them easily. In "
-"the 'Profile' section add a profile, then in the 'Board' section select the "
-"profile in the combobox, then select the boards you want to be active. You "
-"can add multiple profiles, with different lists of boards, and different "
-"languages. You set the default profile in the 'Profile' section, by choosing "
-"the profile you want, then clicking on the 'Default' button. You can also "
-"choose a profile from the command line.\n"
-"- You can add users, classes and for each class, you can create groups of "
-"users. Note that you can import users from a comma-separated file. Assign "
-"one or more groups to a profile, after which those new logins will appear "
-"after restarting GCompris. Being able to identify individual children in "
-"GCompris means we can provide individual reports. It also recognizes the "
-"children as individuals; they can learn to type in and recognize their own "
-"usernames (login is configurable)."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/administration.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "GCompris Administration Menu"
 msgstr "GCompris ççãããã"
-#: ../src/administration-activity/administration.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"If you want to fine tune GCompris to your needs, you can use the "
-"administration module here. The ultimate goal is to provide child-specific "
-"reporting for parents and teacher who want to monitor the progress, "
-"strengths and needs of their children."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/administration.xml.in.h:6
+#: ../src/administration-activity/administration.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Left-Click with the mouse to select an activity"
 msgstr "ããããéæããããããããããåãããããããããã."
+#: ../src/administration-activity/administration.xml.in.h:3
+msgid "If you want to fine tune GCompris to your needs, you can use the administration module here. The ultimate goal is to provide child-specific reporting for parents and teacher who want to monitor the progress, strengths and needs of their children."
+msgstr "ãGComprisãããããããããããæãããççããããããäçããã.ããæèãççããåãããããéæãåããåèãããããããããããããããäèãæåããåãããèçãååãæäãããããã."
+#: ../src/administration-activity/administration.xml.in.h:4
+msgid ""
+"- In the 'Boards' section you can change the list of activities. Just untoggle them in the treeview. You can change the language used for reading, for example, then the language used for saying the names of colors.\n"
+"- You can save multiple configurations, and switch between them easily. In the 'Profile' section add a profile, then in the 'Board' section select the profile in the combobox, then select the boards you want to be active. You can add multiple profiles, with different lists of boards, and different languages. You set the default profile in the 'Profile' section, by choosing the profile you want, then clicking on the 'Default' button. You can also choose a profile from the command line.\n"
+"- You can add users, classes and for each class, you can create groups of users. Note that you can import users from a comma-separated file. Assign one or more groups to a profile, after which those new logins will appear after restarting GCompris. Being able to identify individual children in GCompris means we can provide individual reports. It also recognizes the children as individuals; they can learn to type in and recognize their own usernames (login is configurable)."
+msgstr ""
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/log_list.py:91
 msgid "Select a user:"
 msgstr ""
@@ -632,9 +571,9 @@ msgid "All users"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/log_list.py:108
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/log_list.py:295
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/log_list.py:298
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_list.py:117
-#: ../src/lang-activity/lang.py:163
+#: ../src/lang-activity/lang.py:166
 msgid "Default"
 msgstr "ããããã"
@@ -643,44 +582,51 @@ msgstr "ããããã"
 msgid "Reset"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/log_list.py:216
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/log_list.py:219
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "grater"
 msgid "Date"
 msgstr "ãããé"
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/log_list.py:226
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/log_list.py:229
 msgid "User"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/log_list.py:236
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/log_list.py:239
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "forward"
 msgid "Board"
 msgstr "ãã"
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/log_list.py:246
-#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:1248
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/log_list.py:249
+#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:1249
 #: ../src/redraw-activity/redraw.py:339
 msgid "Level"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/log_list.py:256
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/log_list.py:259
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Level"
 msgid "Sublevel"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/log_list.py:266
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/log_list.py:269
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Numeration"
 msgid "Duration"
 msgstr "èç"
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/log_list.py:276
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/log_list.py:279
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr ""
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/module_activities.py:50
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/module_activities.py:78
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Reading activities."
+msgid "Activities"
+msgstr "èèåããã"
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/module_boards.py:49
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/module_boards.py:77
 msgid "Boards"
@@ -691,6 +637,13 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Groups"
 msgstr ""
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/module_logins.py:48
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/module_logins.py:69
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Login:"
+msgid "Logins"
+msgstr "ãããã:"
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/module_profiles.py:47
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/module_profiles.py:68
 msgid "Profiles"
@@ -712,35 +665,30 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Classes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_edit.py:56
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_edit.py:37
 msgid "Editing a Profile"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_edit.py:61
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_edit.py:42
 msgid "Editing profile: "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_edit.py:64
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_edit.py:45
 msgid "Editing a new profile"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_edit.py:83
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_edit.py:64
 msgid "Profile:"
 msgstr ""
 #. Top message gives instructions
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_edit.py:106
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_edit.py:87
 msgid "Assign all the groups belonging to this profile"
 msgstr "ãããããããããåããããåãããããããåãåãããããã."
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_edit.py:371
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_edit.py:130
 msgid "You need to provide at least a name for your profile"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_edit.py:393
-msgid "There is already a profile with this name"
-msgstr "ããååãããããããããããååããã."
+msgstr "ãããããåããããååããããããããããããæäããåèããããã."
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_list.py:184
 msgid "Profile"
@@ -750,6 +698,10 @@ msgstr "ãããããã"
 msgid "[Default]"
 msgstr "[ããããã]"
+#: ../src/administration-activity/admin/profile_widget.py:291
+msgid "There is already a profile with this name"
+msgstr "ããååãããããããããããååããã."
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/user_edit.py:47
 msgid "Editing a User"
 msgstr "ãããããçé"
@@ -783,11 +735,8 @@ msgid "Birth date:"
 msgstr "èçæ:"
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/user_edit.py:153
-msgid ""
-"You need to provide at least a login, first name and last name for your users"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "You need to provide at least a login, first name and last name for your users"
+msgstr "ããããåãããããããããååãååããããããããããæäããåèããããã."
 #: ../src/administration-activity/admin/user_edit.py:170
 msgid "There is already a user with this login"
@@ -800,10 +749,8 @@ msgid ""
 "login;First name;Last name;Date of birth\n"
 "The separator is autodetected and can be one of ',', ';' or ':'"
 msgstr ""
@@ -821,319 +768,312 @@ msgid "Advanced colors"
 msgstr "èæãããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/advanced_colors.xml.in.h:2
-msgid "Can read"
-msgstr "æåãèãããã."
-#: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/advanced_colors.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Click on the correct color"
 msgstr "æããèããããããããããã"
-#: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/advanced_colors.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Click on the correct colored box."
-msgstr "æããèãçãéããããããããããããã"
+#: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/advanced_colors.xml.in.h:3
+msgid "Can read"
+msgstr "æåãèãããã."
-#: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/advanced_colors.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/advanced_colors.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Learn to recognize unusual colors."
 msgstr "èæãããèãåããããã"
+#: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/advanced_colors.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "Click on the correct colored box."
+msgstr "æããèãçãéããããããããããããã"
 #. Translator: Do not translate {text}.
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:2
 msgid "Find the {text} butterfly"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:3
-msgid "absinthe"
-msgstr "ãããè"
+msgid "coral"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:4
-msgid "alabaster"
-msgstr "ãããããããè"
+msgid "claret"
+msgstr "ããããããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:5
-msgid "almond"
-msgstr "ããããã"
+msgid "sienna"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:6
-msgid "amber"
-msgstr "ãããè"
+msgid "corn"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:7
-msgid "amethyst"
-msgstr "ããããã"
+msgid "cobalt"
+msgstr "ãããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:8
-msgid "anise"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgid "cyan"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:9
-msgid "aquamarine"
-msgstr "ãããããã"
+msgid "chestnut"
+msgstr "ããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:10
-msgid "aubergine"
-msgstr "ããçè"
+msgid "almond"
+msgstr "ããããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:11
-msgid "auburn"
-msgstr "ããè"
+msgid "ruby"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:12
-msgid "azure"
-msgstr "ããããããè"
+msgid "sapphire"
+msgstr "ããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:13
-msgid "bistre"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgid "sage"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:14
-msgid "celadon"
-msgstr "éçè"
+msgid "salmon"
+msgstr "ãããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:15
-msgid "cerulean"
-msgstr "æéè"
+msgid "sepia"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:16
-msgid "ceruse"
-msgstr "ãããããè"
+msgid "sulphur"
+msgstr "ãããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:17
-msgid "chartreuse"
-msgstr "éãããè"
+msgid "tea"
+msgstr "ããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:18
-msgid "chestnut"
-msgstr "ããè"
+msgid "lime"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:19
-msgid "claret"
-msgstr "ããããããè"
+msgid "turquoise"
+msgstr "ãããããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:20
-msgid "cobalt"
-msgstr "ãããã"
+msgid "absinthe"
+msgstr "ãããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:21
-msgid "coral"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgid "mahogany"
+msgstr "ããããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:22
-msgid "corn"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgid "aquamarine"
+msgstr "ãããããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:23
-msgid "crimson"
-msgstr "æçè"
+msgid "alabaster"
+msgstr "ãããããããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:24
-msgid "cyan"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgid "amber"
+msgstr "ãããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:25
-msgid "dark purple"
-msgstr "æãããããè"
+msgid "amethyst"
+msgstr "ããããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:26
-msgid "dove"
-msgstr "ããè"
+msgid "anise"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:27
-msgid "emerald"
-msgstr "ããããã"
+msgid "vermilion"
+msgstr "ããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:28
-msgid "fawn"
-msgstr "æãéèè"
+msgid "ceruse"
+msgstr "ãããããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:29
-msgid "fuchsia"
-msgstr "æããççè"
+msgid "fawn"
+msgstr "æãéèè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:30
-msgid "garnet"
-msgstr "ããããã"
+msgid "chartreuse"
+msgstr "éãããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:31
-msgid "glaucous"
-msgstr "æãéçè"
+msgid "emerald"
+msgstr "ããããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:32
-msgid "greyish blue"
-msgstr "ãããèããããéè"
+msgid "aubergine"
+msgstr "ããçè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:33
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "greyish-brown"
-msgid "greyish brown"
-msgstr "ãããèããããããè"
+msgid "fuchsia"
+msgstr "æããççè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:34
-msgid "indigo"
-msgstr "ããããã"
+msgid "glaucous"
+msgstr "æãéçè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:35
-msgid "ivory"
-msgstr "ããããã"
+msgid "auburn"
+msgstr "ããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:36
-msgid "jade"
-msgstr "ãããè"
+msgid "azure"
+msgstr "ããããããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:37
-msgid "larch"
-msgstr "ããããè"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "greyish-brown"
+msgid "greyish brown"
+msgstr "ãããèããããããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:38
-msgid "lavender"
-msgstr "ããè"
+msgid "bistre"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:39
-msgid "lichen"
-msgstr "åèè"
+msgid "crimson"
+msgstr "æçè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:40
-msgid "lilac"
-msgstr "ããããã"
+msgid "celadon"
+msgstr "éçè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:41
-msgid "lime"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgid "cerulean"
+msgstr "æéè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:42
-msgid "magenta"
-msgstr "ãããã"
+msgid "dove"
+msgstr "ããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:43
-msgid "mahogany"
-msgstr "ããããã"
+msgid "garnet"
+msgstr "ããããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:44
-msgid "malachite"
-msgstr "ããããããããã"
+msgid "indigo"
+msgstr "ããããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:45
-msgid "mauve"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgid "ivory"
+msgstr "ããããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:46
-msgid "mimosa"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgid "jade"
+msgstr "ãããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:47
-msgid "navy"
-msgstr "ããããããã"
+msgid "lavender"
+msgstr "ããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:48
-msgid "ochre"
-msgstr "ãããã"
+msgid "lichen"
+msgstr "åèè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:49
-msgid "olive"
-msgstr "ãããã"
+msgid "wine"
+msgstr "ãããããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:50
-msgid "opaline"
-msgstr "äçè"
+msgid "lilac"
+msgstr "ããããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:51
-msgid "pistachio"
-msgstr "ããããã"
+msgid "magenta"
+msgstr "ãããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:52
-msgid "platinum"
-msgstr "ãããã"
+msgid "malachite"
+msgstr "ããããããããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:53
-msgid "plum"
-msgstr "ãããè"
+msgid "navy"
+msgstr "ããããããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:54
-msgid "prussian blue"
-msgstr "çéè"
+msgid "larch"
+msgstr "ããããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:55
-#: ../src/colors-activity/resources/colors/activity.desktop.in.h:9
-msgid "purple"
-msgstr "ããããè"
+msgid "mimosa"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:56
-msgid "ruby"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgid "ochre"
+msgstr "ãããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:57
-msgid "rust"
-msgstr "èèè"
+msgid "olive"
+msgstr "ãããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:58
-msgid "saffron"
-msgstr "ãããã"
+msgid "opaline"
+msgstr "äçè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:59
-msgid "sage"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgid "ultramarine"
+msgstr "ããããããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:60
-msgid "salmon"
-msgstr "ãããã"
+msgid "mauve"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:61
-msgid "sapphire"
-msgstr "ããè"
+msgid "greyish blue"
+msgstr "ãããèããããéè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:62
-msgid "sepia"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgid "pistachio"
+msgstr "ããããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:63
-msgid "sienna"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgid "platinum"
+msgstr "ãããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:64
-msgid "sulphur"
-msgstr "ãããè"
+#: ../src/colors-activity/resources/colors/activity.desktop.in.h:12
+msgid "purple"
+msgstr "ããããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:65
-msgid "tea"
-msgstr "ããè"
+msgid "plum"
+msgstr "ãããè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:66
-msgid "turquoise"
-msgstr "ãããããè"
+msgid "prussian blue"
+msgstr "çéè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:67
-msgid "ultramarine"
-msgstr "ããããããã"
+msgid "rust"
+msgstr "èèè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:68
-msgid "vanilla"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgid "saffron"
+msgstr "ãããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:69
-msgid "verdigris"
-msgstr "çéè"
+msgid "vanilla"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:70
-msgid "vermilion"
-msgstr "ããè"
-#: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:71
 msgid "veronese"
 msgstr "ãããã"
+#: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:71
+msgid "verdigris"
+msgstr "çéè"
 #: ../src/advanced_colors-activity/resources/advanced_colors/activity.desktop.in.h:72
-msgid "wine"
-msgstr "ãããããã"
+msgid "dark purple"
+msgstr "æãããããè"
 #: ../src/algebra_by-activity/algebra_by.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"A multiplication of two numbers is displayed. At the right of the equals "
-"sign, give the answer, the product. Use the left and right arrows to modify "
-"your answer and press the Enter key to check if you've got it right. If not, "
-"just try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Practice the multiplication operation"
+msgstr "ããçãæçãççããããã."
 #: ../src/algebra_by-activity/algebra_by.xml.in.h:2
 #: ../src/algebra_minus-activity/algebra_minus.xml.in.h:2
@@ -1142,16 +1082,16 @@ msgid "Answer some algebra questions"
 msgstr "äæåãèåãçãããããã."
 #: ../src/algebra_by-activity/algebra_by.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "In a limited time, give the product of two numbers"
-msgstr "åéæéåãã2ããæåãçãçãããããã."
-#: ../src/algebra_by-activity/algebra_by.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Multiplication table"
 msgstr "ããçääãè"
+#: ../src/algebra_by-activity/algebra_by.xml.in.h:4
+msgid "In a limited time, give the product of two numbers"
+msgstr "åéæéåãã2ããæåãçãçãããããã."
 #: ../src/algebra_by-activity/algebra_by.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "Practice the multiplication operation"
-msgstr "ããçãæçãççããããã."
+msgid "A multiplication of two numbers is displayed. At the right of the equals sign, give the answer, the product. Use the left and right arrows to modify your answer and press the Enter key to check if you've got it right. If not, just try again."
+msgstr "2ããæåãããçãèçãããã.ãããããååãçããããçãçããåãåãçåãäãããçããäæãããçããæãããçãããããããããããããæããããã!ééããããååããããäåããããããããããï"
 #. TRANSLATORS: Put here the mathematical operators '+-x/' for  your language.
 #: ../src/algebra_by-activity/algebra.c:186
@@ -1165,118 +1105,84 @@ msgid "I am Ready"
 msgstr "æååäãã."
 #: ../src/algebra_guesscount-activity/algebra_guesscount.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/erase_2clic-activity/erase_2clic.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/erase_clic-activity/erase_clic.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Animal pictures come from the Animal Photography Page of Ralf Schmode "
-"(http://schmode.net/). Ralf has kindly permitted Gcompris to include his "
-"pictures. Thanks a lot, Ralf."
-msgstr ""
-"åçãçåã'Ralf Schmode'ãåçåçããã(http://schmode.net/)ããååããã"
+msgid "Find the series of correct operations that matches the given answer"
+msgstr "äããããçããåããæããæäãèããããããï"
 #: ../src/algebra_guesscount-activity/algebra_guesscount.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"At the top of the board area, choose the numbers and arithmetic operators "
-"that give the specified result. You can deselect a number or operator by "
-"clicking on it again."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Work out the right combination of numbers and operations to match the given value"
+msgstr "æçãããåãåãæãæçãæããçåãããèããããããã."
 #: ../src/algebra_guesscount-activity/algebra_guesscount.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"Deploy a strategy to arrange a set of arithmetic operations to match a given "
-msgstr "äããããåãåãååæçãäããéçãããããã."
+msgid "The four arithmetic operations. Combine several arithmetic operations."
+msgstr "4ããååæç.ããããããååæçãçåãããããã."
 #: ../src/algebra_guesscount-activity/algebra_guesscount.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Find the series of correct operations that matches the given answer"
-msgstr "äããããçããåããæããæäãèããããããï"
+msgid "Deploy a strategy to arrange a set of arithmetic operations to match a given value."
+msgstr "äããããåãåãååæçãäããéçãããããã."
 #: ../src/algebra_guesscount-activity/algebra_guesscount.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "The four arithmetic operations. Combine several arithmetic operations."
-msgstr "4ããååæç.ããããããååæçãçåãããããã."
+msgid "At the top of the board area, choose the numbers and arithmetic operators that give the specified result. You can deselect a number or operator by clicking on it again."
+msgstr "ãããããããçéããæåãããçããããæãçèæçåãéãããããã.ããäåãããããããããããããããããæãããæçåãéæãããããããããã."
 #: ../src/algebra_guesscount-activity/algebra_guesscount.xml.in.h:6
-msgid ""
-"Work out the right combination of numbers and operations to match the given "
-msgstr "æçãããåãåãæãæçãæããçåãããèããããããã."
+#: ../src/erase_2clic-activity/erase_2clic.xml.in.h:6
+#: ../src/erase_clic-activity/erase_clic.xml.in.h:6
+msgid "Animal pictures come from the Animal Photography Page of Ralf Schmode (http://schmode.net/). Ralf has kindly permitted Gcompris to include his pictures. Thanks a lot, Ralf."
+msgstr "åçãçåã'Ralf Schmode'ãåçåçããã(http://schmode.net/)ããååããããã.RalfãGComprisãåçãäããããèåãèåããããããã.Ralfãååæèããã."
 #: ../src/algebra_minus-activity/algebra_minus.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"A subtraction problem with two numbers is displayed. At the right of the "
-"equals sign, give the answer, the difference. Use the left and right arrows "
-"to modify your answer and press the Enter key to check if you've got it "
-"right. If not, just try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Practice the subtraction operation"
+msgstr "ããçãæçãççããããã"
 #: ../src/algebra_minus-activity/algebra_minus.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "In a limited time, find the difference between two numbers"
-msgstr "åéæéåãã2ããæåãåãèäããããã."
+msgid "Simple subtraction"
+msgstr "çåãããç"
 #: ../src/algebra_minus-activity/algebra_minus.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Practice the subtraction operation"
-msgstr "ããçãæçãççããããã"
+msgid "In a limited time, find the difference between two numbers"
+msgstr "åéæéåãã2ããæåãåãèäããããã."
 #: ../src/algebra_minus-activity/algebra_minus.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "Simple subtraction"
-msgstr "çåãããç"
+msgid "A subtraction problem with two numbers is displayed. At the right of the equals sign, give the answer, the difference. Use the left and right arrows to modify your answer and press the Enter key to check if you've got it right. If not, just try again."
+msgstr "2ããæåãåãçãåéãèçãããã.çåãååãçããããåãäãããããã.çããäæããããããååãçåãäãããããã.ãããçããæããããããçããããããããããããæãããããã.ééããããååããããäåããããããããããï"
 #: ../src/algebra_plus-activity/algebra_plus.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"An addition problem with two numbers is displayed. At the right of the "
-"equals sign, give the answer, the sum. Use the left and right arrows to "
-"modify your answer and press the Enter key to check if you've got it right. "
-"If not, just try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Practice the addition operation"
+msgstr "ããçãæçãããããã"
 #: ../src/algebra_plus-activity/algebra_plus.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"In a limited time, find the sum of of two numbers. Introduction to simple in-"
-"line addition."
-msgstr "åéæéåãã2ããæãåèãèãããããã.çåãäåãããç."
+msgid "Simple addition. Can recognize written numbers"
+msgstr "çåãããç.æãããæåãèèãããããããã."
 #: ../src/algebra_plus-activity/algebra_plus.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Practice the addition operation"
-msgstr "ããçãæçãããããã"
+msgid "In a limited time, find the sum of of two numbers. Introduction to simple in-line addition."
+msgstr "åéæéåãã2ããæãåèãèãããããã.çåãäåãããç."
 #: ../src/algebra_plus-activity/algebra_plus.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "Simple addition. Can recognize written numbers"
-msgstr "çåãããç.æãããæåãèèãããããããã."
+msgid "An addition problem with two numbers is displayed. At the right of the equals sign, give the answer, the sum. Use the left and right arrows to modify your answer and press the Enter key to check if you've got it right. If not, just try again."
+msgstr "2ããæãèãçåéãèçãããã.çåãååãçããããåèãäãããããã.çããäæããããããååãçåãäãããããã.ãããçããæããããããçããããããããããããæãããããã.ééããããããããäåãããããããããã!"
 #: ../src/algorithm-activity/algorithm.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Complete a list of symbols"
-msgstr "ãããã(ãã)ãããããåæãããã"
+msgid "algorithm"
+msgstr "ãããããã"
 #: ../src/algorithm-activity/algorithm.xml.in.h:2
-msgid "Find the next symbol in a list."
-msgstr "ãããããäãããæãçããããã(ãã)ãèãããããã."
+msgid "Complete a list of symbols"
+msgstr "ãããã(ãã)ãããããåæãããã"
 #: ../src/algorithm-activity/algorithm.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Logic training activity"
-msgstr "èçåèçãããã"
-#: ../src/algorithm-activity/algorithm.xml.in.h:4
 #: ../src/hexagon-activity/hexagon.xml.in.h:3
-#: ../src/melody-activity/melody.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/melody-activity/melody.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Move and click the mouse"
 msgstr "ããããåãããããããããããããã"
+#: ../src/algorithm-activity/algorithm.xml.in.h:4
+msgid "Logic training activity"
+msgstr "èçåèçãããã"
 #: ../src/algorithm-activity/algorithm.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "algorithm"
-msgstr "ãããããã"
+msgid "Find the next symbol in a list."
+msgstr "ãããããäãããæãçããããã(ãã)ãèãããããã."
 #: ../src/anim-activity/anim.py:103
 msgid "Save..."
@@ -1327,8 +1233,8 @@ msgid "Line"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
 #: ../src/anim-activity/anim.py:157
-#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:87
-#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:434
+#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:93
+#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:481
 msgid "Text"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1362,7 +1268,7 @@ msgstr "ããã"
 msgid "Lower"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/anim-activity/anim.py:753
+#: ../src/anim-activity/anim.py:769
 msgid "Current frame"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1374,64 +1280,19 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããããããäãã"
 msgid "Free drawing and animation tool."
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../src/anim-activity/anim.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"In this game, children can draw freely. The goal is to discover how to "
-"create attractive drawings based on basic shapes: rectangles, ellipses and "
-"lines. To give children a wider range of choices, a set of images can also "
-"be used."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/anim-activity/anim.xml.in.h:4 ../src/draw-activity/draw.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/anim-activity/anim.xml.in.h:3 ../src/draw-activity/draw.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Needs to be capable of moving and clicking the mouse easily"
 msgstr "çåãããããåããããããããããããããããã."
+#: ../src/anim-activity/anim.xml.in.h:4
+msgid "In this game, children can draw freely. The goal is to discover how to create attractive drawings based on basic shapes: rectangles, ellipses and lines. To give children a wider range of choices, a set of images can also be used."
+msgstr "ããããããããåãããããèçãçãæãããããããã.ããããççããåæçãåãåããéåçãåéãäæããææãçèãããããã.äãããéæåãæåãçãã.åããããã,ããåãéæãçåãäããããã,äçããããããäãããããããã."
 #: ../src/anim-activity/anim.xml.in.h:5
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Select a drawing tool on the left, and a color down the bottom. Then "
-#| "click and drag in the white area to create a new shape. Once you've "
-#| "completed a drawing, you can take a snapshot of it with the 'camera' "
-#| "button. This creates a new image with the same content, a copy of your "
-#| "image. You can then edit it by moving objects a little bit or adding/"
-#| "deleting objects. When you create several drawings and then click on the "
-#| "'film' button, you will see all your images in a continuous slide-show "
-#| "(an infinite loop pattern). You can also change the viewing speed in this "
-#| "mode. In viewing mode, click on the 'drawing' button to return to drawing "
-#| "mode. You can then edit each image in your animation, by using the image "
-#| "selector in the bottom-left corner of the screen. You can also save and "
-#| "reload your animations with the 'floppy disk' and 'folder' buttons."
-msgid ""
-"Select a drawing tool on the left, and a color down the bottom. Then click "
-"and drag in the white area to create a new shape. Once you've completed a "
-"drawing, you can select a new frame to work on by selecting one of the small "
-"rectangles on the bottom. Each frame contains the same content as its "
-"previous one. You can then edit it by moving objects a little bit or adding/"
-"deleting objects. When you create several frames and then click on the "
-"'film' button, you will see all your images in a continuous slide-show (an "
-"infinite loop pattern). You can change the last image in your film by right "
-"clicking on a time frame. You can also change the viewing speed in this "
-"mode. In viewing mode, click on the 'drawing' button to return to drawing "
-"mode. You can also save and reload your animations with the 'floppy disk' "
-"and 'folder' buttons."
-msgstr ""
+#| msgid "Select a drawing tool on the left, and a color down the bottom. Then click and drag in the white area to create a new shape. Once you've completed a drawing, you can take a snapshot of it with the 'camera' button. This creates a new image with the same content, a copy of your image. You can then edit it by moving objects a little bit or adding/deleting objects. When you create several drawings and then click on the 'film' button, you will see all your images in a continuous slide-show (an infinite loop pattern). You can also change the viewing speed in this mode. In viewing mode, click on the 'drawing' button to return to drawing mode. You can then edit each image in your animation, by using the image selector in the bottom-left corner of the screen. You can also save and reload your animations with the 'floppy disk' and 'folder' buttons."
+msgid "Select a drawing tool on the left, and a color down the bottom. Then click and drag in the white area to create a new shape. Once you've completed a drawing, you can select a new frame to work on by selecting one of the small rectangles on the bottom. Each frame contains the same content as its previous one. You can then edit it by moving objects a little bit or adding/deleting objects. When you create several frames and then click on the 'film' button, you will see all your images in a continuous slide-show (an infinite loop pattern). You can change the last image in your film by right clicking on a time frame. You can also change the viewing speed in this mode. In viewing mode, click on the 'drawing' button to return to drawing mode. You can also save and reload your animations with the 'floppy disk' and 'folder' buttons."
+msgstr "ååããããããããããããäãããèãéãããããã.ããã,æããããããããçãããããããããããïãããããããããã.ããããçãåæãããããããããããããäããçãããããåçãããäåããããããããããã.ããããåçããåãååïçããããïããæãããããããäæãããã.ãããããåããããåããããããããèå/åéãããããããããããåçãçéããããããããã.ãããããããããçãäæãããããããããæçãããããããããããããéçãããããããïçéããããããããïãåããçãèãããããããã.ããããããããããèèéåãåããããããããã.èèãããïãããããããïãæãããããããã(çãããããã)ã戻ãããããããããããããããããããããããã.ãããããããããããåäèãããããããããããçãããããããäæããããããããããåãããããããçéããããããããã.ããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããäåããããããããäåããããããããèçãããããããã."
 #: ../src/anim-activity/Color.py:86
 msgid "Fill color..."
@@ -1469,83 +1330,28 @@ msgid "Not allowed! Try again !"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/awele-activity/awele.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"At the beginning of the game four seeds are placed in each house. Players "
-"take turns moving the seeds. In each turn, a player chooses one of the six "
-"houses under his or her control. The player removes all seeds from this "
-"house, and distributes them, dropping one in each house counter-clockwise "
-"from the original house, in a process called sowing. Seeds are not "
-"distributed into the end scoring houses, nor into the house drawn from. That "
-"is, the starting house is left empty; if it contained 12 seeds, it is "
-"skipped, and the twelfth seed is placed in the next house. After a turn, if "
-"the last seed was placed into an opponent's house and brought its total to "
-"two or three, all the seeds in that house are captured and placed in the "
-"player's scoring house (or set aside if the board has no scoring houses). If "
-"the previous-to-last seed also brought the total seeds in an opponent's "
-"house to two or three, these are captured as well, and so on. However, if a "
-"move would capture all an opponent's seeds, the capture is forfeited, and "
-"the seeds are instead left on the board, since this would prevent the "
-"opponent from continuing the game. The proscription against capturing all an "
-"opponent's seeds is related to a more general idea, that one ought to make a "
-"move that allows the opponent to continue playing. If an opponent's houses "
-"are all empty, the current player must make a move that gives the opponent "
-"seeds. If no such move is possible, the current player captures all seeds in "
-"his/her own territory, ending the game. (Source Wikipedia &lt;http://en.";
-msgstr ""
-"ããããåããã4çãçããåããããããçãããããã. ãããããããäæã"
-"ããããããã1ããéããã. ããããããéãããããããåããçãçåããã"
-#: ../src/awele-activity/awele.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Oware"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/awele-activity/awele.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/awele-activity/awele.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Play the Oware strategy game against Tux"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããéããããã"
-#: ../src/awele-activity/awele.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/awele-activity/awele.xml.in.h:3
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "The object of the game is to capture more seeds than one's opponent. "
-#| "Since the game has only 48 seeds, capturing 25 is sufficient to "
-#| "accomplish this. Since there are an even number of seeds, it is possible "
-#| "for the game to end in a draw, where each player has captured 24. The "
-#| "game is over when one player has captured 25 or more stones, or both "
-#| "players have taken 24 stones each (draw). If both players agree that the "
-#| "game has been reduced to an endless cycle, each player captures the "
-#| "stones on their side of the board."
-msgid ""
-"The object of the game is to capture more seeds than one's opponent. Since "
-"the game has only 48 seeds, capturing 25 is sufficient to accomplish this. "
-"Since there are an even number of seeds, it is possible for the game to end "
-"in a draw, where each player has captured 24. The game is over when one "
-"player has captured 25 or more seeds, or both players have taken 24 seeds "
-"each (draw). If both players agree that the game has been reduced to an "
-"endless cycle, each player captures the seeds on their side of the board."
-msgstr ""
+#| msgid "The object of the game is to capture more seeds than one's opponent. Since the game has only 48 seeds, capturing 25 is sufficient to accomplish this. Since there are an even number of seeds, it is possible for the game to end in a draw, where each player has captured 24. The game is over when one player has captured 25 or more stones, or both players have taken 24 stones each (draw). If both players agree that the game has been reduced to an endless cycle, each player captures the stones on their side of the board."
+msgid "The object of the game is to capture more seeds than one's opponent. Since the game has only 48 seeds, capturing 25 is sufficient to accomplish this. Since there are an even number of seeds, it is possible for the game to end in a draw, where each player has captured 24. The game is over when one player has captured 25 or more seeds, or both players have taken 24 seeds each (draw). If both players agree that the game has been reduced to an endless cycle, each player captures the seeds on their side of the board."
+msgstr "ããããççããæããåããçãæãããããã.ããããã48çãçãäãããã25çãçãæããããççãéæããããååãã.çãåæåãããããåãããããããã24åæããããããããåãåããçããããããããã."
+#: ../src/awele-activity/awele.xml.in.h:4
+msgid "At the beginning of the game four seeds are placed in each house. Players take turns moving the seeds. In each turn, a player chooses one of the six houses under his or her control. The player removes all seeds from this house, and distributes them, dropping one in each house counter-clockwise from the original house, in a process called sowing. Seeds are not distributed into the end scoring houses, nor into the house drawn from. That is, the starting house is left empty; if it contained 12 seeds, it is skipped, and the twelfth seed is placed in the next house. After a turn, if the last seed was placed into an opponent's house and brought its total to two or three, all the seeds in that house are captured and placed in the player's scoring house (or set aside if the board has no scoring houses). If the previous-to-last seed also brought the total seeds in an opponent's house to two or three, these are captured as well, and so on. However, if a move would capture all a
 n opponent's seeds, the capture is forfeited, and the seeds are instead left on the board, since this would prevent the opponent from continuing the game. The proscription against capturing all an opponent's seeds is related to a more general idea, that one ought to make a move that allows the opponent to continue playing. If an opponent's houses are all empty, the current player must make a move that gives the opponent seeds. If no such move is possible, the current player captures all seeds in his/her own territory, ending the game. (Source Wikipedia &lt;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oware&gt;)"
+msgstr "ããããåããã4çãçããåããããããçãããããã. ãããããããäæãçãåãããã.èåãçãããæãããããããããããããããããããã6ããããããããã1ããéããã. ããããããéãããããããåããçãçåãããã,éããããããããåæèåããåãããããã1ãããçãåãåããã.ããæéããçããããåãããã.çããåçèããåãåããããããããããããããããããåãåãããããã.ãããããããããããããããçãããããããã.ãããããããã12çãçãããããããï1åääèãååïéãããããèäãããããããããã.ãããã12ççãçãéãããããçãããã.èåãçãåãçæãéåãèãçãããçã2åããã3åããããã、ããããããåããçãèåãåçèãåããã.ïããããããããåçèãæããããããããããããéçãããã.ïèãçãããçããéããæéã2åããã3åãçãããããããããèåãåçèãåããã.ããããããåããåããçæãçãåçããããããããããããåçããåãããã.ãããããããçæãããããçããããéãããããæãçããæãäãæãããã.åããæãçãæãããããåããçæããããåäãèããééããããããããããæãéãçããããèãèåãèãããããã.çæãããããçããããåããçããããããæããããããããçæãçãäããããååããçãéãããããããããã.ããããããããåèãããããããããæããããããããèåã
 #: ../src/babymatch-activity/babymatch.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "Matching Items"
+msgstr "åãããããããã"
+#: ../src/babymatch-activity/babymatch.xml.in.h:2
 #: ../src/babymatch-activity/resources/babymatch/board1_0.xml.in.h:1
 #: ../src/babymatch-activity/resources/babymatch/board2_0.xml.in.h:1
 #: ../src/babymatch-activity/resources/babymatch/board3_0.xml.in.h:1
@@ -1556,36 +1362,20 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Drag and Drop the items to make them match"
 msgstr "ãããããããããïãããããããæããçãåãããèäããã"
-#: ../src/babymatch-activity/babymatch.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"In the main board area, a set of objects is displayed. In the vertical box "
-"(at the left of the main board) another set of objects is shown, each object "
-"in the group on the left matching exactly one object in the main board area. "
-"This game challenges you to find the logical link between these objects. How "
-"do they fit together? Drag each object to the correct red space in the main "
-msgstr ""
 #: ../src/babymatch-activity/babymatch.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Matching Items"
-msgstr "åãããããããã"
-#: ../src/babymatch-activity/babymatch.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Motor coordination. Conceptual matching."
 msgstr "éååèæ.æåäãããããã."
-#: ../src/babymatch-activity/babymatch.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/babymatch-activity/babymatch.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Mouse manipulation: movement, drag and drop. Cultural references."
 msgstr "ãããæäïéåãããããïãããã.æåçãåç."
+#: ../src/babymatch-activity/babymatch.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "In the main board area, a set of objects is displayed. In the vertical box (at the left of the main board) another set of objects is shown, each object in the group on the left matching exactly one object in the main board area. This game challenges you to find the logical link between these objects. How do they fit together? Drag each object to the correct red space in the main area."
+msgstr "ãããçéãããåèããããããèçãããã.åçãããããïãããçéãååïãããåãçãéåãèçãããã.ããããäããããããååãããããããããããçéããããããæçãããåããã.ãããããããããããããããéãèççééãèããããããããããèããããã.ãããææãããããããããäçãåãããããïãããããçéãæããèãããããããåããçããããããããããã."
 #: ../src/babymatch-activity/shapegame.c:2017
-#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:1316
+#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:1317
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "<b>%1$s</b> configuration\n"
@@ -1597,28 +1387,23 @@ msgid "Complete the puzzle"
 msgstr "ããããåæãããã"
 #: ../src/babyshapes-activity/babyshapes.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/details-activity/details.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Complete the puzzle by dragging each piece from the set of pieces on the "
-"left, to the matching space in the puzzle."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/babyshapes-activity/babyshapes.xml.in.h:3
 #: ../src/details-activity/details.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Drag and Drop the shapes on their respective targets"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããã&ããããããããåæãããã."
-#: ../src/babyshapes-activity/babyshapes.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/details-activity/details.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/babyshapes-activity/babyshapes.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/details-activity/details.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Good mouse-control"
 msgstr "èããããæä"
-#: ../src/babyshapes-activity/babyshapes.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/babyshapes-activity/babyshapes.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "The dog is provided by Andre Connes and released under the GPL"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããçãããããããããæããããæäãããGPLãããããããããããããã."
+#: ../src/babyshapes-activity/babyshapes.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/details-activity/details.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "Complete the puzzle by dragging each piece from the set of pieces on the left, to the matching space in the puzzle."
+msgstr "æããåæããååããããããããããããããããåããããããããããããããããåæããããããã."
 #: ../src/babyshapes-activity/resources/babyshapes/board5_0.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Hello ! My name is Lock."
@@ -1656,9 +1441,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../src/ballcatch-activity/ballcatch.py:75
 #: ../src/ballcatch-activity/ballcatch.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Press the two shift keys at the same time, to make the ball go in a straight "
+msgid "Press the two shift keys at the same time, to make the ball go in a straight line."
 msgstr "ãããããããããæããããããåæã2ããããããããæãããããã."
 #: ../src/ballcatch-activity/ballcatch.xml.in.h:1
@@ -1666,73 +1449,64 @@ msgid "Make the ball go to Tux"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããæãããããã"
 #: ../src/bargame-activity/bargame.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Brain"
-msgstr "éè"
+msgid "bar game"
+msgstr "ããããã"
 #: ../src/bargame-activity/bargame.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Don't use the last ball"
 msgstr "æåãæããããããäãããããããããï"
 #: ../src/bargame-activity/bargame.xml.in.h:3
-#: ../src/hexagon-activity/hexagon.xml.in.h:2
-msgid "Logic-training activity"
-msgstr "èçãããããã"
+msgid "Brain"
+msgstr "éè"
 #: ../src/bargame-activity/bargame.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"Place balls in the holes. You win if the computer has to place the last "
-"ball. If you want Tux to begin, just click on him."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../src/hexagon-activity/hexagon.xml.in.h:4
+msgid "Logic-training activity"
+msgstr "èçãããããã"
 #: ../src/bargame-activity/bargame.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "bar game"
-msgstr "ããããã"
+msgid "Place balls in the holes. You win if the computer has to place the last ball. If you want Tux to begin, just click on him."
+msgstr "åçãããããçãããããã.ããããããããæåãããããçãããããããããæããããããåããã.ããäååãããæããããããããããããããããããã."
 #: ../src/billard-activity/billard.c:89 ../src/erase-activity/erase.c:85
-#: ../src/erase-activity/erase.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/erase-activity/erase.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Move the mouse"
 msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/billard-activity/billard.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Kick the ball into the black hole on the right"
-msgstr "ååãããéãçãããããããããããããã."
+msgid "The football game"
+msgstr "ããããããã"
 #: ../src/billard-activity/billard.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Kick the ball into the goal"
 msgstr "ãããããããããåããããã"
 #: ../src/billard-activity/billard.xml.in.h:3
-#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess_computer.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess_computer.xml.in.h:3
 #: ../src/chess_movelearn-activity/chess_movelearn.xml.in.h:3
-#: ../src/chess_partyend-activity/chess_partyend.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/clickgame-activity/clickgame.xml.in.h:5
-#: ../src/connect4-2players-activity/connect4-2players.xml.in.h:5
-#: ../src/connect4-activity/connect4.xml.in.h:6
-#: ../src/erase_2clic-activity/erase_2clic.xml.in.h:6
+#: ../src/chess_partyend-activity/chess_partyend.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/clickgame-activity/clickgame.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/connect4-2players-activity/connect4-2players.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/connect4-activity/connect4.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/erase_2clic-activity/erase_2clic.xml.in.h:3
 #: ../src/erase-activity/erase.xml.in.h:3
-#: ../src/erase_clic-activity/erase_clic.xml.in.h:6
-#: ../src/fifteen-activity/fifteen.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/erase_clic-activity/erase_clic.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/fifteen-activity/fifteen.xml.in.h:3
 #: ../src/hanoi-activity/hanoi.xml.in.h:3
-#: ../src/memory-activity/memory.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/penalty-activity/penalty.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/tangram-activity/tangram.xml.in.h:8
+#: ../src/memory-activity/memory.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/penalty-activity/penalty.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/tangram-activity/tangram.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Mouse-manipulation"
 msgstr "ããããäæãæä"
 #: ../src/billard-activity/billard.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"Point the mouse and click on the ball, to set the speed and direction of the "
-"ball. The closer you click to the centre, the slower the ball moves."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Point the mouse and click on the ball, to set the speed and direction of the ball. The closer you click to the centre, the slower the ball moves."
+msgstr "ããããéåãæåãåããããããããããçããããããããããããããããã.ããããããéåãããããäåãèãããããããããããããåããã."
 #: ../src/billard-activity/billard.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "The football game"
-msgstr "ããããããã"
+msgid "Kick the ball into the black hole on the right"
+msgstr "ååãããéãçãããããããããããããã."
 #: ../src/boards/menu2.c:137
 msgid "Main Menu Second Version"
@@ -1766,17 +1540,12 @@ msgstr ""
 #. Braille Intro
 #: ../src/braille_alphabets-activity/braille_alphabets.py:178
-msgid ""
-"The Braille system is a method that is used by blind people to read and "
+msgid "The Braille system is a method that is used by blind people to read and write."
 msgstr ""
 #. Braille Description
 #: ../src/braille_alphabets-activity/braille_alphabets.py:181
-msgid ""
-"Each Braille character, or cell, is made up of six dot positions, arranged "
-"in a rectangle containing two columns of three dots each. As seen on the "
-"left, each dot is referenced by a number from 1 to 6."
+msgid "Each Braille character, or cell, is made up of six dot positions, arranged in a rectangle containing two columns of three dots each. As seen on the left, each dot is referenced by a number from 1 to 6."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/braille_alphabets-activity/braille_alphabets.py:200
@@ -1788,31 +1557,27 @@ msgid "When you are ready, click on me and try reproducing Braille characters."
 msgstr ""
 #. Translators : Do not translate the token {letter}
-#: ../src/braille_alphabets-activity/braille_alphabets.py:296
+#: ../src/braille_alphabets-activity/braille_alphabets.py:299
 msgid "Click on the dots in braille cell area to produce the letter {letter}."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/braille_alphabets-activity/braille_alphabets.py:301
-msgid ""
-"Look at the Braille character map and observe how similar the first and "
-"second line are."
-msgstr ""
 #: ../src/braille_alphabets-activity/braille_alphabets.py:304
-msgid ""
-"Again, similar as the first line but take care, the 'W' letter was added "
+msgid "Look at the Braille character map and observe how similar the first and second line are."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/braille_alphabets-activity/braille_alphabets.py:307
+msgid "Again, similar as the first line but take care, the 'W' letter was added afterwards."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/braille_alphabets-activity/braille_alphabets.py:310
 msgid "This is easy, numbers are the same as letters from A to J."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/braille_alphabets-activity/braille_alphabets.py:326
+#: ../src/braille_alphabets-activity/braille_alphabets.py:329
 msgid "Braille Cell"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/braille_alphabets-activity/braille_alphabets.py:348
+#: ../src/braille_alphabets-activity/braille_alphabets.py:351
 msgid "Click to confirm your selection of dots"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1825,12 +1590,7 @@ msgid "Let kids discover the Braille system."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/braille_alphabets-activity/braille_alphabets.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"The screen has 3 sections: braille cell, alphabet name and lower board "
-"containing 13 letters. Click on each letter in the lower board to know its "
-"corresponding braille code in the braille cell section. Click on the "
-"increment level button to jump to the next 13 letters of the English "
+msgid "The screen has 3 sections: an interactive braille cell, an instruction telling you the letter to reproduce, and at the top the Braille letters to use as a reference. Each level teaches a set of 10 letters."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/braille_alphabets-activity/BrailleMap.py:96
@@ -1840,27 +1600,25 @@ msgid "Back to the activity"
 msgstr "èèããããã"
 #: ../src/braille_fun-activity/braille_fun.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Braille Alphabet Codes"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/braille_fun-activity/braille_fun.xml.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Brain"
 msgid "Braille Fun"
 msgstr "éè"
-#: ../src/braille_fun-activity/braille_fun.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"Braille code the tile for the corresponding falling letters. Check the "
-"braille chart by clicking on the toggle button for help."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/braille_fun-activity/braille_fun.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/braille_fun-activity/braille_fun.xml.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Fill in the missing letter"
 msgid "Braille the falling letters"
 msgstr "æããããæåãåããããã"
+#: ../src/braille_fun-activity/braille_fun.xml.in.h:3
+msgid "Braille Alphabet Codes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/braille_fun-activity/braille_fun.xml.in.h:4
+msgid "Enter the braille code in the tile for the corresponding falling letters. Check the braille chart by clicking on the toggle button for help."
+msgstr ""
 #: ../src/braille_lotto-activity/braille_lotto.py:120
 msgid "PLAYER 1"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1940,38 +1698,26 @@ msgid "Discover the Braille system for numbers."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/braille_lotto-activity/braille_lotto.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"Each player must find if the proposed number is in their board. If the code "
-"is in the board, just click on it in order to validate it. The player who "
-"crosses all the Braille numbers correctly wins the game. Check the Braille "
-"table by clicking on the toggle button in the control bar."
+msgid "Each player must find if the proposed number is in their board. If the code is in the board, just click on it in order to validate it. The player who crosses all the Braille numbers correctly wins the game. Check the Braille table by clicking on the toggle button in the control bar."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/canal_lock-activity/canal_lock.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/watercycle-activity/watercycle.xml.in.h:2
-msgid "Drawing by Stephane Cabaraux."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/canal_lock-activity/canal_lock.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Operate a canal lock"
 msgstr "éæãéãæäããããã"
+#: ../src/canal_lock-activity/canal_lock.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Tux is in trouble, and needs to take his boat through a lock. Help Tux and find out how a canal lock works."
+msgstr "ããããããããéæãéãèãéããããåããããã.ãããããããåããéæãéããããããããããããèããããããã."
 #: ../src/canal_lock-activity/canal_lock.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"Tux is in trouble, and needs to take his boat through a lock. Help Tux and "
-"find out how a canal lock works."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "You are in charge of the canal lock. Open the gates and the locks in the right order, so Tux can travel through the gates in both directions."
+msgstr "ãããããéæãæéãæåããããã.ãããããããäæãæåããããããéããæèãèããããããæããéåãæéãããããéãããããã."
 #: ../src/canal_lock-activity/canal_lock.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"You are in charge of the canal lock. Open the gates and the locks in the "
-"right order, so Tux can travel through the gates in both directions."
+#: ../src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/watercycle-activity/watercycle.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "Drawing by Stephane Cabaraux."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/chat-activity/chat.py:87
 msgid "All messages will be displayed here.\n"
@@ -1986,9 +1732,7 @@ msgid "Your Channel"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/chat-activity/chat.py:198
-msgid ""
-"Type your message here, to send to other GCompris users on your local "
+msgid "Type your message here, to send to other GCompris users on your local network."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/chat-activity/chat.py:244
@@ -1998,8 +1742,7 @@ msgid "color"
 msgstr "è"
 #: ../src/chat-activity/chat.py:323
-msgid ""
-"ERROR: Failed to initialize the network interface. You cannot communicate."
+msgid "ERROR: Failed to initialize the network interface. You cannot communicate."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/chat-activity/chat.py:433
@@ -2023,61 +1766,56 @@ msgid "This chat activity only works on the local network"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/chat-activity/chat.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"This chat activity will only work with other GCompris users on your local "
-"network, not on the Internet. To use it, just type in your message and hit "
-"Enter. Your message is then broadcasted on the local network, and any "
-"GCompris program running the chat activity on that local network will "
-"receive and display your message."
+msgid "This chat activity will only work with other GCompris users on your local network, not on the Internet. To use it, just type in your message and hit Enter. Your message is then broadcasted on the local network, and any GCompris program running the chat activity on that local network will receive and display your message."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:222
+#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:225
 msgid "Error: The external program gnuchess died unexpectedly"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:262
-#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:308
+#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:265
+#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:311
 msgid ""
 "Error: The external program gnuchess is mandatory\n"
 "to play chess in gcompris.\n"
 "First install it, and check it is in "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:652
+#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:656
 msgid "White's Turn"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:652
+#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:656
 msgid "Black's Turn"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:793
+#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:797
 msgid "White checks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:795
+#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:799
 msgid "Black checks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:1201
+#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:1209
 msgid "Black mates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:1208
+#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:1216
 msgid "White mates"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:1215 ../src/gcompris/bonus.c:191
+#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:1223 ../src/gcompris/bonus.c:191
 #: ../src/gcompris/bonus.c:200
 msgid "Drawn game"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:1243
+#: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess.c:1251
 msgid "Error: The external program gnuchess died unexpectingly"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/chess_computer-activity/chess_computer.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/chess_movelearn-activity/chess_movelearn.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/chess_movelearn-activity/chess_movelearn.xml.in.h:1
 #: ../src/chess_partyend-activity/chess_partyend.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Learning chess"
 msgstr "ããããåç"
@@ -2088,11 +1826,11 @@ msgstr "ããããåç"
 msgid "The chess engine is from gnuchess."
 msgstr "ãããããããããgnuchessãããæãããã."
-#: ../src/chess_movelearn-activity/chess_movelearn.xml.in.h:1
+#: ../src/chess_movelearn-activity/chess_movelearn.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Chess training. Catch the computer's pawns."
 msgstr "ãããããããããã. ããããããããéãåããããã."
-#: ../src/chess_partyend-activity/chess_partyend.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/chess_partyend-activity/chess_partyend.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Play the end of the chess game against the computer"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããããåæãããã."
@@ -2105,54 +1843,46 @@ msgid "Drag and Drop the items to organize the story"
 msgstr "ããããããããã&ãããããããçèãããããã."
 #: ../src/chronos-activity/chronos.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"Moon photo is copyright NASA. The space sounds come from Tuxpaint and "
-"Vegastrike which are released under the GPL license. The transportation "
-"images are copyright Franck Doucet. Dates of Transportation are based on "
-"those found in &lt;http://www.wikipedia.org&gt;.";
-msgstr ""
-"ããããããããTuxpaint ã Vegastrike ããããããã.èéãããããèäæ"
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/chronos.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Pick from the pictures on the left and put them on the red dots"
 msgstr "ååãããçãéããèããçãçãããããã."
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/chronos.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/chronos.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Sort the pictures into the order that tells the story"
 msgstr "çèãèãéçãçãåéãããããã."
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/chronos.xml.in.h:6
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/chronos.xml.in.h:5
 msgid "Tell a short story"
 msgstr "ççãèãããããã."
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/chronos.xml.in.h:6
+msgid "Moon photo is copyright NASA. The space sounds come from Tuxpaint and Vegastrike which are released under the GPL license. The transportation images are copyright Franck Doucet. Dates of Transportation are based on those found in &lt;http://www.wikipedia.org&gt;.";
+msgstr "æãåçãèäæããïïïïããããã.ååããããããGPLããããããäããããããããããTuxpaint ã Vegastrike ããããããã.èéãããããèäæããããããããããæããããã.èéãæäã(http://www.wikipedia.org)ãåãããããã."
 #: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board1_0.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Moonwalker"
 msgstr "æéæèè"
 #: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board1_1.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:117
-msgid "Autumn"
-msgstr "ç"
+msgid "The 4 Seasons"
+msgstr "åå"
 #: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board1_1.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:115
+#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:124
 msgid "Spring"
 msgstr "æ"
 #: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board1_1.xml.in.h:3
-#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:116
+#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:125
 msgid "Summer"
 msgstr "å"
 #: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board1_1.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "The 4 Seasons"
-msgstr "åå"
+#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:126
+msgid "Autumn"
+msgstr "ç"
 #: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board1_1.xml.in.h:5
-#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:118
+#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:127
 msgid "Winter"
 msgstr "å"
@@ -2165,23 +1895,14 @@ msgid "Tux and the apple tree"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããæ"
 #: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_0.xml.in.h:1
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_1.xml.in.h:1
 #: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_2.xml.in.h:1
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_3.xml.in.h:1
 #: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_4.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_2.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "1769 Cugnot's fardier"
-msgstr "1769å ãããããããããããFardier vapeur(èæããã)"
+msgid "Transportation"
+msgstr "èé"
 #: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_0.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_3.xml.in.h:5
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_4.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"1829 Stephenson's Rocket\n"
-"Steam locomotive"
-msgstr ""
-"1829å ãããããããããããã\n"
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_0.xml.in.h:4
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid ""
 #| "Place each image in the order and\n"
@@ -2199,16 +1920,25 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_0.xml.in.h:8
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_1.xml.in.h:6
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_2.xml.in.h:5
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_3.xml.in.h:7
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_0.xml.in.h:6
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_2.xml.in.h:4
 #: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_4.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "Transportation"
-msgstr "èé"
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_2.xml.in.h:3
+msgid "1769 Cugnot's fardier"
+msgstr "1769å ãããããããããããFardier vapeur(èæããã)"
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_1.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_3.xml.in.h:1
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_0.xml.in.h:7
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_3.xml.in.h:6
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_4.xml.in.h:2
+msgid ""
+"1829 Stephenson's Rocket\n"
+"Steam locomotive"
+msgstr ""
+"1829å ãããããããããããã\n"
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_1.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_3.xml.in.h:4
 msgid ""
 "1783 Montgolfier brothers'\n"
 "hot air balloon"
@@ -2216,14 +1946,14 @@ msgstr ""
 "1783å ãããããããåå\n"
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_1.xml.in.h:3
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_2.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_1.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_2.xml.in.h:5
 #: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_4.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_0.xml.in.h:1
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_0.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "1880 Clement Ader's Eole"
 msgstr "1880å ãããã ããããããããã"
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_1.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_1.xml.in.h:5
 msgid ""
 "1906 Paul Cornu\n"
 "First helicopter flight"
@@ -2232,7 +1962,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_2.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_3.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board3_3.xml.in.h:2
 msgid ""
 "1791 Comte de Sivrac's\n"
@@ -2240,11 +1970,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "1791å ãããããããäç\n"
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_0.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_0.xml.in.h:1
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_1.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "Aviation"
+msgstr "èç"
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_0.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "1903 The Wright brothers' Flyer III"
 msgstr "1903å ãããåå ããããã3"
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_0.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_0.xml.in.h:4
 msgid ""
 "1909 Louis Bleriot crosses\n"
 "the English Channel"
@@ -2252,12 +1987,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "1909å ãã ãããã\n"
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_0.xml.in.h:5
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_1.xml.in.h:7
-msgid "Aviation"
-msgstr "èç"
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_1.xml.in.h:2
+msgid ""
+"1947 Chuck Yeager\n"
+"breaks the sound-barrier"
+msgstr ""
+"1947å ãããããããããã\n"
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_1.xml.in.h:1
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_1.xml.in.h:4
 msgid ""
 "1927 Charles Lindbergh\n"
 "crosses the Atlantic Ocean"
@@ -2265,7 +2003,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "1927å ããããããããããã \n"
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_1.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_1.xml.in.h:6
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid ""
 #| "1934 Helene Boucher's\n"
@@ -2277,13 +2015,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "1934å ããããããããã\n"
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_1.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"1947 Chuck Yeager\n"
-"breaks the sound-barrier"
-msgstr ""
-"1947å ãããããããããã\n"
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_2.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "The car"
+msgstr "è"
 #: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_2.xml.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
@@ -2291,7 +2025,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "1878 LÃon BollÃ's \"La Mancelle\""
 msgstr "1878å ããããããã\"ãããããã\""
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_2.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_2.xml.in.h:4
 msgid ""
 "1885 The first petrol\n"
 "car by Benz"
@@ -2299,28 +2033,24 @@ msgstr ""
 "1885å æåãããããè\n"
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_2.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "The car"
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_3.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "Cars"
 msgstr "è"
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_3.xml.in.h:1
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_3.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "1899 Renault \"voiturette\""
 msgstr "1899å ããã \"ãããããããã\""
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_3.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_3.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "1923 Lancia Lambda"
 msgstr "1923å ããããããããã"
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_3.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_3.xml.in.h:4
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "1955 Citroen ds 19"
-msgid "1955 CitroÃn ds 19"
+msgid "1955 CitroÃn DS 19"
 msgstr "1955å ããããã DS 19"
-#: ../src/chronos-activity/resources/chronos/board4_3.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Cars"
-msgstr "è"
 #: ../src/clickanddraw-activity/clickanddraw.xml.in.h:1
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Click On Me"
@@ -2330,13 +2060,13 @@ msgstr "ãããããããï"
 #: ../src/clickanddraw-activity/clickanddraw.xml.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Find the strawberry by clicking on the blue fields"
-msgid "Draw the picture by clicking on each blue point in sequence."
+msgid "Draw the picture by clicking on the blue points."
 msgstr "éããããããããããããããèãèäããã."
 #: ../src/clickanddraw-activity/clickanddraw.xml.in.h:3
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Find the strawberry by clicking on the blue fields"
-msgid "Draw the picture by clicking on the blue points."
+msgid "Draw the picture by clicking on each blue point in sequence."
 msgstr "éããããããããããããããèãèäããã."
 #: ../src/clickgame-activity/clickgame.xml.in.h:1
@@ -2344,30 +2074,23 @@ msgid "Click On Me"
 msgstr "ãããããããï"
 #: ../src/clickgame-activity/clickgame.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Fish are taken from the Unix utility xfishtank. All image credits belong to "
-"Guillaume Rousse."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/clickgame-activity/clickgame.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"Left-Click with the mouse on all the swimming fish before they leave the "
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Left-Click with the mouse on all the swimming fish before they leave the fishtank"
+msgstr "ææããéããããããåããåãæããããéãããããåããããããããã."
 #: ../src/clickgame-activity/clickgame.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Motor coordination: moving and clicking the mouse."
 msgstr "éååèæïããããåãããããããããããã."
-#: ../src/clickgame-activity/clickgame.xml.in.h:6
+#: ../src/clickgame-activity/clickgame.xml.in.h:5
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Use the left mouse button to click on the moving fish."
-msgid ""
-"Use the left mouse button to click on the moving fish. A level 5 and after, "
-"a double click is mandatory."
+msgid "Use the left mouse button to click on the moving fish. A level 5 and after, a double click is mandatory."
 msgstr "çåããéãããããããããããããããåããããäãããããã."
+#: ../src/clickgame-activity/clickgame.xml.in.h:6
+msgid "Fish are taken from the Unix utility xfishtank. All image credits belong to Guillaume Rousse."
+msgstr ""
 #. require by all utf8-functions
 #. TRANSLATORS: Put here the alphabet lowercase in your language
 #: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:367
@@ -2376,9 +2099,7 @@ msgid "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:378
-msgid ""
-"This activity will be played with questions displayed as text instead of "
-"being spoken"
+msgid "This activity will be played with questions displayed as text instead of being spoken"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:383
@@ -2397,24 +2118,24 @@ msgid ""
 "the packages with GCompris voices for the %s locale."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:907
+#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:908
 msgid "Questions cannot be empty."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:917
+#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:918
 msgid "Answers cannot be empty."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:923
+#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:924
 #, c-format
 msgid "Too many characters in the Answer (maximum is %d)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:947
+#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:948
 msgid "All the characters in Questions must also be in the Answers."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:964
+#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:965
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Invalid entry:\n"
@@ -2423,14 +2144,14 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #. answer
-#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:1259
+#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:1260
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/missingletter_config.c:420
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/missingletter_config.c:548
 msgid "Answer"
 msgstr ""
 #. question
-#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:1270
+#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:1271
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/missingletter_config.c:426
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/missingletter_config.c:571
 #, fuzzy
@@ -2438,42 +2159,38 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Question"
 msgstr "èç"
-#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:1406
-#: ../src/gcompris/board_config_wordlist.c:274
+#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.c:1407
+#: ../src/gcompris/board_config_wordlist.c:273
 msgid "Back to default"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/click_on_letter_up-activity/click_on_letter_up.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"A letter is spoken. Click on the matching letter in the main area. You can "
-"listen to the letter again, by clicking on the mouth icon in the bottom box."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.xml.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Click on a letter"
 msgid "Click on a lowercase letter"
 msgstr "æåãããããããã"
+#: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/click_on_letter_up-activity/click_on_letter_up.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Listen to a letter and click on the right one"
+msgstr "æåãèãããæãããããããããããããã."
 #: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.xml.in.h:3
 #: ../src/click_on_letter_up-activity/click_on_letter_up.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Letter-name recognition"
-msgstr "æåãååãèè."
+msgid "Visual letter-recognition. Can move the mouse."
+msgstr "èèãæåèç. ããããåãããããããã."
 #: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.xml.in.h:4
 #: ../src/click_on_letter_up-activity/click_on_letter_up.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Listen to a letter and click on the right one"
-msgstr "æåãèãããæãããããããããããããã."
+msgid "Letter-name recognition"
+msgstr "æåãååãèè."
 #: ../src/click_on_letter-activity/click_on_letter.xml.in.h:5
 #: ../src/click_on_letter_up-activity/click_on_letter_up.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "Visual letter-recognition. Can move the mouse."
-msgstr "èèãæåèç. ããããåãããããããã."
+msgid "A letter is spoken. Click on the matching letter in the main area. You can listen to the letter again, by clicking on the mouth icon in the bottom box."
+msgstr "æåãçéãããã.ãããçéãæããæåããããããããããã.äããããããåããããããããããããããããããäåããããããèãããããããã."
-#: ../src/click_on_letter_up-activity/click_on_letter_up.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/click_on_letter_up-activity/click_on_letter_up.xml.in.h:1
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Click on a letter"
 msgid "Click on an uppercase letter"
@@ -2484,58 +2201,44 @@ msgid "Set the watch to:"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/clockgame-activity/clockgame.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Distinguish between time-units (hour, minute and second). Set and display "
-"time on a clock."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Learning Clock"
+msgstr "æèãåç"
 #: ../src/clockgame-activity/clockgame.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Learn how to tell the time"
 msgstr "æèãèæãåããããã"
 #: ../src/clockgame-activity/clockgame.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Learning Clock"
-msgstr "æèãåç"
+msgid "The concept of time. Reading the time."
+msgstr "æéãæå.æéãèããã."
 #: ../src/clockgame-activity/clockgame.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"Set the clock to the time given, in the time-units shown (hours:minutes or "
-"hours:minutes:seconds). Click on the different arrows, and move the mouse, "
-"to make the numbers go up or down."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Distinguish between time-units (hour, minute and second). Set and display time on a clock."
+msgstr "æéãåäïæéãåãçïãååãããããã.æéãæèãããããããèçãããããã."
 #: ../src/clockgame-activity/clockgame.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "The concept of time. Reading the time."
-msgstr "æéãæå.æéãèããã."
+msgid "Set the clock to the time given, in the time-units shown (hours:minutes or hours:minutes:seconds). Click on the different arrows, and move the mouse, to make the numbers go up or down."
+msgstr "æèãèçãããããæéãåä(æéïåãããæéïåïç)ããæéãããããããããã.æåãåãããããæããããããããããäããæèãéããããããããããããããåããããããã."
 #: ../src/colors-activity/colors.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Can move the mouse."
-msgstr "ããããåããããã."
+msgid "Colors"
+msgstr "è"
 #: ../src/colors-activity/colors.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Click on the right color"
 msgstr "æããèããããããããããã"
 #: ../src/colors-activity/colors.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Colors"
-msgstr "è"
+msgid "Can move the mouse."
+msgstr "ããããåããããã."
 #: ../src/colors-activity/colors.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Listen to the color and click on the matching duck."
-msgstr "éåãèãããéåãåããããããããããããããã."
+msgid "This board teaches you to recognize different colors. When you hear the name of the color, click on the duck wearing it."
+msgstr "ãããããããçããèãæãããããã. èãååãèããæãããèããããããããããããããã."
 #: ../src/colors-activity/colors.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"This board teaches you to recognize different colors. When you hear the name "
-"of the color, click on the duck wearing it."
-msgstr ""
-"ãããããããçããèãæãããããã. èãååãèããæãããèããããã"
+msgid "Listen to the color and click on the matching duck."
+msgstr "éåãèãããéåãåããããããããããããããã."
 #. Translator: Do not translate {text}.
 #: ../src/colors-activity/resources/colors/activity.desktop.in.h:2
@@ -2543,101 +2246,78 @@ msgid "Find the {text} duck"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/colors-activity/resources/colors/activity.desktop.in.h:3
-msgid "black"
-msgstr "ããè"
+msgid "yellow"
+msgstr "ãè"
 #: ../src/colors-activity/resources/colors/activity.desktop.in.h:4
-msgid "blue"
-msgstr "ããè"
+msgid "black"
+msgstr "ããè"
 #: ../src/colors-activity/resources/colors/activity.desktop.in.h:5
-msgid "brown"
-msgstr "ããè"
-#: ../src/colors-activity/resources/colors/activity.desktop.in.h:6
 msgid "green"
 msgstr "ãããè"
+#: ../src/colors-activity/resources/colors/activity.desktop.in.h:6
+msgid "red"
+msgstr "ããè"
 #: ../src/colors-activity/resources/colors/activity.desktop.in.h:7
-msgid "grey"
-msgstr "ããè"
+msgid "white"
+msgstr "ããè"
 #: ../src/colors-activity/resources/colors/activity.desktop.in.h:8
-msgid "orange"
-msgstr "ããããè"
+msgid "blue"
+msgstr "ããè"
+#: ../src/colors-activity/resources/colors/activity.desktop.in.h:9
+msgid "brown"
+msgstr "ããè"
 #: ../src/colors-activity/resources/colors/activity.desktop.in.h:10
-msgid "red"
-msgstr "ããè"
+msgid "grey"
+msgstr "ããè"
 #: ../src/colors-activity/resources/colors/activity.desktop.in.h:11
-msgid "white"
-msgstr "ããè"
-#: ../src/colors-activity/resources/colors/activity.desktop.in.h:12
-msgid "yellow"
-msgstr "ãè"
+msgid "orange"
+msgstr "ããããè"
 #: ../src/connect4-2players-activity/connect4-2players.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/connect4-activity/connect4.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Arrange four coins in a row"
-msgstr "çãããæãã4ããããããäãã."
-#: ../src/connect4-2players-activity/connect4-2players.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/connect4-activity/connect4.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Click the position in the line where you want to drop a piece. You can also "
-"use the arrow keys to move the piece left or right, and the down or space "
-"key to drop a piece."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/connect4-2players-activity/connect4-2players.xml.in.h:3
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Sea race (2 Players)"
 msgid "Connect 4 (2 Players)"
 msgstr "ææããã (2äç)"
+#: ../src/connect4-2players-activity/connect4-2players.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/connect4-activity/connect4.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Arrange four coins in a row"
+msgstr "çãããæãã4ããããããäãã."
 #: ../src/connect4-2players-activity/connect4-2players.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"Create a line of 4 pieces either horizontally (lying down) or vertically "
-"(standing up) or diagonally."
+msgid "Create a line of 4 pieces either horizontally (lying down) or vertically (standing up) or diagonally."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/connect4-2players-activity/connect4-2players.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/connect4-activity/connect4.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "Click the position in the line where you want to drop a piece. You can also use the arrow keys to move the piece left or right, and the down or space key to drop a piece."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/connect4-2players-activity/connect4-2players.xml.in.h:6
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Laurent Lacheny. Images and Artificial Intelligence taken from project "
-#| "4stattack by Jeroen Vloothuis. The original project can be found on &lt;"
-#| "http://forcedattack.sourceforge.net&gt;";
-msgid ""
-"The original code was written in 2005 by Laurent Lacheny. In 2006, Miguel de "
-"Izarra made the two players game. Images and Artificial Intelligence taken "
-"from project 4stattack by Jeroen Vloothuis. The original project can be "
-"found on &lt;http://forcedattack.sourceforge.net&gt;";
-msgstr ""
-"ã4st ãããããããåçãããããã.ãããããããääããããããèäããã"
+#| msgid "Laurent Lacheny. Images and Artificial Intelligence taken from project 4stattack by Jeroen Vloothuis. The original project can be found on &lt;http://forcedattack.sourceforge.net&gt;";
+msgid "The original code was written in 2005 by Laurent Lacheny. In 2006, Miguel de Izarra made the two players game. Images and Artificial Intelligence taken from project 4stattack by Jeroen Vloothuis. The original project can be found on &lt;http://forcedattack.sourceforge.net&gt;";
+msgstr "ããããLacheny.ãããããäåçèããããããããVloothuisãããããããã4st ãããããããåçãããããã.ãããããããääããããããèäããããã.(http://forcedattack.sourceforge.net)"
-#: ../src/connect4-activity/connect4.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/connect4-activity/connect4.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Connect 4"
 msgstr "ãããã 4"
 #: ../src/connect4-activity/connect4.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"Create a line of 4 pieces either horizontally (lying down), vertically "
-"(standing up) or diagonally."
+msgid "Create a line of 4 pieces either horizontally (lying down), vertically (standing up) or diagonally."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/connect4-activity/connect4.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"Laurent Lacheny. Images and Artificial Intelligence taken from project "
-"4stattack by Jeroen Vloothuis. The original project can be found on &lt;"
-msgstr ""
-"ã4st ãããããããåçãããããã.ãããããããääããããããèäããã"
+#: ../src/connect4-activity/connect4.xml.in.h:6
+msgid "Laurent Lacheny. Images and Artificial Intelligence taken from project 4stattack by Jeroen Vloothuis. The original project can be found on &lt;http://forcedattack.sourceforge.net&gt;";
+msgstr "ããããLacheny.ãããããäåçèããããããããVloothuisãããããããã4st ãããããããåçãããããã.ãããããããääããããããèäããããã.(http://forcedattack.sourceforge.net)"
 #: ../src/crane-activity/crane.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Build the same model"
@@ -2648,40 +2328,29 @@ msgid "Drive the crane and copy the model"
 msgstr "ãããããåãããããææãåãããããããããäããããã"
 #: ../src/crane-activity/crane.xml.in.h:3
-#: ../src/erase_2clic-activity/erase_2clic.xml.in.h:5
-#: ../src/erase-activity/erase.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/erase_clic-activity/erase_clic.xml.in.h:5
-#: ../src/penalty-activity/penalty.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Motor-coordination"
-msgstr "éåçç"
-#: ../src/crane-activity/crane.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/hanoi_real-activity/hanoi_real.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/hanoi_real-activity/hanoi_real.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Mouse manipulation"
 msgstr "ãããæäãããããã."
+#: ../src/crane-activity/crane.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/erase_2clic-activity/erase_2clic.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/erase-activity/erase.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/erase_clic-activity/erase_clic.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/penalty-activity/penalty.xml.in.h:4
+msgid "Motor-coordination"
+msgstr "éåçç"
 #: ../src/crane-activity/crane.xml.in.h:5
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Move the items in the bottom left frame to copy their position in the top "
-#| "right model. Below the crane itself, you will find four arrows that let "
-#| "you move items. To select the item to move, just click on it."
-msgid ""
-"Move the items in the bottom left frame to copy their position in the top "
-"right model. Below the crane itself, you will find four arrows that let you "
-"move items. To select the item to move, just click on it. If you prefer, you "
-"can use the arrow keys and the space or tab key instead."
-msgstr ""
+#| msgid "Move the items in the bottom left frame to copy their position in the top right model. Below the crane itself, you will find four arrows that let you move items. To select the item to move, just click on it."
+msgid "Move the items in the bottom left frame to copy their position in the top right model. Below the crane itself, you will find four arrows that let you move items. To select the item to move, just click on it. If you prefer, you can use the arrow keys and the space or tab key instead."
+msgstr "åäããããææããããããããããéçããããããåäãããããäããããããçåããããããã.ãããããäããããããããçåããã4æãçåãèãããããããããã.çåããããããããéæãããããããããããããããããããããã."
-#: ../src/details-activity/details.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/details-activity/details.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Find the details"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/details-activity/details.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/details-activity/details.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "The images are from Wikimedia Commons."
 msgstr ""
@@ -2690,9 +2359,7 @@ msgid "Vincent van Gogh, Entrance Hall of Saint-Paul Hospital - 1889"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/details-activity/resources/details/board1_1.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Vincent van Gogh, The Bridge of Langlois at Arles with a lady with umbrella "
-"- 1888"
+msgid "Vincent van Gogh, The Bridge of Langlois at Arles with a lady with umbrella - 1888"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/details-activity/resources/details/board1_2.xml.in.h:1
@@ -2754,8 +2421,7 @@ msgid "Panorama of ChÃteau de Chenonceau, Indre-et-Loire, France."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/details-activity/resources/details/board2_4.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Notre Dame de Paris cathedral on the Ãle de la Cità island in Paris, France."
+msgid "Notre Dame de Paris cathedral on the Ãle de la Cità island in Paris, France."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/details-activity/resources/details/board2_5.xml.in.h:1
@@ -2779,91 +2445,85 @@ msgid "Windmill in SÃnderho, FanÃ, Denmark"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/doubleentry-activity/doubleentry.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Basic counting skills"
-msgstr "åæçãæããæè"
-#: ../src/doubleentry-activity/doubleentry.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Double-entry table"
 msgstr "èåèåãããã"
+#: ../src/doubleentry-activity/doubleentry.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Drag and Drop the items in the double-entry table"
+msgstr "ãããã&ãããããããèåèåããããããããããåããããã."
 #: ../src/doubleentry-activity/doubleentry.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Drag and Drop each proposed item on its destination"
-msgstr "ãããã&ããããããããççåãåããããããææãããã."
+msgid "Basic counting skills"
+msgstr "åæçãæããæè"
 #: ../src/doubleentry-activity/doubleentry.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Drag and Drop the items in the double-entry table"
-msgstr "ãããã&ãããããããèåèåããããããããããåããããã."
+msgid "Move the items on the left to their proper position in the double-entry table."
+msgstr "èåèåæãããããäãéåãäçããååããããããçåãããã."
 #: ../src/doubleentry-activity/doubleentry.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"Move the items on the left to their proper position in the double-entry "
-msgstr "èåèåæãããããäãéåãäçããååããããããçåãããã."
+msgid "Drag and Drop each proposed item on its destination"
+msgstr "ãããã&ããããããããççåãåããããããææãããã."
 #: ../src/doubleentry-activity/resources/doubleentry/board3_0.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Click on an item and listen to its target position"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããçæãããäçãèãããããã."
 #: ../src/draw-activity/draw.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "A creative board where you can draw freely"
-msgstr "èçãçãæãããããããã."
-#: ../src/draw-activity/draw.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "A simple vector-drawing tool"
 msgstr "ããããããçæãããã"
-#: ../src/draw-activity/draw.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"In this game, children can draw freely. The goal is to discover how to "
-"create attractive drawings based on basic shapes: rectangles, ellipses and "
-msgstr ""
+#: ../src/draw-activity/draw.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "A creative board where you can draw freely"
+msgstr "èçãçãæãããããããã."
+#: ../src/draw-activity/draw.xml.in.h:4
+msgid "In this game, children can draw freely. The goal is to discover how to create attractive drawings based on basic shapes: rectangles, ellipses and lines."
+msgstr "ãããããããåãããããèçãåãæãããããããã.ããããããçæããåççãåãåãããåéãäæããææãçèãããããã:éæåãæåãããç."
 #: ../src/draw-activity/draw.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"Select a drawing tool on the left, and a color down the bottom, then click "
-"and drag in the white area to create a new shape. To save time, you can "
-"click with the middle mouse button to delete an object."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Select a drawing tool on the left, and a color down the bottom, then click and drag in the white area to create a new shape. To save time, you can click with the middle mouse button to delete an object."
+msgstr "ãããååãããåéããããããèãããããéæãããæããæããåãäæããããããçãéåããããããããããããããããã.ãããããããåéããããããäåããããããããããããããã."
-#: ../src/drawnumber-activity/drawnumber.py:236
+#: ../src/drawnumber-activity/drawnumber.py:238
 #: ../src/findit-activity/findit.py:315
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/louis_braille.py:84
 msgid "Cannot find the file '{filename}'"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/drawnumber-activity/drawnumber.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Can count from 1 to 50."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/drawnumber-activity/drawnumber.xml.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Number"
 msgid "Draw Number"
 msgstr "æ"
+#: ../src/drawnumber-activity/drawnumber.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Draw the picture by following numbers"
+msgstr ""
 #: ../src/drawnumber-activity/drawnumber.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Draw the picture by clicking on each numbers in the right order."
+msgid "Can count from 1 to 50."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/drawnumber-activity/drawnumber.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Draw the picture by following numbers"
+msgid "Draw the picture by clicking on each numbers in the right order."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/electric-activity/electric.py:99
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Cannot find the 'gnucap' electric simulator.\n"
+#| "You can download and install it from:\n"
+#| "<http://geda.seul.org/tools/gnucap/>\n"
+#| "To be detected, it must be installed in\n"
+#| "/usr/bin/gnucap or /usr/local/bin/gnucap.\n"
+#| "You can still use this activity to draw schematics without computer simulation."
 msgid ""
 "Cannot find the 'gnucap' electric simulator.\n"
 "You can download and install it from:\n"
 "To be detected, it must be installed in\n"
 "/usr/bin/gnucap or /usr/local/bin/gnucap.\n"
-"You can still use this activity to draw schematics without computer "
+"You can still use this activity to draw schematics without computer simulation."
 msgstr ""
@@ -2876,106 +2536,73 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../src/electric-activity/electric.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Create and simulate an electric schema"
-msgstr "éæãååãäããããã"
+msgid "Electricity"
+msgstr "éæ"
 #: ../src/electric-activity/electric.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Drag electrical components from the selector and drop them in the working "
-"area. Create wires by clicking on a connection spot, dragging the mouse to "
-"the next connection spot, and letting go. You can also move components by "
-"dragging them. You can delete wires by clicking on them. To delete a "
-"component, select the deletion tool on top of the component selector. You "
-"can click on the switch to open and close it. You can change the rheostat "
-"value by dragging its wiper. In order to simulate what happens when a bulb "
-"is blown, you can blown it by right-clicking on it. The simulation is "
-"updated in real time by any user action."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Create and simulate an electric schema"
+msgstr "éæãååãäããããã"
 #: ../src/electric-activity/electric.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Electricity"
-msgstr "éæ"
+msgid "Requires some basic understanding of the concept of electricity."
+msgstr "éæãæåãéããåççãçèãåèãããã."
 #: ../src/electric-activity/electric.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Freely create an electric schema with a real time simulation of it."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "èçãããããããããããããããããããåããéæçãåèãäæãããããã."
 #: ../src/electric-activity/electric.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"GCompris uses the Gnucap electric simulator as a backend. You can get more "
-"information on gnucap at &lt;http://geda.seul.org/tools/gnucap/&gt;.";
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "GCompris uses the Gnucap electric simulator as a backend. You can get more information on gnucap at &lt;http://geda.seul.org/tools/gnucap/&gt;.";
+msgid "GCompris uses the Gnucap electric simulator as a backend. You can get more information on gnucap at &lt;http://www.gnu.org/software/gnucap/&gt;.";
+msgstr "GComprisããããããããããããGnucapããéæãããããããäçããããã.ãããïhttp://geda.seul.org/tools/gnucap/&gtïãããGnucapããéããèçãæåãåãããããããã.";
 #: ../src/electric-activity/electric.xml.in.h:6
-msgid "Requires some basic understanding of the concept of electricity."
-msgstr "éæãæåãéããåççãçèãåèãããã."
+msgid "Drag electrical components from the selector and drop them in the working area. Create wires by clicking on a connection spot, dragging the mouse to the next connection spot, and letting go. You can also move components by dragging them. You can delete wires by clicking on them. To delete a component, select the deletion tool on top of the component selector. You can click on the switch to open and close it. You can change the rheostat value by dragging its wiper. In order to simulate what happens when a bulb is blown, you can blown it by right-clicking on it. The simulation is updated in real time by any user action."
+msgstr "ããããããããéæãããããããããããããããäæéåããããããããããããããã.æççãããããããåãæççãããããããããããæããããããããããäæãããããã.ããããããããããããããããéåãçåãããããããããã.ãããããããããããããããåéããããããããã.éåãåéãããããããããããã(éå)ãäããåéããããéæãããããã.ããããããééãããããããããããããããããããã.ããããããããããããããããããããäåãåæããããããããã.éçãèããããååãèããããããããããããããããããããåãããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããæ
 #: ../src/enumerate-activity/enumerate.c:110
-#: ../src/enumerate-activity/enumerate.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/planegame-activity/planegame.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/enumerate-activity/enumerate.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/planegame-activity/planegame.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Numeration training"
 msgstr "æãããããããããã"
 #: ../src/enumerate-activity/enumerate.c:111
-#: ../src/enumerate-activity/enumerate.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/enumerate-activity/enumerate.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Place the items in the best way to count them"
 msgstr "äçæããããåæããããããçããããã."
 #: ../src/enumerate-activity/enumerate.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Basic enumeration"
-msgstr "åæçãæãæãäã."
-#: ../src/enumerate-activity/enumerate.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Count the items"
 msgstr "ãããããæããããã"
-#: ../src/enumerate-activity/enumerate.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"First, properly organize the items so that you can count them. Then, select "
-"the item you want to answer in the bottom right area. Enter the answer with "
-"the keyboard and press the OK button or the 'Enter' key."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../src/enumerate-activity/enumerate.xml.in.h:4
+msgid "Basic enumeration"
+msgstr "åæçãæãæãäã."
-#: ../src/erase_2clic-activity/erase_2clic.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/enumerate-activity/enumerate.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "First, properly organize the items so that you can count them. Then, select the item you want to answer in the bottom right area. Enter the answer with the keyboard and press the OK button or the 'Enter' key."
+msgstr "æåãããããããæããããããããéåããããããæçãããããã.æããããããåäããããçããããããããéæãããããã.ããããããçããååããOKãããããEnterããããæãããããã."
+#: ../src/erase_2clic-activity/erase_2clic.xml.in.h:1
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Double-click the mouse"
 msgid "Double click the mouse"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããããã"
-#: ../src/erase_2clic-activity/erase_2clic.xml.in.h:3
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Double-click the mouse on rectangles until all the blocks disappear."
-msgid "Double click the mouse on rectangles until all the blocks disappear."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/erase_2clic-activity/erase_2clic.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/erase_2clic-activity/erase_2clic.xml.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Double-Click the mouse to erase the area and discover the background"
 msgid "Double click the mouse to erase the area and discover the background"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããæããããããããããããããããããããã.ããããåçãèãããããããããã."
+#: ../src/erase_2clic-activity/erase_2clic.xml.in.h:5
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Double-click the mouse on rectangles until all the blocks disappear."
+msgid "Double click the mouse on rectangles until all the blocks disappear."
+msgstr "åãããããããæãããããéæåãããããäãããããããããããããããããã."
-#: ../src/erase-activity/erase.c:86 ../src/erase-activity/erase.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/erase-activity/erase.c:86 ../src/erase-activity/erase.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Move the mouse to erase the area and discover the background"
 msgstr "çãããèããããããããããåãããããã."
@@ -2983,8 +2610,8 @@ msgstr "çãããèããããããããããåãããããã."
 msgid "Error: No images found\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/erase-activity/erase.c:582 ../src/gcompris/properties.c:504
-#: ../src/gcompris/properties.c:511
+#: ../src/erase-activity/erase.c:582 ../src/gcompris/properties.c:503
+#: ../src/gcompris/properties.c:510
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "red"
 msgid "readme"
@@ -2994,61 +2621,45 @@ msgstr "ããè"
 msgid ""
 "Put any number of images in this directory.\n"
 "They will be used as background in the 'erase' activity.\n"
-"The image must be in the 'jpeg' format and be suffixed with '.jpg' or '."
+"The image must be in the 'jpeg' format and be suffixed with '.jpg' or '.jpeg'.\n"
 "For best results, they must have a size of 800x520 pixels.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/erase-activity/erase.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Animal pictures are taken from the Animal Photography Page of Ralf Schmode "
-"(&lt;http://schmode.net/&gt;) and from LE BERRE Daniel. These people kindly "
-"gave GCompris the authorization to include their pictures. Thanks a lot, "
-"both of you."
+#: ../src/erase-activity/erase.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "Move the mouse until all the blocks disappear. You can add you own images under the directory '~/My GCompris/erase'."
 msgstr ""
-"åçåçããRalf Schmodeãåçåçããã(&lt; http://schmode.net/&gt;)ãLE "
-"BERRE Danielããåçããããã.èåããGComprisãåçãäçãèåãããããã"
 #: ../src/erase-activity/erase.xml.in.h:6
-msgid ""
-"Move the mouse until all the blocks disappear. You can add you own images "
-"under the directory '~/My GCompris/erase'."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Animal pictures are taken from the Animal Photography Page of Ralf Schmode (&lt;http://schmode.net/&gt;) and from LE BERRE Daniel. These people kindly gave GCompris the authorization to include their pictures. Thanks a lot, both of you."
+msgstr "åçåçããRalf Schmodeãåçåçããã(&lt; http://schmode.net/&gt;)ãLE BERRE Danielããåçããããã.èåããGComprisãåçãäçãèåããããããããã.ååæèããããã."
-#: ../src/erase_clic-activity/erase_clic.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/erase_clic-activity/erase_clic.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Click the mouse"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããã"
-#: ../src/erase_clic-activity/erase_clic.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Click the mouse on rectangles until all the blocks disappear."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/erase_clic-activity/erase_clic.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/erase_clic-activity/erase_clic.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Click the mouse to erase the area and discover the background"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããæãããããããããããããããããã.ããããåçãèãããããããããã."
+#: ../src/erase_clic-activity/erase_clic.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "Click the mouse on rectangles until all the blocks disappear."
+msgstr "åãããããããæãããããéæåãããããäããããããããããããããã."
 #: ../src/fifteen-activity/fifteen.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Click on any item that has a free block beside it, and it will be swapped "
-"with the empty block."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "The fifteen game"
+msgstr "15 ããã(æåãããããã)"
-#: ../src/fifteen-activity/fifteen.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"Move each item to make an increasing series: from the smallest to the largest"
+#: ../src/fifteen-activity/fifteen.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Move each item to make an increasing series: from the smallest to the largest"
 msgstr "æåããããããããããåããããæåã1ãã15ããæçããããã."
 #: ../src/fifteen-activity/fifteen.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Original code taken from the libgnomecanvas demo"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããlibgnomecanvas ãããããåçããããã."
+msgid "Click on any item that has a free block beside it, and it will be swapped with the empty block."
+msgstr ""
 #: ../src/fifteen-activity/fifteen.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "The fifteen game"
-msgstr "15 ããã(æåãããããã)"
+msgid "Original code taken from the libgnomecanvas demo"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããlibgnomecanvas ãããããåçããããã."
 #: ../src/findit-activity/findit.py:320
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/louis_braille.py:88
@@ -3062,26 +2673,18 @@ msgid "Control the hose-pipe"
 msgstr "ããããæäããã"
 #: ../src/followline-activity/followline.xml.in.h:2
-msgid "Fine motor coordination"
-msgstr "ããããéååèæ"
+msgid "Tux needs to water the flowers, but the hose is blocked."
+msgstr "ãããããããããèãåãããããæãããããããããããããæãæãããããããæããããã.ãããããããåãããããããã"
 #: ../src/followline-activity/followline.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"Move the mouse over the red part of the hose-pipe. This will move it, "
-"bringing it, part by part, up to the flowers. Be careful, if you move off "
-"the hose, the red part will go back down."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Fine motor coordination"
+msgstr "ããããéååèæ"
 #: ../src/followline-activity/followline.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Tux needs to water the flowers, but the hose is blocked."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Move the mouse over the red part of the hose-pipe. This will move it, bringing it, part by part, up to the flowers. Be careful, if you move off the hose, the red part will go back down."
+msgstr "ããããèãéåãäããããããåããããããã.èãéåãèãåããããäéããåãããããã.ãããããããããçåãéããããããæããèãéåããããããããããããã.ææãããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/about.c:48
+#: ../src/gcompris/about.c:49
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid ""
 #| "Author: Bruno Coudoin\n"
@@ -3103,15 +2706,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "éæ: Rico Da Halvarez\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: Replace this string with your names, one name per line.
-#: ../src/gcompris/about.c:56
+#: ../src/gcompris/about.c:57
 msgid "translator_credits"
 msgstr "åçãåå"
-#: ../src/gcompris/about.c:82
+#: ../src/gcompris/about.c:86
 msgid "About GCompris"
 msgstr "GCompris ãããã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/about.c:92
+#: ../src/gcompris/about.c:96
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid ""
 #| "GCompris Home Page\n"
@@ -3121,37 +2724,35 @@ msgstr ""
 "GCompris ããããããã\n"
-#: ../src/gcompris/about.c:103
+#: ../src/gcompris/about.c:107
 msgid "Translators:"
 msgstr "çèè:"
-#: ../src/gcompris/about.c:212
-msgid ""
-"This software is a GNU Package and is released under the GNU General Public "
+#: ../src/gcompris/about.c:207
+msgid "This software is a GNU Package and is released under the GNU General Public License"
 msgstr ""
 "ããããããããã GNUããããããã.\n"
 " GNU General Public License(äèåæäçèè)ãäããããããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/about.c:226 ../src/gcompris/config.c:456
-#: ../src/gcompris/dialog.c:99 ../src/gcompris/help.c:355
-#: ../src/gcompris/images_selector.c:306
+#: ../src/gcompris/about.c:221 ../src/gcompris/config.c:460
+#: ../src/gcompris/dialog.c:99 ../src/gcompris/help.c:358
+#: ../src/gcompris/images_selector.c:313
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: ../src/gcompris/bar.c:688
+#: ../src/gcompris/bar.c:694
 msgid "GCompris confirmation"
 msgstr "GCompris çäãçè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/bar.c:689
+#: ../src/gcompris/bar.c:695
 msgid "Are you sure you want to quit?"
 msgstr "çäãããããããã?"
-#: ../src/gcompris/bar.c:690
+#: ../src/gcompris/bar.c:696
 msgid "Yes, I am sure!"
 msgstr "ãã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/bar.c:691
+#: ../src/gcompris/bar.c:697
 msgid "No, I want to keep going"
 msgstr "ãããããããçãããï"
@@ -3159,9 +2760,7 @@ msgstr "ãããããããçãããï"
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Dynamic module loading is not supported. gcompris cannot load.\n"
 msgid "Dynamic module loading is not supported. GCompris cannot load.\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "åçããããããããããããããããããããããããããã.GComprisãèãèãããã.\n"
 #: ../src/gcompris/board_config_combo.c:182
 msgid ""
@@ -3208,19 +2807,19 @@ msgid "%d (New level)"
 msgstr ""
 #. frame
-#: ../src/gcompris/board_config_wordlist.c:226
+#: ../src/gcompris/board_config_wordlist.c:225
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Complete a list of symbols"
 msgid "Configure the list of words"
 msgstr "ãããã(ãã)ãããããåæãããã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/board_config_wordlist.c:237
+#: ../src/gcompris/board_config_wordlist.c:236
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Color of the line"
 msgid "Choice of the language"
 msgstr "çãè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/board_config_wordlist.c:249
+#: ../src/gcompris/board_config_wordlist.c:248
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Color of the line"
 msgid "Choice of the level"
@@ -3283,7 +2882,7 @@ msgid "Croatian"
 msgstr "ãããããè"
 #: ../src/gcompris/config.c:71
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:7
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:7
 msgid "Czech Republic"
 msgstr "ãããååå"
@@ -3380,164 +2979,170 @@ msgid "Korean"
 msgstr "ããããè"
 #: ../src/gcompris/config.c:93
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Latvia"
+msgid "Latvian"
+msgstr "ãããã"
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:94
 msgid "Lithuanian"
 msgstr "ãããããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:94
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:95
 msgid "Macedonian"
 msgstr "ãããããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:95
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:96
 msgid "Malay"
 msgstr "ãããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:96
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:97
 msgid "Malayalam"
 msgstr "ãããããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:97
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:98
 msgid "Marathi"
 msgstr "ããããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:98
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:99
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Serbia Montenegro"
 msgid "Montenegrin"
 msgstr "ãããããããããã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:99
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:100
 msgid "Nepal"
 msgstr "ããããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:100
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:101
 msgid "Norwegian Bokmal"
 msgstr "ãããããè(ããã)"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:101
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:102
 msgid "Norwegian Nynorsk"
 msgstr "ãããããè(ãããããã)"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:102
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:103
 msgid "Occitan (languedocien)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:103
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:104
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Serbian"
 msgid "Persian"
 msgstr "ããããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:104
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:105
 msgid "Polish"
 msgstr "ãããããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:105
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:106
 msgid "Portuguese (Brazil)"
 msgstr "ãããããè(ãããã)"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:106
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:107
 msgid "Portuguese"
 msgstr "ãããããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:107
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:108
 msgid "Punjabi"
 msgstr "ãããããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:108
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:109
 msgid "Romanian"
 msgstr "ãããããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:109
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:110
 msgid "Russian"
 msgstr "ãããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:110
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:111
 msgid "Serbian (Latin)"
 msgstr "ããããè(ããã)"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:111
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:112
 msgid "Serbian"
 msgstr "ããããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:112
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:113
 msgid "Slovak"
 msgstr "ãããããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:113
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:114
 msgid "Slovenian"
 msgstr "ãããããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:114
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:115
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Somalia"
 msgid "Somali"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:115
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:116
 msgid "Spanish"
 msgstr "ããããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:116
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:117
 msgid "Swedish"
 msgstr "ããããããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:117
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:118
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Thai"
 msgid "Tamil"
 msgstr "ããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:118
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:119
 msgid "Thai"
 msgstr "ããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:119
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:120
 msgid "Turkish (Azerbaijan)"
 msgstr "ãããè(ãããããããã)"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:120
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:121
 msgid "Turkish"
 msgstr "ãããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:121
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:122
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Ukraine"
 msgid "Ukrainian"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:122
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:123
 msgid "Urdu"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:123
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:124
 msgid "Vietnamese"
 msgstr "ããããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:124
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:125
 msgid "Walloon"
 msgstr "ãããè"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:125
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:126
 msgid "Zulu"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:130
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:131
 msgid "No time limit"
 msgstr "æéåéãã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:131
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:132
 msgid "Slow timer"
 msgstr "éããããã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:132
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:133
 msgid "Normal timer"
 msgstr "æéããããã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:133
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:134
 msgid "Fast timer"
 msgstr "æããããã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:137
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:138
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid ""
 #| "<i>Use Gcompris administration module\n"
@@ -3547,38 +3152,38 @@ msgstr ""
 "<i>Gcompris ãççããããããäçããã\n"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:188
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:192
 msgid "GCompris Configuration"
 msgstr "GComprisãèåãããã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:271
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:275
 msgid "Fullscreen"
 msgstr "åçéèç"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:296
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:300
 msgid "Music"
 msgstr "éæ"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:321
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:325
 msgid "Effect"
 msgstr "éé"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:345 ../src/gcompris/sugar.c:83
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:349 ../src/gcompris/sugar_gc.c:93
 msgid "Zoom"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:382
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:386
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't open skin dir: %s"
 msgstr "ããããããããããéãããããããããããã: %s"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:413 ../src/gcompris/config.c:873
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:887
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:417 ../src/gcompris/config.c:877
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:891
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skin : %s"
 msgstr "ããã : %s"
-#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:415
+#: ../src/gcompris/config.c:419
 msgstr "ããããèããããããããã."
@@ -3594,271 +3199,222 @@ msgstr "èãèã"
 msgid "SAVE"
 msgstr "äå"
-#: ../src/gcompris/gameutil.c:138 ../src/gcompris/gameutil.c:196
+#: ../src/gcompris/gameutil.c:141 ../src/gcompris/gameutil.c:199
 msgid "Couldn't find or load the file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããèãããããããããããããããããããããããããããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gameutil.c:140 ../src/gcompris/gameutil.c:198
+#: ../src/gcompris/gameutil.c:143 ../src/gcompris/gameutil.c:201
 msgid "This activity is incomplete."
 msgstr "ããããããäååãã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gameutil.c:141 ../src/gcompris/gameutil.c:199
+#: ../src/gcompris/gameutil.c:144 ../src/gcompris/gameutil.c:202
 msgid ""
 "Exit it and report\n"
 "the problem to the authors."
 msgstr "çäãããåéãèèãååãããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:155
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:154
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "run gcompris in fullscreen mode."
 msgid "run GCompris in fullscreen mode."
 msgstr "ãããããããããããGcomprisãåäããããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:158
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:157
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "run gcompris in window mode."
 msgid "run GCompris in window mode."
 msgstr "ãããããããããGcomprisãåäããããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:161
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:160
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "run gcompris with sound enabled."
 msgid "run GCompris with sound enabled."
 msgstr "ãããããããGcomprisãåäããããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:164
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:163
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "run gcompris without sound."
 msgid "run GCompris without sound."
 msgstr "ãããããããGcomprisãåäããããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:167
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:166
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "run gcompris with the default gnome cursor."
 msgid "run GCompris with the default system cursor."
 msgstr "ãããããã gnome cursor ãGcomprisãåäããããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:170
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:169
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "run gcompris without sound."
 msgid "run GCompris without cursor (touch screen mode)."
 msgstr "ãããããããGcomprisãåäããããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:173
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:172
 msgid "display only activities with this difficulty level."
 msgstr "éããããããããããããèçãããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:176
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:175
 msgid "display debug informations on the console."
 msgstr "ãããããæåãããããããèçãããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:179
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:178
 msgid "Print the version of "
 msgstr "ãããããããååãããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:182
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:181
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Run gcompris with local menu (e.g -l /reading will let you play only "
-#| "activities in the reading directory, -l /strategy/connect4 only the "
-#| "connect4 activity)"
-msgid ""
-"Run GCompris with local menu (e.g -l /reading will let you play only "
-"activities in the reading directory, -l /strategy/connect4 only the connect4 "
-"activity). Use '-l list' to list all the availaible activities and their "
-msgstr ""
-"ãããããããããGComprisãåäããããããã.(e.g -l /reading ããreading "
-"ãããããããäãããããããåèãããã. -l /boards/connect4 ãããããã"
+#| msgid "Run gcompris with local menu (e.g -l /reading will let you play only activities in the reading directory, -l /strategy/connect4 only the connect4 activity)"
+msgid "Run GCompris with local menu (e.g -l /reading will let you play only activities in the reading directory, -l /strategy/connect4 only the connect4 activity). Use '-l list' to list all the availaible activities and their descriptions."
+msgstr "ãããããããããGComprisãåäããããããã.(e.g -l /reading ããreading ãããããããäãããããããåèãããã. -l /boards/connect4 ãããããããããã4ãããã.)"
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:187
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:186
 msgid "GCompris will find the data dir in this directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:190
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:189
 msgid "GCompris will find the skins in this directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:193
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:192
 msgid "GCompris will find the activity plugins in this directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:196
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:195
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Run GCompris with local activity directory added to menu"
 msgid "GCompris will find the python activity in this directory"
 msgstr "çåããããããããããããããããåããComprisãåäããããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:199
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:198
 msgid "GCompris will find the locale file (.mo translation) in this directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:202
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:201
 msgid "GCompris will find the activities menu in this directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:205
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:204
 msgid "Run GCompris in administration and user-management mode"
 msgstr "ççãããããççããããGComprisãåäããããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:208
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:207
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Use alternate database for profiles"
-msgid ""
-"Use alternate database for profiles [$HOME/.config/gcompris/gcompris_sqlite."
+msgid "Use alternate database for profiles [$HOME/.config/gcompris/gcompris_sqlite.db]"
 msgstr "ããããããããããääããããããããäãããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:211
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:210
 msgid "Create the alternate database for profiles"
 msgstr "ããããããããããääããããããããæçãããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:214
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:213
 msgid "Re-read XML Menus and store them in the database"
 msgstr "XML ãããããåèãããããããããäçãããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:217
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:216
 msgid "Set the profile to use. Use 'gcompris -a' to create profiles"
-msgstr ""
-"ãgcompris -aããäãããããã."
+msgstr "äçãããããããããèåãããããã.ãããããããããããããããgcompris -aããäãããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:220
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:219
 msgid "List all available profiles. Use 'gcompris -a' to create profiles"
-msgstr ""
-"ãgcompris -aããäãããããã."
+msgstr "åããåçããããããããããããããããããã.ãããããããããããããããgcompris -aããäãããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:223
-msgid ""
-"Config directory location: [$HOME/.config/gcompris]. Alternate is to set "
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:222
+msgid "Config directory location: [$HOME/.config/gcompris]. Alternate is to set $XDG_CONFIG_HOME."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:226
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:225
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "The location of user directories: [$HOME/.gcompris/users]"
 msgid "The location of user directories: [$HOME/My GCompris]"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããäç: [$HOME/.gcompris/users]"
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:229
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:228
 msgid "Run the experimental activities"
 msgstr "åéçãããããåäãããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:232
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:231
 msgid "Disable the quit button"
 msgstr "çäããããäçäåããããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:235
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:234
 msgid "Disable the config button"
 msgstr "èåããããäçäåããããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:238
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:237
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Disable the quit button"
 msgid "Disable the level button"
 msgstr "çäããããäçäåããããããã."
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:241
-msgid ""
-"GCompris will get images, sounds and activity data from this server if not "
-"found locally."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:244
-msgid ""
-"Only when --server is provided, disable check for local resource first. Data "
-"are always taken from the web server."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:248
-msgid ""
-"In server mode, specify the cache directory used to avoid useless downloads."
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:240
+msgid "Disable the database (slower start and no user log)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:251
-msgid ""
-"Global drag and drop mode: normal, 2clicks, both. Default mode is normal."
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:243
+msgid "Global drag and drop mode: normal, 2clicks, both. Default mode is normal."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:254
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:246
 msgid "Do not avoid the execution of multiple instances of GCompris."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:260
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:249
 msgid "Disable maximization zoom"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:263
-msgid ""
-"Increase activities' timeout delays; useful values > 1.0; 1.0 to not change "
-"hardcoded value"
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:252
+msgid "Increase activities' timeout delays; useful values > 1.0; 1.0 to not change hardcoded value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:266
-msgid ""
-"How activities' timeout delays are growing for several actors; useful values "
-"< 1.0; 1.0 to not change hardcoded value"
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:255
+msgid "How activities' timeout delays are growing for several actors; useful values < 1.0; 1.0 to not change hardcoded value"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:269
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:258
 msgid "For test purpose, run in a loop all the activities"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:952
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:943
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 #| msgid ""
-#| "GCompris is free software released under the GPL License. In order to "
-#| "support its development, the Windows version provides only %d of the %d "
-#| "activities. You can get the full version for a small fee at\n"
+#| "GCompris is free software released under the GPL License. In order to support its development, the Windows version provides only %d of the %d activities. You can get the full version for a small fee at\n"
 #| "<http://gcompris.net>\n"
-#| "The Linux version does not have this restriction. Note that GCompris is "
-#| "being developed to free schools from monopolistic software vendors. If "
-#| "you also believe that we should teach freedom to children, please "
-#| "consider using GNU/Linux. Get more information at FSF:\n"
+#| "The Linux version does not have this restriction. Note that GCompris is being developed to free schools from monopolistic software vendors. If you also believe that we should teach freedom to children, please consider using GNU/Linux. Get more information at FSF:\n"
 #| "<http://www.fsf.org/philosophy>"
 msgid ""
-"GCompris is free software released under the GPL License. In order to "
-"support its development, this version provides only %d of the %d activities. "
-"You can get the full version for a small fee at\n"
+"GCompris is free software released under the GPL License. In order to support its development, this version provides only %d of the %d activities. You can get the full version for a small fee at\n"
-"The GNU/Linux version does not have this restriction. If you also believe "
-"that we should teach freedom to children, please consider using GNU/Linux. "
-"Get more information at FSF:\n"
+"The GNU/Linux version does not have this restriction. If you also believe that we should teach freedom to children, please consider using GNU/Linux. Get more information at FSF:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"GComprisãGPL Licenseãäããããããããããããããããããã.éçãããã"
+"GComprisãGPL Licenseãäããããããããããããããããããã.éçãããããããããããWindowsãããããã%dãããã%dãåäæäããã.ããããèçãååãGComprisãæãåããããããããã.\n"
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1246
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1236
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to load the skin '%s' (Check the file exists and is readable)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1516
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1252
+msgid "Retrieving remote data..."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1512
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"GCompris won't start because the lock file is less than %d second old.\n"
-msgid_plural ""
-"GCompris won't start because the lock file is less than %d seconds old.\n"
+msgid "GCompris won't start because the lock file is less than %d second old.\n"
+msgid_plural "GCompris won't start because the lock file is less than %d seconds old.\n"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1520
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1516
 #, c-format
 msgid "The lock file is: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1693
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1694
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -3872,78 +3428,69 @@ msgstr ""
 " http://gcompris.net ãããåããæååãããããããã.\n"
 #. check the list of possible values for -l, then exit
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1808
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "Use -l to access an activity directly.\n"
 msgstr "ã-lããäçãããçæãããããããããããããã.\n"
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1809
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1816
 #, c-format
 msgid "The list of available activities is :\n"
 msgstr "åçåèããããããããã:\n"
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1840
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1847
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 #| msgid "Numeration activities."
 msgid "Number of activities: %d\n"
 msgstr "èçããã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1876
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1883
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s exists but is not readable or writable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1939
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The --server option cannot be used because GCompris has been compiled "
-"without network support!"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1993
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1978
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"ERROR: Profile '%s' is not found. Run 'gcompris --profile-list' to list "
-"available ones\n"
+msgid "ERROR: Profile '%s' is not found. Run 'gcompris --profile-list' to list available ones\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:2007
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris.c:1992
 #, c-format
 msgid "The list of available profiles is:\n"
 msgstr "åçåèãããããããããããã:\n"
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris_db.c:309
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris_db.c:310
 msgid "Unaffected"
 msgstr "åãããã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris_db.c:310
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris_db.c:311
 msgid "Users without a class"
 msgstr "ãããããããããã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris_db.c:889
+#: ../src/gcompris/gcompris_db.c:897
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Loading activity from database:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/help.c:180
+#: ../src/gcompris/help.c:183
 msgid "Prerequisite"
 msgstr "åéãæä"
-#: ../src/gcompris/help.c:210
+#: ../src/gcompris/help.c:213
 msgid "Goal"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/help.c:240
+#: ../src/gcompris/help.c:243
 msgid "Manual"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/help.c:270
+#: ../src/gcompris/help.c:273
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "åç"
-#: ../src/gcompris/menu.c:582
+#: ../src/gcompris/menu.c:615
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 #| msgid "Reading activities."
 msgid ""
@@ -3951,54 +3498,60 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr "èèåããã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/properties.c:506
-msgid ""
-"This directory contains the files you create with the GCompris educational "
+#: ../src/gcompris/menu.c:675
+msgid "All the activities are disabled in this profile. Go in the GCompris administration module and activate at least one activity."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/gcompris/properties.c:505
+msgid "This directory contains the files you create with the GCompris educational suite\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/properties.c:513
+#: ../src/gcompris/properties.c:512
 msgid ""
 "Put any number of images in this directory.\n"
 "You can include these images in your drawings and animations.\n"
 "The image formats supported are jpeg, png and svg.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/sugar.c:71
-msgid "Help"
+#: ../src/gcompris/sugar_cli.c:222 ../src/gcompris/sugar_srv.c:156
+msgid "Sharing Error"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/sugar.c:72
+#: ../src/gcompris/sugar_cli.c:223
+msgid "Cannot retrieve remote data"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/gcompris/sugar_gc.c:82
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "boat"
 msgid "About"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/sugar.c:73
-msgid "Previous level"
+#: ../src/gcompris/sugar_gc.c:83
+msgid "Refresh"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/sugar.c:76
-msgid "Next level"
+#: ../src/gcompris/sugar_gc.c:84
+msgid "Settings"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/sugar.c:78
-msgid "Refresh"
+#: ../src/gcompris/sugar_gc.c:85
+msgid "Previous level"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gcompris/sugar.c:79
-msgid "Settings"
+#: ../src/gcompris/sugar_gc.c:88
+msgid "Next level"
 msgstr ""
 #. TRANSLATORS: Back as in previous
-#: ../src/gcompris/sugar.c:87
+#: ../src/gcompris/sugar_gc.c:97
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "back"
 msgid "Back"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/gcompris/sugar.c:88
-msgid "Stop"
+#: ../src/gcompris/sugar_srv.c:157
+msgid "Cannot initiate sharing session"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/gcompris/timer.c:257
@@ -4012,35 +3565,39 @@ msgstr "æããããæé = %d"
 #: ../src/geo_country-activity/geo_country.xml.in.h:1
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Drag and Drop the items to redraw the whole map"
-msgid "Drag and Drop the regions to redraw the whole country"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããååãåæãããã."
-#: ../src/geo_country-activity/geo_country.xml.in.h:2
-#, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Locate the countries"
 msgid "Locate the region"
 msgstr "ãããããåãéçããããã."
+#: ../src/geo_country-activity/geo_country.xml.in.h:2
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Drag and Drop the items to redraw the whole map"
+msgid "Drag and Drop the regions to redraw the whole country"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããååãåæãããã."
 #: ../src/geo_country-activity/geo_country.xml.in.h:3
 #: ../src/geography-activity/geography.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Mouse manipulation: movement, drag and drop"
 msgstr "ãããæäïéåããããã&ãããã."
 #: ../src/geo_country-activity/geo_country.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"The map of Germany comes from Wikipedia and is released under the GNU Free "
-"Documentation License. Olaf Ronneberger and his children Lina and Julia "
-"Ronneberger created the German level."
-msgstr ""
-"ããããååããWikipediaããããGNU Free Documentation Licenseããäãããã"
-"ããããããã.Olaf RonnebergerãåãåãããããLina ã JuliaãRonneberger"
+msgid "The map of Germany comes from Wikipedia and is released under the GNU Free Documentation License. Olaf Ronneberger and his children Lina and Julia Ronneberger created the German level."
+msgstr "ããããååããWikipediaããããGNU Free Documentation Licenseããäããããããããããã.Olaf RonnebergerãåãåãããããLina ã JuliaãRonnebergerããããããååãäèãããã."
 #: ../src/geo_country-activity/resources/geo_country/board1_0.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Regions of France"
 msgstr "ãããããåå"
+#: ../src/geo_country-activity/resources/geo_country/board12_0.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "India"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/geo_country-activity/resources/geo_country/board13_0.xml.in.h:1
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Austria"
+msgid "Australia"
+msgstr "ãããããã"
 #: ../src/geo_country-activity/resources/geo_country/board2_0.xml.in.h:1
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Deutschland BundeslÃÂnder"
@@ -4075,34 +3632,36 @@ msgid "Counties of Brazil"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/geography-activity/geography.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Drag and Drop the items to redraw the whole map"
-msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããååãåæãããã."
-#: ../src/geography-activity/geography.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Locate the countries"
 msgstr "ãããããåãéçããããã."
+#: ../src/geography-activity/geography.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Drag and Drop the items to redraw the whole map"
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããååãåæãããã."
 #: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board1_0.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "Continents"
+msgstr "åé"
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board1_0.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Africa"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board1_0.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board1_0.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "America"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board1_0.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Antartica"
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board1_0.xml.in.h:4
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Antartica"
+msgid "Antarctica"
 msgstr "åæåé"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board1_0.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board1_0.xml.in.h:5
 msgid "Asia"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board1_0.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "Continents"
-msgstr "åé"
 #: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board1_0.xml.in.h:6
 msgid "Europe"
 msgstr "ããããã"
@@ -4112,8 +3671,8 @@ msgid "Oceania"
 msgstr "ããããã"
 #: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_0.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Alaska"
-msgstr "ãããã"
+msgid "North America"
+msgstr "åãããã"
 #: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_0.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Bahamas"
@@ -4140,7 +3699,7 @@ msgid "Haiti"
 msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_0.xml.in.h:8
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:7
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:8
 msgid "Iceland"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
@@ -4153,482 +3712,490 @@ msgid "Mexico"
 msgstr "ãããã"
 #: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_0.xml.in.h:11
-msgid "North America"
-msgstr "åãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_0.xml.in.h:12
 msgid "United States of America"
 msgstr "ããããåèå"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_1.xml.in.h:1
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_0.xml.in.h:12
+msgid "Alaska"
+msgstr "ãããã"
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "South America"
+msgstr "åãããã"
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Argentina"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_1.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Bolivia"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_1.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Brazil"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_1.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:5
 msgid "Chile"
 msgstr "ãã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_1.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:6
 msgid "Colombia"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_1.xml.in.h:6
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:7
 msgid "Ecuador"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_1.xml.in.h:7
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:8
 msgid "French Guiana"
 msgstr "äéããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_1.xml.in.h:8
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:9
 msgid "Guyana"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_1.xml.in.h:9
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:10
 msgid "Panama"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_1.xml.in.h:10
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:11
 msgid "Paraguay"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_1.xml.in.h:11
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:12
 msgid "Peru"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_1.xml.in.h:12
-msgid "South America"
-msgstr "åãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_1.xml.in.h:13
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:13
 msgid "Suriname"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_1.xml.in.h:14
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:14
 msgid "Uruguay"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board2_1.xml.in.h:15
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:15
 msgid "Venezuela"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:1
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "Western Europe"
+msgstr "èããããã"
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Austria"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Belgium"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Denmark"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:5
 msgid "Finland"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:6
 msgid "France"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:6
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:7
 msgid "Germany"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:8
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:9
 msgid "Ireland"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:9
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:10
 msgid "Italy"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:10
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:11
 msgid "Luxembourg"
 msgstr "ããããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:11
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:12
+msgid "The Netherlands"
+msgstr "ãããã"
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:13
 msgid "Norway"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:12
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:14
 msgid "Portugal"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:13
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:15
 msgid "Spain"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:14
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:16
 msgid "Sweden"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:15
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:17
 msgid "Switzerland"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:16
-msgid "The Netherlands"
-msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:17
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:18
 msgid "United Kingdom"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_0.xml.in.h:18
-msgid "Western Europe"
-msgstr "èããããã"
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "Eastern Europe"
+msgstr "æããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:1
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Albania"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Belarus"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Bosnia Herzegovina"
 msgstr "ããããããããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:5
 msgid "Bulgaria"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:6
 msgid "Croatia"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:6
-msgid "Cyprus"
-msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:8
-msgid "Eastern Europe"
-msgstr "æããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:9
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:8
 msgid "Estonia"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:10
-msgid "Greece"
-msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:11
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:9
 msgid "Hungary"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:12
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:10
 msgid "Latvia"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:13
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:11
 msgid "Lithuania"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:14
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:12
 msgid "Macedonia"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:15
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:13
 msgid "Moldova"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:16
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:14
 msgid "Poland"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:17
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:15
 msgid "Romania"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:18
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:16
 msgid "Russia"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:19
-msgid "Serbia Montenegro"
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:17
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Serbian"
+msgid "Serbia"
+msgstr "ããããè"
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:18
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Serbia Montenegro"
+msgid "Montenegro"
 msgstr "ãããããããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:20
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:19
 msgid "Slovak Republic"
 msgstr "ãããããååå"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:21
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:20
 msgid "Slovenia"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:22
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:21
 msgid "Turkey"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board3_1.xml.in.h:23
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:22
 msgid "Ukraine"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:23
+msgid "Greece"
+msgstr "ãããã"
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board5_0.xml.in.h:24
+msgid "Cyprus"
+msgstr "ãããã"
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "Northern Africa"
+msgstr "åãããã"
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Algeria"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:5
 msgid "Benin"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:3
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:6
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:7
 msgid "Burkina Faso"
 msgstr "ããããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:7
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:8
 msgid "Cameroon"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:5
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:8
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:6
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:30
 msgid "Central African Republic"
 msgstr "äåããããååå"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:6
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:9
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:7
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:35
 msgid "Chad"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:7
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:8
 msgid "Djibouti"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:8
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:11
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:9
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:11
 msgid "Egypt"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:9
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:10
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:6
 msgid "Equatorial Guinea"
 msgstr "èéããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:10
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:12
-msgid "Eritrea"
-msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:11
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:13
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:11
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:13
 msgid "Ethiopia"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:12
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:6
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:14
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:12
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:12
+msgid "Eritrea"
+msgstr "ããããã"
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:13
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:7
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:14
 msgid "Gabon"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:13
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:14
 msgid "Gambia"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:14
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:15
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:15
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:15
 msgid "Ghana"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:15
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:16
-msgid "Guinea"
-msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:16
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:16
 msgid "Guinea Bissau"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:17
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:17
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:17
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:16
+msgid "Guinea"
+msgstr "ããã"
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:18
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:10
 msgid "Ivory Coast"
 msgstr "ããããããããååå"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:18
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:19
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:19
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:18
 msgid "Liberia"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:19
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:20
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:20
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:19
 msgid "Libya"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:20
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:23
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:21
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:22
 msgid "Mali"
 msgstr "ãã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:21
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:24
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:22
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:24
 msgid "Mauritania"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:22
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:25
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:23
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:23
 msgid "Morocco"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:23
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:28
-msgid "Niger"
-msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:24
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:29
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:24
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:28
 msgid "Nigeria"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:25
-msgid "Northern Africa"
-msgstr "åãããã"
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:25
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:27
+msgid "Niger"
+msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:26
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:14
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:26
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:15
 msgid "Rwanda"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:27
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:30
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:27
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:31
 msgid "Senegal"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:28
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:28
 msgid "Sierra Leone"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:29
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:31
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:29
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:32
 msgid "Somalia"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:30
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:33
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:30
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:33
 msgid "Sudan"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:31
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:35
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:31
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:36
 msgid "Togo"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:32
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:36
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:32
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:37
 msgid "Tunisia"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:33
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:19
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:37
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:33
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:19
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:29
 msgid "Uganda"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_0.xml.in.h:34
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board6_0.xml.in.h:34
 msgid "Western Sahara"
 msgstr "èããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "Southern Africa"
+msgstr "åéãããã"
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Angola"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:6
 msgid "Botswana"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Burundi"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:10
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:9
 msgid "Democratic Republic of Congo"
 msgstr "ãããæäååå"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:7
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:18
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:8
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:17
 msgid "Kenya"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:8
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:9
 msgid "Lesotho"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:9
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:21
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:10
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:20
 msgid "Madagascar"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:10
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:22
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:11
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:21
 msgid "Malawi"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:11
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:26
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:12
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:25
 msgid "Mozambique"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:12
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:27
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:13
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:26
 msgid "Namibia"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:13
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:14
 msgid "Republic of Congo"
 msgstr "ãããååå"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:15
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:32
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:16
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "South Africa"
-msgstr "åãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:16
-msgid "Southern Africa"
-msgstr "åéãããã"
+msgstr "åãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:17
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:17
 msgid "Swaziland"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:18
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:34
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:18
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:34
 msgid "Tanzania"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:20
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:38
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:20
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:38
 msgid "Zambia"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_1.xml.in.h:21
-#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board4_2.xml.in.h:39
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board7_0.xml.in.h:21
+#: ../src/geography-activity/resources/geography/board8_0.xml.in.h:39
 msgid "Zimbabwe"
 msgstr "ããããã"
 #: ../src/gletters-activity/gletters.c:132
-#: ../src/gletters-activity/gletters.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/gletters-activity/gletters.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Simple Letters"
 msgstr "åçãæå"
 #: ../src/gletters-activity/gletters.c:133
-#: ../src/gletters-activity/gletters.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/gletters-activity/gletters.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Type the falling letters before they reach the ground"
 msgstr "æåãåéãããåããèããããæåããããããã."
@@ -4676,23 +4243,21 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Uppercase only text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gletters-activity/gletters.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/wordsgame-activity/wordsgame.xml.in.h:2
-msgid "Keyboard manipulation"
-msgstr "ããããããæä"
-#: ../src/gletters-activity/gletters.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/gletters-activity/gletters.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Letter association between the screen and the keyboard"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããéãæåéä."
+#: ../src/gletters-activity/gletters.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/wordsgame-activity/wordsgame.xml.in.h:3
+msgid "Keyboard manipulation"
+msgstr "ããããããæä"
 #: ../src/gnumch-equality-activity/gnumch-equality.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Equality Number Munchers"
 msgstr "çããæåãããããããéããããããããã"
 #: ../src/gnumch-equality-activity/gnumch-equality.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Guide the Number Muncher to the expressions that equal the number at the top "
-"of the screen."
+msgid "Guide the Number Muncher to the expressions that equal the number at the top of the screen."
 msgstr "ããããæåãçããæåãããããããããããåãæåãããããã."
 #: ../src/gnumch-equality-activity/gnumch-equality.xml.in.h:3
@@ -4701,13 +4266,8 @@ msgstr "ããçãããçãããçãããçãçç."
 #: ../src/gnumch-equality-activity/gnumch-equality.xml.in.h:4
 #: ../src/gnumch-inequality-activity/gnumch-inequality.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"Use the arrow keys to navigate around the board and to avoid the Troggles. "
-"Press the spacebar to eat a number."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Use the arrow keys to navigate around the board and to avoid the Troggles. Press the spacebar to eat a number."
+msgstr "ããããããããçéäãæåããããããããããéããéãããããããããããããäãããããã.ããããããããæãéããããããããããããããæãããããã."
 #: ../src/gnumch-equality-activity/gnumch.py:94
 #, python-format
@@ -4840,124 +4400,60 @@ msgid "Factor Number Munchers"
 msgstr "åæãããããããéããããããããã"
 #: ../src/gnumch-factors-activity/gnumch-factors.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Guide the Number Muncher to all the factors of the number at the top of the "
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Guide the Number Muncher to all the factors of the number at the top of the screen."
+msgstr "ããããäãããæåãåãæãããããããããããåãæåãããããã."
 #: ../src/gnumch-factors-activity/gnumch-factors.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Learn about factors and multiples."
 msgstr "åæãåæããããåããããã."
 #: ../src/gnumch-factors-activity/gnumch-factors.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"The factors of a number are all the numbers that divide that number evenly. "
-"For example, the factors of 6 are 1, 2, 3 and 6. 4 is not a factor of 6 "
-"because 6 cannot be divided into 4 equal pieces. If one number is a multiple "
-"of a second number, then the second number is a factor of the first number. "
-"You can think of multiples as families, and factors are the people in those "
-"families. So 1, 2, 3 and 6 all fit into the 6 family, but 4 belongs to "
-"another family. Use the arrow keys to navigate around the board and to avoid "
-"the Troggles. Press the spacebar to eat a number."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "The factors of a number are all the numbers that divide that number evenly. For example, the factors of 6 are 1, 2, 3 and 6. 4 is not a factor of 6 because 6 cannot be divided into 4 equal pieces. If one number is a multiple of a second number, then the second number is a factor of the first number. You can think of multiples as families, and factors are the people in those families. So 1, 2, 3 and 6 all fit into the 6 family, but 4 belongs to another family. Use the arrow keys to navigate around the board and to avoid the Troggles. Press the spacebar to eat a number."
+msgstr "åæãããããæãçããããããããããåããæãããããããã.ããããã6ãåæãã1ã2ã3ã6ãã.6ã4ãçããåãããããããããããã4ã6ãåæããããããã.ããæãæãæãåæããããããã2ççãæãæåãæãåæããããã.ãããããåæãåæãããããèããããããããã.ããããåæãåæãäããèããããããããã.ãããã1ã2ã3ã6ãåã6ãåæããããããã.ãããã4ãåãåæãåããããããã.ããããããããçéäãæåããããããããããéããéããããããããããããããäãããããã.ãããããããããããæãéããããããããããããããæãããããã."
 #: ../src/gnumch-inequality-activity/gnumch-inequality.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Guide the Number Muncher to the all the expressions that do not equal the "
-"number at the top of the screen."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/gnumch-inequality-activity/gnumch-inequality.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Inequality Number Munchers"
 msgstr "çããããæãããããããéããããããããã"
+#: ../src/gnumch-inequality-activity/gnumch-inequality.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Guide the Number Muncher to the all the expressions that do not equal the number at the top of the screen."
+msgstr "ããããäãæåãçããããæåãããããããããããåãæåãããããã."
 #: ../src/gnumch-inequality-activity/gnumch-inequality.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Practice addition, subtraction, multiplication and division."
 msgstr "ããçãããçãããçãããçãçç."
 #: ../src/gnumch-multiples-activity/gnumch-multiples.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Guide the Number Muncher to all the multiples of the number at the top of "
-"the screen."
-msgstr "ããããäãæåãåãåæãããããããããããåãæåãããããã."
+msgid "Multiple Number Munchers"
+msgstr "åæãããããããéããããããããã"
 #: ../src/gnumch-multiples-activity/gnumch-multiples.xml.in.h:2
-msgid "Learn about multiples and factors."
-msgstr "åæãåæããããåããããã."
+msgid "Guide the Number Muncher to all the multiples of the number at the top of the screen."
+msgstr "ããããäãæåãåãåæãããããããããããåãæåãããããã."
 #: ../src/gnumch-multiples-activity/gnumch-multiples.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Multiple Number Munchers"
-msgstr "åæãããããããéããããããããã"
+msgid "Learn about multiples and factors."
+msgstr "åæãåæããããåããããã."
 #: ../src/gnumch-multiples-activity/gnumch-multiples.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"The multiples of a number are all the numbers that are equal to the original "
-"number times another number. For example, 24, 36, 48 and 60 are all "
-"multiples of 12. 25 is not a multiple of 12 because there isn't any number "
-"that can be multiplied by 12 to get 25. If one number is a factor of a "
-"second number, then the second number is a multiple of the first number. "
-"Again, you can think of multiples as families, and factors are the people "
-"who belong to those families. The factor 5, has parents 10, grandparents 15, "
-"great-grandparents 20, great-great-grandparents 25, and every extra step of "
-"5 is another great- in front! But the number 5 does not belong in the 8 or "
-"23 families. You can't fit any number of 5s into 8 or 23 with nothing left "
-"over. So '8 isn't a multiple of 5, nor is 23. Only 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ... are "
-"multiples (or families or steps) of 5. Use the arrow keys to navigate around "
-"the board and to avoid the Troggles. Press the spacebar to eat a number."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "The multiples of a number are all the numbers that are equal to the original number times another number. For example, 24, 36, 48 and 60 are all multiples of 12. 25 is not a multiple of 12 because there isn't any number that can be multiplied by 12 to get 25. If one number is a factor of a second number, then the second number is a multiple of the first number. Again, you can think of multiples as families, and factors are the people who belong to those families. The factor 5, has parents 10, grandparents 15, great-grandparents 20, great-great-grandparents 25, and every extra step of 5 is another great- in front! But the number 5 does not belong in the 8 or 23 families. You can't fit any number of 5s into 8 or 23 with nothing left over. So '8 isn't a multiple of 5, nor is 23. Only 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ... are multiples (or families or steps) of 5. Use the arrow keys to navigate around the board and to avoid the Troggles. Press the spacebar to eat a number."
+msgstr "æãåæããåãæåãããäãæãçããããåããæãã.(ææaããããææbãåãåãããããbãaãåæããã)ããããã24ã36ã48ã60ããåã12ãåæãã.25ãåããããã12ãããçããããããããæãããããã25ã12ãåæããããããã.ããæãæãæãèçããããããã2ççãæãæåãæãåæãã.ãããåæãåæãããããèããããããããããããããçæãããããåæãåããããã.çæ5ããäè10ãççæ15ãæççæ20ãååãæççæ25ãæããããã.ãããã5ãã8ã23ãåæããåãããã.5ãæéãããã8ã23ãããèããããããããã.ãããã8ã5ãåæãããããã23ãéããã.5ã10ã15ã20ã25...ã5ãåæãã.ããããããããçéäãæåããããããããããéã
 #: ../src/gnumch-primes-activity/gnumch-primes.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "Prime Number Munchers"
+msgstr "çæããããããããããããã"
+#: ../src/gnumch-primes-activity/gnumch-primes.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Guide the Number Muncher to all the prime numbers."
 msgstr "åããçæããããããããããæåãããããã."
-#: ../src/gnumch-primes-activity/gnumch-primes.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/gnumch-primes-activity/gnumch-primes.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Learn about prime numbers"
 msgstr "çæããããåããããã."
-#: ../src/gnumch-primes-activity/gnumch-primes.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Prime Number Munchers"
-msgstr "çæããããããããããããã"
 #: ../src/gnumch-primes-activity/gnumch-primes.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"Prime numbers are numbers that are only divisible by themselves and 1. For "
-"example, 3 is a prime number, but 4 isn't (because 4 is divisible by 2). You "
-"can think of prime numbers as very small families: they only ever have two "
-"people in them! Only themselves and 1. You can't fit any other numbers into "
-"them with nothing left over. 5 is one of these lonely numbers (only 5 Ã 1 = "
-"5), but you can see that 6 has 2 and 3 in its family as well (6 Ã 1 = 6, 2 Ã "
-"3 = 6). So 6 is not a prime number. Use the arrow keys to navigate around "
-"the board and to avoid the Troggles. Press the spacebar to eat a number."
-msgstr ""
-"æãçæãããèããããããããã.5ããããããããæï5 Ã 1 = 5ããïã1ã"
-"ããããããã6ãåæãï6 Ã 1 = 6ã2 Ã 3 = 6ï2ã3ãæãããããããããã"
+msgid "Prime numbers are numbers that are only divisible by themselves and 1. For example, 3 is a prime number, but 4 isn't (because 4 is divisible by 2). You can think of prime numbers as very small families: they only ever have two people in them! Only themselves and 1. You can't fit any other numbers into them with nothing left over. 5 is one of these lonely numbers (only 5 Ã 1 = 5), but you can see that 6 has 2 and 3 in its family as well (6 Ã 1 = 6, 2 Ã 3 = 6). So 6 is not a prime number. Use the arrow keys to navigate around the board and to avoid the Troggles. Press the spacebar to eat a number."
+msgstr "çæãããããæèèã1ãããåãåããæãã.ããããã3ãçæãã.ãããã4ãçæããããããã.ï4ã2ãåãåããããïçæãéåãåããåæãèãããããããããïåã(çæ)ãããåããäã2äããããïåãèèã1ãã.äãããæãçæãããèããããããããã.5ããããããããæï5 Ã 1 = 5ããïã1ãããããããã6ãåæãï6 Ã 1 = 6ã2 Ã 3 = 6ï2ã3ãæããããããããããã.ãããã6ãçæããããããã.ããããããããçéäãæåããããããããããéããéããããããããããããããäãããããã.ãããããããããããæãéããããããããããããããæãããããã."
 #: ../src/guessnumber-activity/guessnumber.py:203
 #, python-format
@@ -4987,29 +4483,15 @@ msgstr "æåãææããããã."
 #: ../src/guessnumber-activity/guessnumber.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Help Tux escape the cave. Tux hides a number for you to find."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããéãããæåãçèãã.ãããããããæçããèåããããåãããããã!"
 #: ../src/guessnumber-activity/guessnumber.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Numbers from 1 to 1000 for the last level."
 msgstr "æçããããããã1ãã1000ãããæãæãããããã."
 #: ../src/guessnumber-activity/guessnumber.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"Read the instructions that give you the range of the number to find. Enter a "
-"number in the top right blue entry box. Tux will tell you if your number is "
-"higher or lower. Then enter another number. The distance between Tux and the "
-"escape area on the right represents how far you are from the correct number. "
-"If Tux is over or under the escape area, it means your number is over or "
-"under the correct number."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Read the instructions that give you the range of the number to find. Enter a number in the top right blue entry box. Tux will tell you if your number is higher or lower. Then enter another number. The distance between Tux and the escape area on the right represents how far you are from the correct number. If Tux is over or under the escape area, it means your number is over or under the correct number."
+msgstr "æãèããããããæãçåãæããããæçãèãããããã.äçåäãéãååããããããæãååãããããã.ããããããããããããçåãããéãããããäãããããããããæãããããã.äãæåãååããæããããããããèåãããããéãèéããæããæåããããããããéãããããæããåæããã.ãããããããèåããããäãäãããããããããããããæãæçãæãäããããããäããããããæåããã."
 #. All the vowel of your language (keep empty if non applicable)
 #: ../src/hangman-activity/hangman.py:61
@@ -5039,59 +4521,51 @@ msgid "Could not find the list of words."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/hangman-activity/hangman.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "A word is hidden, you must discover it letter by letter"
+msgid "The classic hangman game"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/hangman-activity/hangman.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "A word is hidden, you must discover it letter by letter"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/hangman-activity/hangman.xml.in.h:3
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Reading"
 msgid "Reading skill"
 msgstr "èããã"
-#: ../src/hangman-activity/hangman.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "The classic hangman game"
-msgstr ""
 #: ../src/hangman-activity/hangman.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "This is a good exercise to improve reading and spelling skills."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/hangman-activity/hangman.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"You can enter the letters using the virtual keyboard on the screen or with "
-"the real keyboard."
+msgid "You can enter the letters using the virtual keyboard on the screen or with the real keyboard."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/hanoi-activity/hanoi.c:112 ../src/hanoi-activity/hanoi.xml.in.h:6
+#: ../src/hanoi-activity/hanoi.c:112 ../src/hanoi-activity/hanoi.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Simplified Tower of Hanoi"
 msgstr "çåãããããå"
-#: ../src/hanoi-activity/hanoi.c:113 ../src/hanoi-activity/hanoi.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/hanoi-activity/hanoi.c:113 ../src/hanoi-activity/hanoi.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Reproduce the given tower"
 msgstr "åãåçããããã"
 #: ../src/hanoi-activity/hanoi.c:348
-msgid ""
-"Build the same tower in the empty area as the one you see on the right-hand "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/hanoi-activity/hanoi.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Concept taken from EPI games."
-msgstr "EPIãããããåãããæå."
-#: ../src/hanoi-activity/hanoi.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Drag and Drop one top piece at a time, from one peg to another, to reproduce "
-"the tower on the right in the empty space on the left."
+msgid "Build the same tower in the empty area as the one you see on the right-hand side."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/hanoi-activity/hanoi.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/hanoi-activity/hanoi.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Reproduce the tower on the right in the empty space on the left"
 msgstr "ååãçããããããããããååãããåãåçãããããã."
+#: ../src/hanoi-activity/hanoi.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "Drag and Drop one top piece at a time, from one peg to another, to reproduce the tower on the right in the empty space on the left."
+msgstr "ååãçããããããããããååãããåãåçããããããããéããåãéãããäçäãããããããããïããããããããã."
+#: ../src/hanoi-activity/hanoi.xml.in.h:6
+msgid "Concept taken from EPI games."
+msgstr "EPIãããããåãããæå."
 #: ../src/hanoi_real-activity/hanoi_real.c:74
 msgid "Tower of Hanoi"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5101,84 +4575,50 @@ msgid "Move the entire stack to the right peg, one disc at a time"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/hanoi_real-activity/hanoi_real.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Drag and Drop the top pieces only from one peg to another, to reproduce the "
-"tower on the right in the empty space on the left."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "The Tower of Hanoi"
+msgstr "ããããå"
-#: ../src/hanoi_real-activity/hanoi_real.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/hanoi_real-activity/hanoi_real.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Reproduce the tower on the right side"
 msgstr "ããããããåãåããããããåçããããã."
 #: ../src/hanoi_real-activity/hanoi_real.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "The Tower of Hanoi"
-msgstr "ããããå"
-#: ../src/hanoi_real-activity/hanoi_real.xml.in.h:5
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "The object of the game is to move the entire stack to another peg, "
-#| "obeying the following rules: * only one disc may be moved at a time * no "
-#| "disc may be placed atop a smaller disc"
+#| msgid "The object of the game is to move the entire stack to another peg, obeying the following rules: * only one disc may be moved at a time * no disc may be placed atop a smaller disc"
 msgid ""
-"The object of the game is to move the entire stack to another peg, obeying "
-"the following rules:\n"
+"The object of the game is to move the entire stack to another peg, obeying the following rules:\n"
 "* only one disc may be moved at a time\n"
 "* no disc may be placed atop a smaller disc"
-msgstr ""
-"ããääãèåãåãããï * 1æãããããããã1ååãããããããã. * ãã"
+msgstr "ãããããããããåãããããããããäããéãæãåãããããã.ãããããããääãèåãåãããï * 1æãããããããã1ååãããããããã. * ãããããããããããããããåãããããããäãçãããããããããã."
+#: ../src/hanoi_real-activity/hanoi_real.xml.in.h:7
+msgid "Drag and Drop the top pieces only from one peg to another, to reproduce the tower on the right in the empty space on the left."
+msgstr "ååãçããããããããããååãããåãåçããããããããéããåãéãããäçäãããããããããïããããããããã."
 #: ../src/hanoi_real-activity/hanoi_real.xml.in.h:8
-msgid ""
-"The puzzle was invented by the French mathematician Edouard Lucas in 1883. "
-"There is a legend about a Hindu temple whose priests were constantly engaged "
-"in moving a set of 64 discs according to the rules of the Tower of Hanoi "
-"puzzle. According to the legend, the world would end when the priests "
-"finished their work. The puzzle is therefore also known as the Tower of "
-"Brahma puzzle. It is not clear whether Lucas invented this legend or was "
-"inspired by it. (source Wikipedia &lt;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/";
-msgstr ""
-"ããããã1883åããããããæåèEãããã(Edouard Lucas)ããããçæããã"
+msgid "The puzzle was invented by the French mathematician Edouard Lucas in 1883. There is a legend about a Hindu temple whose priests were constantly engaged in moving a set of 64 discs according to the rules of the Tower of Hanoi puzzle. According to the legend, the world would end when the priests finished their work. The puzzle is therefore also known as the Tower of Brahma puzzle. It is not clear whether Lucas invented this legend or was inspired by it. (source Wikipedia &lt;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_hanoi&gt;)"
+msgstr "ããããã1883åããããããæåèEãããã(Edouard Lucas)ããããçæããããã.æããããäèããããããåéãããããããã.èèèãããããããããããååãåããäç64æããããããåãããããçããåäãããããã.äèãããããèèèãääãçãããããäçãçãããèãããããã.ãããããããããããåããããçãããããã.ããããããäèãåäãããããããåéãåããããããããæããããããããã.(Wikipediaããhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_hanoi)"
 #: ../src/hexagon-activity/hexagon.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "hexagon"
+msgstr "ããããã"
+#: ../src/hexagon-activity/hexagon.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Find the strawberry by clicking on the blue fields"
 msgstr "éããããããããããããããèãèäããã."
-#: ../src/hexagon-activity/hexagon.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"Try to find the strawberry under the blue fields. The fields become redder "
-"as you get closer."
-msgstr ""
 #: ../src/hexagon-activity/hexagon.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "hexagon"
-msgstr "ããããã"
+msgid "Try to find the strawberry under the blue fields. The fields become redder as you get closer."
+msgstr "éãããããããããããèãããããããã.ããããããããèããããããããããèããããã."
 #: ../src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.py:88
 #: ../src/watercycle-activity/watercycle.py:107
-msgid ""
-"The sun heats the water and creates water vapor. Water vapor combines into "
-"small water droplets which becomes clouds."
+msgid "The sun heats the water and creates water vapor. Water vapor combines into small water droplets which becomes clouds."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.py:126
 #: ../src/watercycle-activity/watercycle.py:144
-msgid ""
-"As a cloud matures, the dense water droplets may combine to produce larger "
-"droplets, which may combine to form droplets large enough to fall as rain"
+msgid "As a cloud matures, the dense water droplets may combine to produce larger droplets, which may combine to form droplets large enough to fall as rain"
 msgstr ""
 #. Translator : "meter" here means a measuring device
@@ -5195,10 +4635,7 @@ msgid "The electricity power is measured in Watt (W)."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.py:176
-msgid ""
-"Flowing water is directed on to the blades of a turbine runner, creating a "
-"force on the blades. In this way, energy is transferred from the water flow "
-"to the turbine"
+msgid "Flowing water is directed on to the blades of a turbine runner, creating a force on the blades. In this way, energy is transferred from the water flow to the turbine"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.py:190
@@ -5206,9 +4643,7 @@ msgid "This cloud simulates the wind, click on it to have wind."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.py:228
-msgid ""
-"This is a step down transformer. Electricity is transformed in low voltage, "
-"ready to be used by the customers."
+msgid "This is a step down transformer. Electricity is transformed in low voltage, ready to be used by the customers."
 msgstr ""
 #. Translator : "meter" here means a measuring device
@@ -5227,9 +4662,7 @@ msgid "This is the meter for electricity produced by the solar panels. "
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.py:328
-msgid ""
-"Solar panels use light energy (photons) from the sun to generate electricity "
-"through the photovoltaic effect."
+msgid "Solar panels use light energy (photons) from the sun to generate electricity through the photovoltaic effect."
 msgstr ""
 #. Translator : "meter" here means a measuring device
@@ -5238,51 +4671,33 @@ msgid "This is the meter for electricity produced by the wind turbines. "
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.py:351
-msgid ""
-"A wind turbine is a device that converts wind motion energy into electricity "
-"generation. It is called a wind generator or wind charger. "
+msgid "A wind turbine is a device that converts wind motion energy into electricity generation. It is called a wind generator or wind charger. "
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.py:737
-msgid ""
-"It is not possible to consume more electricity than what is produced. This "
-"is a key limitation in the distribution of electricity, with minor "
-"exceptions, electrical energy cannot be stored, and therefore it must be "
-"generated as it is needed. A sophisticated system of control is therefore "
-"required to ensure electric generation very closely matches the demand. If "
-"supply and demand are not in balance, generation plants and transmission "
-"equipment can shut down which, in the worst cases, can lead to a major "
-"regional blackout."
+msgid "It is not possible to consume more electricity than what is produced. This is a key limitation in the distribution of electricity, with minor exceptions, electrical energy cannot be stored, and therefore it must be generated as it is needed. A sophisticated system of control is therefore required to ensure electric generation very closely matches the demand. If supply and demand are not in balance, generation plants and transmission equipment can shut down which, in the worst cases, can lead to a major regional blackout."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.py:951
-msgid ""
-"This is a step up transformer. Electricity is transmitted at high voltages "
-"(110 kV or above) to reduce the energy lost in long distance transmission."
+msgid "This is a step up transformer. Electricity is transmitted at high voltages (110 kV or above) to reduce the energy lost in long distance transmission."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Click on different active elements : sun, cloud, dam, solar array, wind farm "
-"and transformers, in order to reactivate the entire electrical system. When "
-"the system is back up and Tux is in his home, push the light button for him. "
-"To win you must switch on all the consumers while all the producers are up."
+msgid "Learn about an electrical system based on renewable energy"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Learn about an electrical system based on renewable energy"
+#: ../src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Tux has come back from a long fishing party on his boat. Bring the electrical system back up so he can have light in his home."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"Tux has come back from a long fishing party on his boat. Bring the "
-"electrical system back up so he can have light in his home."
+#: ../src/hydroelectric-activity/hydroelectric.xml.in.h:3
+msgid "Click on different active elements : sun, cloud, dam, solar array, wind farm and transformers, in order to reactivate the entire electrical system. When the system is back up and Tux is in his home, push the light button for him. To win you must switch on all the consumers while all the producers are up."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/imageid.c:94
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/imageid.xml.in.h:3
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/imagename.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/memory_wordnumber-activity/memory_wordnumber.xml.in.h:1
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/imagename.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/memory_wordnumber-activity/memory_wordnumber.xml.in.h:3
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/missingletter.c:84
 #: ../src/readingh-activity/readingh.xml.in.h:4
 #: ../src/readingv-activity/readingv.xml.in.h:4
@@ -5295,9 +4710,7 @@ msgid "Learn how to read"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/imageid.c:526
-msgid ""
-"Data file for this level is not properly formatted. Too many choices are "
+msgid "Data file for this level is not properly formatted. Too many choices are proposed."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/imageid.c:538
@@ -5306,112 +4719,112 @@ msgid "Data file for this level is not properly formatted."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/imageid.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Click on the word corresponding to the printed image."
-msgstr "èçãããçåãäèããããèãããããããããã."
+msgid "Reading practice"
+msgstr "èãçç"
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/imageid.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Practice reading by finding the word matching an image"
 msgstr "çåãåãåèãèãããçç."
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/imageid.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Reading practice"
-msgstr "èãçç"
+msgid "Click on the word corresponding to the printed image."
+msgstr "èçãããçåãäèããããèãããããããããã."
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board1.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board4_0.xml.in.h:2
-msgid "apple"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgid "satchel"
+msgstr "åçããã"
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board1.xml.in.h:2
-msgid "bag"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgid "cheese"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board1.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board3_0.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "house"
+msgstr "ããã"
+#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board1.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "banana"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board1.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board1.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "book"
 msgstr "ãã"
-#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board1.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "cheese"
-msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board1.xml.in.h:6
-msgid "cow"
-msgstr "ãã"
+msgid "bag"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board1.xml.in.h:7
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board3_0.xml.in.h:2
-msgid "house"
-msgstr "ããã"
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board4_0.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "apple"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board1.xml.in.h:8
 msgid "pear"
 msgstr "æãã"
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board1.xml.in.h:9
-msgid "satchel"
-msgstr "åçããã"
+msgid "cow"
+msgstr "ãã"
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "back"
-msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board6_0.xml.in.h:2
-msgid "ball"
-msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "bed"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "boat"
-msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:6
+#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:2
 #: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board2_0.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board7_0.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board7_0.xml.in.h:6
 msgid "bottle"
 msgstr "ãã"
-#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:7
+#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:4
+msgid "back"
+msgstr "ããã"
+#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board4_0.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "car"
+msgstr "ããã"
+#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:6
 msgid "cake"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:8
+#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:7
 msgid "camel"
 msgstr "ããã"
+#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:8
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board6_0.xml.in.h:7
+msgid "ball"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:9
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board4_0.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "car"
-msgstr "ããã"
+msgid "boat"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:10
-msgid "cat"
-msgstr "ãã"
+msgid "fish"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:11
 msgid "catch"
 msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:12
+msgid "cat"
+msgstr "ãã"
+#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:13
 msgid "dog"
 msgstr "ãã"
-#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:13
+#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:14
 msgid "finish"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:14
-msgid "fish"
-msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/imageid-activity/resources/imageid/board2.xml.in.h:15
 msgid "plane"
 msgstr "ãããã"
@@ -5423,21 +4836,17 @@ msgid "Drag and Drop each item above its name"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããååãäãããããããããããçããããã."
 #: ../src/imagename-activity/imagename.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Drag each image from the (vertical) box on the left to its (corresponding) "
-"name on the right. Click the OK button to check your answer."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/imagename.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Image Name"
 msgstr "çãåå"
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/imagename.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/imagename.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Vocabulary and reading"
 msgstr "åèãèã"
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/imagename.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "Drag each image from the (vertical) box on the left to its (corresponding) name on the right. Click the OK button to check your answer."
+msgstr "ååãããïäèããïååããåãïåçãïçãããåããããããããããããããããã.çããçèãããããOKãããããããããããããã."
 #: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board1_0.xml.in.h:1
 #: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board2_0.xml.in.h:1
 #: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board3_0.xml.in.h:1
@@ -5450,90 +4859,90 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããããããååãäããããããã
 #: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board1_0.xml.in.h:2
 #: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board7_0.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "bulb"
-msgstr "éç"
+msgid "mail box"
+msgstr "éäåã"
 #: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board1_0.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "fishing boat"
-msgstr "éããããã"
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board3_0.xml.in.h:7
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board6_0.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board7_0.xml.in.h:4
+msgid "sailing boat"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board1_0.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "lamp"
 msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board1_0.xml.in.h:5
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board7_0.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "mail box"
-msgstr "éäåã"
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board1_0.xml.in.h:6
 #: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board5_0.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "postcard"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board1_0.xml.in.h:6
+msgid "fishing boat"
+msgstr "éããããã"
 #: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board1_0.xml.in.h:7
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board3_0.xml.in.h:5
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board6_0.xml.in.h:7
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board7_0.xml.in.h:6
-msgid "sailing boat"
-msgstr "ããã"
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board7_0.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "bulb"
+msgstr "éç"
 #: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board2_0.xml.in.h:3
+msgid "glass"
+msgstr "ããã"
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board2_0.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "egg"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board2_0.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board2_0.xml.in.h:5
 msgid "eggcup"
 msgstr "ãããããã"
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board2_0.xml.in.h:5
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board7_0.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board2_0.xml.in.h:6
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board7_0.xml.in.h:7
 msgid "flower"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board2_0.xml.in.h:6
-msgid "glass"
-msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board2_0.xml.in.h:7
 msgid "vase"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board3_0.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "light house"
-msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board3_0.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board3_0.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "rocket"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board3_0.xml.in.h:6
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board3_0.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board5_0.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "star"
+msgstr "ãã"
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board3_0.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "sofa"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board3_0.xml.in.h:7
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board5_0.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "star"
-msgstr "ãã"
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board3_0.xml.in.h:6
+msgid "light house"
+msgstr "ããã"
 #: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board4_0.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board5_0.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board7_0.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "tree"
+msgstr "æ"
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board4_0.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "bicycle"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board4_0.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board4_0.xml.in.h:6
 msgid "carrot"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board4_0.xml.in.h:6
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board4_0.xml.in.h:7
 msgid "grater"
 msgstr "ãããé"
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board4_0.xml.in.h:7
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board5_0.xml.in.h:5
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board7_0.xml.in.h:7
-msgid "tree"
-msgstr "æ"
 #: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board5_0.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "pencil"
 msgstr "ãããã"
@@ -5546,11 +4955,11 @@ msgstr "ãããã"
 msgid "van"
 msgstr "åãããããã"
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board6_0.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board6_0.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "castle"
 msgstr "ããã"
-#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board6_0.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/imagename-activity/resources/imagename/board6_0.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "crown"
 msgstr "çãã"
@@ -5563,15 +4972,13 @@ msgid "racket"
 msgstr "ãããã"
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/instruments.xml.in.h:1
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Click on the correct color"
-msgid "Click on the correct instrument."
-msgstr "æããèããããããããããã"
+msgid "Music instruments"
+msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/instruments.xml.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Click on the correct color"
-msgid "Click on the correct mucical instruments"
+msgid "Click on the correct musical instruments"
 msgstr "æããèããããããããããã"
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/instruments.xml.in.h:3
@@ -5581,8 +4988,10 @@ msgid "Learn to recognize musical instruments."
 msgstr "èæãããèãåããããã"
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/instruments.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Music instruments"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click on the correct color"
+msgid "Click on the correct instrument."
+msgstr "æããèããããããããããã"
 #. Translator: Do not translate {text}.
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:2
@@ -5590,144 +4999,144 @@ msgid "Find {text}"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:3
-msgid "the accordion"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "claret"
+msgid "the clarinet"
+msgstr "ããããããè"
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:4
-msgid "the banjo"
+msgid "the flute traversiere"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:5
-msgid "the bass drum"
+msgid "the guitar"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:6
-msgid "the bongo"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The car"
+msgid "the harp"
+msgstr "è"
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:7
-msgid "the castanets"
+msgid "the piano"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:8
-msgid "the cello"
+msgid "the saxophone"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:9
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "claret"
-msgid "the clarinet"
-msgstr "ããããããè"
+msgid "the trombone"
+msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:10
-msgid "the cymbal"
+msgid "the trumpet"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:11
-msgid "the drum kit"
+msgid "the violin"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:12
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Electricity"
-msgid "the electric guitar"
-msgstr "éæ"
+msgid "the drum kit"
+msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:13
-msgid "the flute traversiere"
+msgid "the accordion"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:14
-msgid "the guitar"
+msgid "the banjo"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:15
-msgid "the harmonica"
+msgid "the bongo"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:16
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "The car"
-msgid "the harp"
-msgstr "è"
+#| msgid "Electricity"
+msgid "the electric guitar"
+msgstr "éæ"
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:17
-msgid "the horn"
+msgid "the castanets"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:18
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Mathematics"
-msgid "the maracas"
-msgstr "ãããã"
+msgid "the cymbal"
+msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:19
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Georgian"
-msgid "the organ"
-msgstr "ããããè"
+msgid "the cello"
+msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:20
-msgid "the piano"
+msgid "the harmonica"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:21
-msgid "the saxophone"
+msgid "the horn"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:22
-msgid "the tambourine"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Mathematics"
+msgid "the maracas"
+msgstr "ãããã"
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:23
-msgid "the timpani"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Georgian"
+msgid "the organ"
+msgstr "ããããè"
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:24
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Use rectangles"
-msgid "the triangle"
-msgstr "éæåãäçãããããã."
+msgid "the snare drum"
+msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:25
-msgid "the trombone"
+msgid "the timpani"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:26
-msgid "the trumpet"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Use rectangles"
+msgid "the triangle"
+msgstr "éæåãäçãããããã."
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:27
-msgid "the tuba"
+msgid "the tambourine"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/instruments-activity/resources/instruments/activity.desktop.in.h:28
-msgid "the violin"
+msgid "the tuba"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/lang-activity/lang.xml.in.h:1
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Practice money usage"
-msgid "Practice a foreign language"
-msgstr "ãéãäãæãçç"
 #: ../src/lang-activity/lang.py:56
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Missing Letter"
 msgid "Missing Image"
 msgstr "æããããæå"
-#: ../src/lang-activity/lang.py:162
+#: ../src/lang-activity/lang.py:165
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 " for profile <b>%s</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/lang-activity/lang.py:167
+#: ../src/lang-activity/lang.py:170
 msgid "Select locale"
 msgstr ""
+#: ../src/lang-activity/lang.xml.in.h:1
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Practice money usage"
+msgid "Practice a foreign language"
+msgstr "ãéãäãæãçç"
 #: ../src/leftright-activity/leftright.c:230
 #: ../src/searace-activity/searace.py:415
 #: ../src/searace-activity/searace.py:439
@@ -5749,18 +5158,16 @@ msgid "right"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/leftright-activity/leftright.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Determine if a hand is a right or a left hand"
-msgstr "çéãèçãããæããåæãåæãåãããããã."
+msgid "Find your left and right hands"
+msgstr "ããããåæãåæãèããããã."
 #: ../src/leftright-activity/leftright.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Distinguish right and left hands from different points of view. Spatial "
-msgstr "ãããããèåãåçããååãæãèåãããããã.çéçèç."
+msgid "Determine if a hand is a right or a left hand"
+msgstr "çéãèçãããæããåæãåæãåãããããã."
 #: ../src/leftright-activity/leftright.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Find your left and right hands"
-msgstr "ããããåæãåæãèããããã."
+msgid "Distinguish right and left hands from different points of view. Spatial representation"
+msgstr "ãããããèåãåçããååãæãèåãããããã.çéçèç."
 #: ../src/leftright-activity/leftright.xml.in.h:4
 #: ../src/railroad-activity/railroad.xml.in.h:4
@@ -5768,12 +5175,8 @@ msgid "None"
 msgstr "ãã"
 #: ../src/leftright-activity/leftright.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"You can see a hand: is it a left hand or a right hand? Click on the red "
-"button on the left, or the green button on the right."
-msgstr ""
-"æãèãããããããã: ãããåæããã? åæããã? åæããèãããã, å"
+msgid "You can see a hand: is it a left hand or a right hand? Click on the red button on the left, or the green button on the right."
+msgstr "æãèãããããããã: ãããåæããã? åæããã? åæããèãããã, åæããçèããããããããããããããã."
 #: ../src/lightsoff-activity/lightsoff.py:442
 msgid ""
@@ -5790,18 +5193,11 @@ msgid "The aim is to switch off all the lights."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/lightsoff-activity/lightsoff.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"The effect of pressing a button is to toggle the state of that button, and "
-"of its immediate vertical and horizontal neighbours. The sun and the color "
-"of the sky depend on the number of clicks needed to solve the puzzle. If you "
-"click on Tux, the solution is shown."
+msgid "The effect of pressing a button is to toggle the state of that button, and of its immediate vertical and horizontal neighbours. The sun and the color of the sky depend on the number of clicks needed to solve the puzzle. If you click on Tux, the solution is shown."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/lightsoff-activity/lightsoff.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"The solver algorithm described on haar.clara.co.uk is a valuable resource to "
-"know more about the Lights Off game: &lt;http://www.haar.clara.co.uk/Lights/";
+msgid "The solver algorithm is described on Wikipedia. To know more about the Lights Off game: &lt;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lights_Out_(game)&gt;"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/login-activity/login.py:102
@@ -5818,297 +5214,217 @@ msgid "Enter login to log in"
 msgstr "ãããããååãããããã."
 #: ../src/login-activity/login.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"GCompris identifies each child, so we can provide child-specific reports."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/login-activity/login.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "GCompris login screen"
 msgstr "GCompris ããããçé"
+#: ../src/login-activity/login.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Select or enter your name to log in to GCompris"
+msgstr "GComprisãããããããããããããããååãååããããéãããããã."
 #: ../src/login-activity/login.xml.in.h:3
+msgid "GCompris identifies each child, so we can provide child-specific reports."
+msgstr "GComprisãåããåãããçåãããããåãããçæããããããæäããããããããã."
+#: ../src/login-activity/login.xml.in.h:4
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid ""
 #| "In order to activate the login screen, you must \n"
 #| "first add users in the administration part of GCompris. \n"
 #| "You access Administration by running 'gcompris -a'.\n"
 #| "In Administration, you can create different profiles. In each profile,\n"
-#| "you can have a different set of users and select which activities are "
-#| "available to them.\n"
-#| "To run GCompris for a specific profile, you use 'gcompris -p profile' "
-#| "where 'profile'\n"
+#| "you can have a different set of users and select which activities are available to them.\n"
+#| "To run GCompris for a specific profile, you use 'gcompris -p profile' where 'profile'\n"
 #| "is the name of a profile as you created it in Administration."
 msgid ""
 "In order to activate the login screen, you must\n"
 "first add users in the administration part of GCompris.\n"
 "You access Administration by running 'gcompris -a'.\n"
 "In Administration, you can create different profiles. In each profile,\n"
-"you can have a different set of users and select which activities are "
-"available to them.\n"
-"To run GCompris for a specific profile, you use 'gcompris -p profile' where "
+"you can have a different set of users and select which activities are available to them.\n"
+"To run GCompris for a specific profile, you use 'gcompris -p profile' where 'profile'\n"
 "is the name of a profile as you created it in Administration."
 msgstr ""
-"ããããããããã.ãããããgcompris -aããååãããçççéããããããã"
-#: ../src/login-activity/login.xml.in.h:10
-msgid "Select or enter your name to log in to GCompris"
-msgstr ""
+"ããããçéãåäããããããããGComprisãçççéããããããããããåãããããããããã.ãããããgcompris -aããååãããçççéãããããããã.çççéãããåãããããããããããããããããã.\n"
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/louis_braille.py:112
 msgid "Click to confirm your sequence"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/louis_braille.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Louis Braille Video: &lt; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bdfC2j_4x4 &gt;"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The story of Oscar and friend"
+msgid "The History of Louis Braille"
+msgstr "ãããããåéããè"
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/louis_braille.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Read the history of Louis Braille, his biography and discovery of the "
-"Braille system. Click on the previous and next buttons to move to the "
-"respective story page. At the end, arrange the sequence in the chronological "
+msgid "Review the major dates of the inventor of the Braille system."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/louis_braille.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Review the major dates of the inventor of the Braille system."
+msgid "Read the history of Louis Braille, his biography and discovery of the Braille system. Click on the previous and next buttons to move to the respective story page. At the end, arrange the sequence in the chronological order."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/louis_braille.xml.in.h:4
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "The story of Oscar and friend"
-msgid "The History of Louis Braille"
-msgstr "ãããããåéããè"
+msgid "Louis Braille Video: &lt; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bdfC2j_4x4 &gt;"
+msgstr ""
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/resources/louis_braille/activity.desktop.in.h:1
-msgid "After his Death"
+msgid "Born on January 4th in Coupvary near Paris in France."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/resources/louis_braille/activity.desktop.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"At the age of 10, he was sent to Paris to study at the Royal Institute for "
-"Blind Youth."
+msgid "Louis Braille injured his right eye with a stitching awl from his father's workshop."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/resources/louis_braille/activity.desktop.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"At the age of three, Louis became blind due to a severe infection that "
-"spread to his left eye."
+msgid "At the age of three, Louis became blind due to a severe infection that spread to his left eye."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/resources/louis_braille/activity.desktop.in.h:4
-msgid "Born on January 4th in Coupvary near Paris in France."
+msgid "At the age of 10, he was sent to Paris to study at the Royal Institute for Blind Youth."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/resources/louis_braille/activity.desktop.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"Braille got accepted as a world wide standard. Louis Braille proved that if "
-"you have motivation you can do incredible things."
+msgid "He impressed his classmates and began to play the piano and the organ."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/resources/louis_braille/activity.desktop.in.h:6
-msgid ""
-"Charles Barbier, a French soldier, visited his school and shared his "
-"invention of night writing, a code of 12 raised dots to share information on "
+msgid "Charles Barbier, a French soldier, visited his school and shared his invention of night writing, a code of 12 raised dots to share information on battlefields."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/resources/louis_braille/activity.desktop.in.h:7
-msgid "He became a teacher after graduating and secretly taught his method."
+msgid "Louis trimmed Barbier's 12 dots into 6 and invented the Braille system."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/resources/louis_braille/activity.desktop.in.h:8
-msgid ""
-"He died of tuberculosis. He is burried in the Pantheon in Paris. A monument "
-"is erected to honor him."
+msgid "He became a teacher after graduating and promoted his method while secretly teaching it at the Institute."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/resources/louis_braille/activity.desktop.in.h:9
-msgid "He impressed his classmates and began to play the piano and the organ."
+msgid "He revised and extended braille to include mathematics, symbols, punctuations and music notations."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/resources/louis_braille/activity.desktop.in.h:10
-msgid ""
-"He revised and extended braille to include mathematics, symbols, "
-"punctuations and music notations."
+msgid "He died of tuberculosis. He is burried in the Pantheon in Paris. A monument is erected to honor him."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/resources/louis_braille/activity.desktop.in.h:11
-msgid ""
-"Louis Braille injured his right eye with a stitching awl from his father's "
+msgid "After his Death"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/louis_braille-activity/resources/louis_braille/activity.desktop.in.h:12
-msgid "Louis trimmed Barbier's 12 dots into 6 and invented the Braille system."
+msgid "Braille got accepted as a world wide standard. Louis Braille proved that if you have motivation you can do incredible things."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/magic_hat_minus-activity/magic_hat_minus.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Count how many items are under the magic hat after some have got away"
-msgstr ""
+#: ../src/magic_hat_plus-activity/magic_hat_plus.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "The magician hat"
+msgstr "ããããããã"
 #: ../src/magic_hat_minus-activity/magic_hat_minus.xml.in.h:2
-msgid "Learn subtraction"
-msgstr "ããçãåããã."
+msgid "Count how many items are under the magic hat after some have got away"
+msgstr "ãããããããããæãéããåãããããããããäãããããæãããããæããããããã."
 #: ../src/magic_hat_minus-activity/magic_hat_minus.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"Look at the magician, he tells the number of stars that are under his magic "
-"hat. Then, click on the hat to open it. A few stars escape. Click again on "
-"the hat to close it. You have to count how many are still under the hat. "
-"Click on the bottom right area to answer."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/magic_hat_minus-activity/magic_hat_minus.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/memory_add_minus-activity/memory_add_minus.xml.in.h:3
-#: ../src/memory_add_minus_tux-activity/memory_add_minus_tux.xml.in.h:3
-#: ../src/memory_minus-activity/memory_minus.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/memory_minus_tux-activity/memory_minus_tux.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/memory_minus-activity/memory_minus.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/memory_minus_tux-activity/memory_minus_tux.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Subtraction"
 msgstr "ããç"
-#: ../src/magic_hat_minus-activity/magic_hat_minus.xml.in.h:5
-#: ../src/magic_hat_plus-activity/magic_hat_plus.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "The magician hat"
-msgstr "ããããããã"
-#: ../src/magic_hat_plus-activity/magic_hat_plus.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/memory_add-activity/memory_add.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/memory_enumerate-activity/memory_enumerate.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Addition"
-msgstr "ããç"
+#: ../src/magic_hat_minus-activity/magic_hat_minus.xml.in.h:4
+msgid "Learn subtraction"
+msgstr "ããçãåããã."
-#: ../src/magic_hat_plus-activity/magic_hat_plus.xml.in.h:2
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Click on the hat to open or close it. Under the hat, how many stars can "
-#| "you see moving around? Count carefully. :) Click in the bottom- right "
-#| "area to input your answer."
-msgid ""
-"Click on the hat to open or close it. Under the hat, how many stars can you "
-"see moving around? Count carefully. :) Click in the bottom-right area to "
-"input your answer."
-msgstr ""
-"ããããçåããæãæãæéãæãããããã. :) ããããæããæãæãããã"
+#: ../src/magic_hat_minus-activity/magic_hat_minus.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "Look at the magician, he tells the number of stars that are under his magic hat. Then, click on the hat to open it. A few stars escape. Click again on the hat to close it. You have to count how many are still under the hat. Click on the bottom right area to answer."
+msgstr "ããããããããäãããæãæãæããã.ããæãããããããããéããããããããããããããããããã.ãããããæãéãããããã.ããäåãããããããããããããããéããã.ããããããããäãããããæãããããæãããããããããã.æããæãæããããããããçããååãããããã."
-#: ../src/magic_hat_plus-activity/magic_hat_plus.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/magic_hat_plus-activity/magic_hat_plus.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Count how many items are under the magic hat"
 msgstr "ããããããããäãããããæããããæããããããã."
+#: ../src/magic_hat_plus-activity/magic_hat_plus.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/memory_add-activity/memory_add.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/memory_enumerate-activity/memory_enumerate.xml.in.h:3
+msgid "Addition"
+msgstr "ããç"
 #: ../src/magic_hat_plus-activity/magic_hat_plus.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Learn addition"
 msgstr "ããçãåããã."
+#: ../src/magic_hat_plus-activity/magic_hat_plus.xml.in.h:5
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Click on the hat to open or close it. Under the hat, how many stars can you see moving around? Count carefully. :) Click in the bottom- right area to input your answer."
+msgid "Click on the hat to open or close it. Under the hat, how many stars can you see moving around? Count carefully. :) Click in the bottom-right area to input your answer."
+msgstr "ããããããããéãããéãããããããããããããããããããããããããããã.ããããæããååãäãçåããããèãããããããããã?ããããããããçåããæãæãæéãæãããããã. :) ããããæããæãæããããããããçããååãããããã."
 #: ../src/maze2DRelative-activity/maze2DRelative.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/maze3D-activity/maze3D.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/maze-activity/maze.xml.in.h:1
+#: ../src/maze-activity/maze.c:132 ../src/maze-activity/maze.xml.in.h:1
 #: ../src/mazeInvisible-activity/mazeInvisible.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Can use the keyboard arrow to move an object."
-msgstr "ãããããããåããããããããããããäãããã."
+msgid "Maze"
+msgstr "èè"
 #: ../src/maze2DRelative-activity/maze2DRelative.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Find your way out of the maze (Move is relative)"
 msgstr "èèãååãèãããããã(ãããããããåããæãååããã.)"
 #: ../src/maze2DRelative-activity/maze2DRelative.xml.in.h:3
-#: ../src/maze3D-activity/maze3D.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/maze3D-activity/maze3D.xml.in.h:3
 #: ../src/maze-activity/maze.xml.in.h:3
 #: ../src/mazeInvisible-activity/mazeInvisible.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Help Tux get out of this maze."
-msgstr "ãããããããããèèããèåããããæäãããããã."
+msgid "Can use the keyboard arrow to move an object."
+msgstr "ãããããããåããããããããããããäãããã."
 #: ../src/maze2DRelative-activity/maze2DRelative.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/maze-activity/maze.c:132 ../src/maze-activity/maze.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/maze3D-activity/maze3D.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/maze-activity/maze.xml.in.h:4
 #: ../src/mazeInvisible-activity/mazeInvisible.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Maze"
-msgstr "èè"
+msgid "Help Tux get out of this maze."
+msgstr "ãããããããããèèããèåããããæäãããããã."
 #: ../src/maze2DRelative-activity/maze2DRelative.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"Use the keyboard arrows to move Tux up to the door. In this maze, the move "
-"is relative (first person). Use the up arrow to go forward. The other arrow "
-"let you turn Tux in another direction."
-msgstr ""
-"ã. ããèèãã,ãããããããåããééããããã.ãããããããéãããã"
+msgid "Use the keyboard arrows to move Tux up to the door. In this maze, the move is relative (first person). Use the up arrow to go forward. The other arrow let you turn Tux in another direction."
+msgstr "ãããããããããããåãããããããããããããããããããäãããããã. ããèèãã,ãããããããåããééããããã.ãããããããéããããããäçåããããããããäãããããã.äãããããããããåãæåããããããããåèãããã."
 #: ../src/maze3D-activity/maze3D.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "3D Maze"
 msgstr "3D èè"
-#: ../src/maze3D-activity/maze3D.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/maze3D-activity/maze3D.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Find your way out of the 3D maze"
 msgstr "3Dèèãååãèãããããã"
 #: ../src/maze3D-activity/maze3D.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"Use the keyboard arrows to move Tux up to the door. Use the spacebar to "
-"switch between 2D and 3D modes. 2D mode just gives you an indication of your "
-"position, like a map. You cannot move Tux in 2D mode."
-msgstr ""
-"ã. 2D(2æå) ã 3D(3æå) ãååãåæãããããã,ãããããããäãããã"
-"ãã.2Dãååãååãããããããããããããäçãäãããããã. ãããã2D"
+msgid "Use the keyboard arrows to move Tux up to the door. Use the spacebar to switch between 2D and 3D modes. 2D mode just gives you an indication of your position, like a map. You cannot move Tux in 2D mode."
+msgstr "ãããããããããããåãããããããããããããããããããäãããããã. 2D(2æå) ã 3D(3æå) ãååãåæãããããã,ãããããããäãããããã.2Dãååãååãããããããããããããäçãäãããããã. ãããã2Dãååãããããããããåãããããããããã."
 #: ../src/maze-activity/maze.c:133 ../src/maze-activity/maze.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Find your way out of the maze"
 msgstr "èèãååãèãããããã"
 #: ../src/maze-activity/maze.c:603
-msgid ""
-"Look at your position, then switch back to invisible mode to continue your "
+msgid "Look at your position, then switch back to invisible mode to continue your moves"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/maze-activity/maze.c:605
-msgid ""
-"Look at your position, then switch back to 3D mode to continue your moves"
+msgid "Look at your position, then switch back to 3D mode to continue your moves"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/maze-activity/maze.xml.in.h:5
 msgid "Use the keyboard arrows to move Tux up to the door."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ãããããããããããåããããã,ãããããããããããããäãããããã."
 #: ../src/mazeInvisible-activity/mazeInvisible.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Find your way out of the invisible maze"
 msgstr "èãããèèãååãèãããããã"
 #: ../src/mazeInvisible-activity/mazeInvisible.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"Use the keyboard arrows to move Tux up to the door. Use the spacebar to "
-"switch between invisible and visible modes. Visible mode just gives you an "
-"indication of your position, like a map. You cannot move Tux in visible mode."
-msgstr ""
-"ããã. èèãèããååãååãããããããããããããäçãäãããããã."
+msgid "Use the keyboard arrows to move Tux up to the door. Use the spacebar to switch between invisible and visible modes. Visible mode just gives you an indication of your position, like a map. You cannot move Tux in visible mode."
+msgstr "ãããããããããããåããããã,ãããããããããããããäãããããã.èèãèããããããèãããããååãåæãããããã,ãããããããäãããããã. èèãèããååãååãããããããããããããäçãäãããããã.ããããèèãèãããååãããããããããåãããããããããã."
 #: ../src/melody-activity/melody.py:107
 msgid ""
@@ -6122,25 +5438,21 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../src/melody-activity/melody.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Ear-training activity"
-msgstr "èåããããããã"
-#: ../src/melody-activity/melody.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Listen to the sound sequence played, and repeat it by clicking on the "
-"elements. You can listen again by clicking on the repeat button."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/melody-activity/melody.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Melody"
 msgstr "ããããã"
-#: ../src/melody-activity/melody.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/melody-activity/melody.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Repeat a melody"
 msgstr "èããããããããçãèããããã"
+#: ../src/melody-activity/melody.xml.in.h:4
+msgid "Ear-training activity"
+msgstr "èåããããããã"
+#: ../src/melody-activity/melody.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "Listen to the sound sequence played, and repeat it by clicking on the elements. You can listen again by clicking on the repeat button."
+msgstr "éçããéãæåãèãããæåããããããããããããããåæãããããã.çãèããããããããããããããããããããäåãéæãèãããããããã."
 #: ../src/memory-activity/memory.c:280
 msgid "zero"
 msgstr ""
@@ -6202,97 +5514,49 @@ msgid "Find the matching pair"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/memory-activity/memory.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"A set of blank cards is shown. Each card has a picture on the other side, "
-"and each picture card has a twin exactly the same. Click on a card to see "
-"its hidden picture, and try to match the twins. You can only turn over two "
-"cards at once, so you need to remember where a picture is, while you look "
-"for its twin. When you turn over the twins, they both disappear."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Memory Game with images"
+msgstr "èæåããã"
 #: ../src/memory-activity/memory.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Flip the cards to find the matching pairs"
 msgstr "çãåãããæããããããããããã."
-#: ../src/memory-activity/memory.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Memory Game with images"
-msgstr "èæåããã"
-#: ../src/memory-activity/memory.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/memory-activity/memory.xml.in.h:4
 #: ../src/memory_tux-activity/memory_tux.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Train your memory and remove all the cards"
 msgstr "ããããèæãéãããåããããããåãããããã."
-#: ../src/memory_add-activity/memory_add.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/memory-activity/memory.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "A set of blank cards is shown. Each card has a picture on the other side, and each picture card has a twin exactly the same. Click on a card to see its hidden picture, and try to match the twins. You can only turn over two cards at once, so you need to remember where a picture is, while you look for its twin. When you turn over the twins, they both disappear."
+msgstr "äãæããããããããããéåãçãããã.åãããããããåååãçãæããããããããããããããããçæãããããåãäåããããããããããã.éããçãèãããããããããããããããäåãããããçãåããããããã.ããããã2æããããããããããèãããããããããããäåãããããæãéãçãããããããèããããåèããããã.äåãããããããããèãããäæããããããããããã."
+#: ../src/memory_add-activity/memory_add.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Addition memory game"
 msgstr "ããçãèæåããã"
-#: ../src/memory_add-activity/memory_add.xml.in.h:3
-#: ../src/memory_add_tux-activity/memory_add_tux.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Practise adding up, until all the cards are gone."
-msgstr "åãããããããããããããããçãççãããããã."
+#: ../src/memory_add-activity/memory_add.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/memory_add_tux-activity/memory_add_tux.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Turn the cards over to find two numbers which add up the same, until all the cards are gone."
+msgstr "åãããããããããããããåãããçãèçãããã2ããããã(æçãåèãéå)ãèãããããããããããããããããããããã."
 #: ../src/memory_add-activity/memory_add.xml.in.h:4
 #: ../src/memory_add_tux-activity/memory_add_tux.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"Turn the cards over to find two numbers which add up the same, until all the "
-"cards are gone."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Practise adding up, until all the cards are gone."
+msgstr "åãããããããããããããããçãççãããããã."
 #: ../src/memory_add-activity/memory_add.xml.in.h:5
 #: ../src/memory_add_tux-activity/memory_add_tux.xml.in.h:5
 msgid ""
-"You can see some cards, but you can't see what's on the other side of them. "
-"Each card is hiding an adding-up sum, or the answer to the sum.\n"
+"You can see some cards, but you can't see what's on the other side of them. Each card is hiding an adding-up sum, or the answer to the sum.\n"
 "An adding-up sum looks like this: 2 + 2 = 4\n"
-"The numbers on one side of the equals sign (=) have to be the same as the "
-"number on the other side. So 2 (1, 2) and 2 more (3, 4) makes 4. Count aloud "
-"when you work this out, and count on your fingers, because the more ways you "
-"do something, the better you remember it. You can also use blocks, or "
-"buttons, or anything you can count. If you have lots of brothers and "
-"sisters, you can count them! Or the kids in your class at school. Sing "
-"counting songs. Count lots of things, for practice, and you'll be very good "
-"at adding-up!\n"
+"The numbers on one side of the equals sign (=) have to be the same as the number on the other side. So 2 (1, 2) and 2 more (3, 4) makes 4. Count aloud when you work this out, and count on your fingers, because the more ways you do something, the better you remember it. You can also use blocks, or buttons, or anything you can count. If you have lots of brothers and sisters, you can count them! Or the kids in your class at school. Sing counting songs. Count lots of things, for practice, and you'll be very good at adding-up!\n"
-"In this game, these cards are hiding the two parts of an adding-up sum (also "
-"called an addition sum). You need to find the two parts of the sum, and "
-"bring them together again. Click on a card to see what number it's hiding, "
-"then try to find the other card that goes with it, to make a whole sum. You "
-"can only turn over two cards in one go, so you need to remember where the "
-"numbers are hiding, then you can match them when you find their other half. "
-"You're doing the job of the equals sign, and the numbers need you to put "
-"them together and make a proper sum. When you do that, both those cards "
-"disappear! When you've made them all disappear, found all the sums, you've "
-"won the game! :)"
-msgstr ""
+"In this game, these cards are hiding the two parts of an adding-up sum (also called an addition sum). You need to find the two parts of the sum, and bring them together again. Click on a card to see what number it's hiding, then try to find the other card that goes with it, to make a whole sum. You can only turn over two cards in one go, so you need to remember where the numbers are hiding, then you can match them when you find their other half. You're doing the job of the equals sign, and the numbers need you to put them together and make a proper sum. When you do that, both those cards disappear! When you've made them all disappear, found all the sums, you've won the game! :)"
+msgstr ""
 "ããçããããããæï2 + 2 = 4\n"
 #: ../src/memory_add_minus-activity/memory_add_minus.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Addition and subtraction memory game"
@@ -6300,17 +5564,20 @@ msgstr "ããçãããçãèæåããã."
 #: ../src/memory_add_minus-activity/memory_add_minus.xml.in.h:2
 #: ../src/memory_add_minus_tux-activity/memory_add_minus_tux.xml.in.h:2
-msgid "Practise addition, subtraction, until all the cards are gone."
-msgstr "åãããããããããããããããçãããçãççãããããã."
+msgid "Turn the cards over to find two numbers which add or subtract the same, until all the cards are gone."
+msgstr "åãããããããããããããåãããçãããçãèçãããã2ããããã(æçãåèãéå)ãèãããããããããããããããããããããã."
+#: ../src/memory_add_minus-activity/memory_add_minus.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/memory_add_minus_tux-activity/memory_add_minus_tux.xml.in.h:3
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Addition and subtraction memory game"
+msgid "Addition and subtraction"
+msgstr "ããçãããçãèæåããã."
 #: ../src/memory_add_minus-activity/memory_add_minus.xml.in.h:4
 #: ../src/memory_add_minus_tux-activity/memory_add_minus_tux.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"Turn the cards over to find two numbers which add or subtract the same, "
-"until all the cards are gone."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Practise addition, subtraction, until all the cards are gone."
+msgstr "åãããããããããããããããçãããçãççãããããã."
 #: ../src/memory_add_minus-activity/memory_add_minus.xml.in.h:5
 #: ../src/memory_add_minus_mult_div-activity/memory_add_minus_mult_div.xml.in.h:5
@@ -6323,64 +5590,38 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../src/memory_mult_div_tux-activity/memory_mult_div_tux.xml.in.h:5
 #: ../src/memory_mult_tux-activity/memory_mult_tux.xml.in.h:5
 msgid ""
-"You can see some cards, but you can't see what's on the other side of them. "
-"Each card is hiding an operation, or the answer to it.\n"
+"You can see some cards, but you can't see what's on the other side of them. Each card is hiding an operation, or the answer to it.\n"
-"In this game, these cards are hiding the two parts of an operation. You need "
-"to find the two parts of the operation, and bring them together again. Click "
-"on a card to see what number it's hiding, then try to find the other card "
-"that goes with it, to make a whole operation. You can only turn over two "
-"cards in one go, so you need to remember where the numbers are hiding, then "
-"you can match them when you find their other half. You're doing the job of "
-"the equals sign, and the numbers need you to put them together and make a "
-"proper equality. When you do that, both those cards disappear! When you've "
-"made them all disappear, found all the operations, you've won the game! :)"
-msgstr ""
+"In this game, these cards are hiding the two parts of an operation. You need to find the two parts of the operation, and bring them together again. Click on a card to see what number it's hiding, then try to find the other card that goes with it, to make a whole operation. You can only turn over two cards in one go, so you need to remember where the numbers are hiding, then you can match them when you find their other half. You're doing the job of the equals sign, and the numbers need you to put them together and make a proper equality. When you do that, both those cards disappear! When you've made them all disappear, found all the operations, you've won the game! :)"
+msgstr ""
 #: ../src/memory_add_minus_mult_div-activity/memory_add_minus_mult_div.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/memory_add_minus_mult_div_tux-activity/memory_add_minus_mult_div_tux.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division"
-msgstr "ããçãããçãããçãããç."
-#: ../src/memory_add_minus_mult_div-activity/memory_add_minus_mult_div.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "All operations memory game"
 msgstr "åããæçãåããççèå"
+#: ../src/memory_add_minus_mult_div-activity/memory_add_minus_mult_div.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/memory_add_minus_mult_div_tux-activity/memory_add_minus_mult_div_tux.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/memory_div-activity/memory_div.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/memory_div_tux-activity/memory_div_tux.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/memory_mult_div-activity/memory_mult_div.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/memory_mult_div_tux-activity/memory_mult_div_tux.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/memory_mult_tux-activity/memory_mult_tux.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Turn the cards over to find a matching operation, until all the cards are gone."
+msgstr "åãããããããããããããåããããæçãèãããããããããããããããããããããã."
 #: ../src/memory_add_minus_mult_div-activity/memory_add_minus_mult_div.xml.in.h:3
 #: ../src/memory_add_minus_mult_div_tux-activity/memory_add_minus_mult_div_tux.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"Practise addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, until all the "
-"cards are gone."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division"
+msgstr "ããçãããçãããçãããç."
 #: ../src/memory_add_minus_mult_div-activity/memory_add_minus_mult_div.xml.in.h:4
 #: ../src/memory_add_minus_mult_div_tux-activity/memory_add_minus_mult_div_tux.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/memory_div-activity/memory_div.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/memory_div_tux-activity/memory_div_tux.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/memory_mult_div-activity/memory_mult_div.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/memory_mult_div_tux-activity/memory_mult_div_tux.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/memory_mult_tux-activity/memory_mult_tux.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"Turn the cards over to find a matching operation, until all the cards are "
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Practise addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, until all the cards are gone."
+msgstr "åãããããããããããããããçãããçãããçãããçãççãããããã."
-#: ../src/memory_add_minus_mult_div_tux-activity/memory_add_minus_mult_div_tux.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/memory_add_minus_mult_div_tux-activity/memory_add_minus_mult_div_tux.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "All operations memory game against Tux"
 msgstr "ãããããããåããæçãåããççèå"
@@ -6392,156 +5633,110 @@ msgstr "ãããããããããçãããçãåããççèå"
 msgid "Addition memory game against Tux"
 msgstr "ãããããããããçãççèå"
-#: ../src/memory_add_tux-activity/memory_add_tux.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/memory_mult_tux-activity/memory_mult_tux.xml.in.h:1
+#: ../src/memory_add_tux-activity/memory_add_tux.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/memory_mult_tux-activity/memory_mult_tux.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Additions"
 msgstr "ããç"
 #: ../src/memory_div-activity/memory_div.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/memory_div_tux-activity/memory_div_tux.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Division"
-msgstr "ããç"
-#: ../src/memory_div-activity/memory_div.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Division memory game"
 msgstr "ããçãèæåããã"
 #: ../src/memory_div-activity/memory_div.xml.in.h:3
 #: ../src/memory_div_tux-activity/memory_div_tux.xml.in.h:3
+msgid "Division"
+msgstr "ããç"
+#: ../src/memory_div-activity/memory_div.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/memory_div_tux-activity/memory_div_tux.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Practise division, until all the cards are gone."
 msgstr "åãããããããããããããããçãççãããããã.."
-#: ../src/memory_div_tux-activity/memory_div_tux.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/memory_div_tux-activity/memory_div_tux.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Division memory game against Tux"
 msgstr "ãããããããããçãççèå"
-#: ../src/memory_enumerate-activity/memory_enumerate.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/memory_enumerate-activity/memory_enumerate.xml.in.h:1
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Subtraction memory game"
 msgid "Enumeration memory game"
 msgstr "ããçãèæåããã"
-#: ../src/memory_enumerate-activity/memory_enumerate.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/memory_enumerate-activity/memory_enumerate.xml.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Numeration training"
-msgid "Numeration training, memory."
-msgstr "æãããããããããã"
+#| msgid "Turn the cards over to find two numbers which add up the same, until all the cards are gone."
+msgid "Turn the cards over to match the number with the drawn picture."
+msgstr "åãããããããããããããåãããçãèçãããã2ããããã(æçãåèãéå)ãèãããããããããããããããããããããã."
 #: ../src/memory_enumerate-activity/memory_enumerate.xml.in.h:4
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Turn the cards over to find two numbers which add up the same, until all "
-#| "the cards are gone."
-msgid "Turn the cards over to match the number with the drawn picture."
-msgstr ""
+#| msgid "Numeration training"
+msgid "Numeration training, memory."
+msgstr "æãããããããããã"
 #: ../src/memory_enumerate-activity/memory_enumerate.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"You can see some cards, but you can't see what's on the other side of them. "
-"Each card is hiding a number of pictures, or the written number."
+msgid "You can see some cards, but you can't see what's on the other side of them. Each card is hiding a number of pictures, or the written number."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/memory_minus-activity/memory_minus.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/memory_minus_tux-activity/memory_minus_tux.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Practise subtraction, until all the cards are gone."
-msgstr "åãããããããããããããããçãççãããããã.."
-#: ../src/memory_minus-activity/memory_minus.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Subtraction memory game"
 msgstr "ããçãèæåããã"
+#: ../src/memory_minus-activity/memory_minus.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/memory_minus_tux-activity/memory_minus_tux.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Turn the cards over to find two numbers which subtract the same, until all the cards are gone."
+msgstr "åãããããããããããããåãããçãèçãããã2ããããã(æçãåèãéå)ãèããããããããããããããèãããããã."
 #: ../src/memory_minus-activity/memory_minus.xml.in.h:4
 #: ../src/memory_minus_tux-activity/memory_minus_tux.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"Turn the cards over to find two numbers which subtract the same, until all "
-"the cards are gone."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Practise subtraction, until all the cards are gone."
+msgstr "åãããããããããããããããçãççãããããã.."
 #: ../src/memory_minus-activity/memory_minus.xml.in.h:5
 #: ../src/memory_minus_tux-activity/memory_minus_tux.xml.in.h:5
 msgid ""
-"You can see some cards, but you can't see what's on the other side of them. "
-"Each card is hiding a subtraction, or the answer to it.\n"
+"You can see some cards, but you can't see what's on the other side of them. Each card is hiding a subtraction, or the answer to it.\n"
 "A subtraction looks like this: 3 - 1 = 2\n"
-"The numbers on one side of the equals sign (=) have to be the same as the "
-"number on the other side. So 3 (1, 2, 3) less 1 (1) makes 2. Count aloud "
-"when you work this out, and count on your fingers, because the more ways you "
-"do something, the better you remember it. You can also use blocks, or "
-"buttons, or anything you can count. If you have lots of brothers and "
-"sisters, you can count them! Or the kids in your class at school. Sing "
-"counting songs. Count lots of things, for practice, and you'll be very good "
-"at adding-up!\n"
+"The numbers on one side of the equals sign (=) have to be the same as the number on the other side. So 3 (1, 2, 3) less 1 (1) makes 2. Count aloud when you work this out, and count on your fingers, because the more ways you do something, the better you remember it. You can also use blocks, or buttons, or anything you can count. If you have lots of brothers and sisters, you can count them! Or the kids in your class at school. Sing counting songs. Count lots of things, for practice, and you'll be very good at adding-up!\n"
-"In this game, these cards are hiding the two parts of a subtraction. You "
-"need to find the two parts of the subraction, and bring them together again. "
-"Click on a card to see what number it's hiding, then try to find the other "
-"card that goes with it, to make a whole sum. You can only turn over two "
-"cards in one go, so you need to remember where the numbers are hiding, then "
-"you can match them when you find their other half. You're doing the job of "
-"the equals sign, and the numbers need you to put them together and make a "
-"proper sum. When you do that, both those cards disappear! When you've made "
-"them all disappear, found all the subtracts, you've won the game! :)"
-msgstr ""
+"In this game, these cards are hiding the two parts of a subtraction. You need to find the two parts of the subraction, and bring them together again. Click on a card to see what number it's hiding, then try to find the other card that goes with it, to make a whole sum. You can only turn over two cards in one go, so you need to remember where the numbers are hiding, then you can match them when you find their other half. You're doing the job of the equals sign, and the numbers need you to put them together and make a proper sum. When you do that, both those cards disappear! When you've made them all disappear, found all the subtracts, you've won the game! :)"
+msgstr ""
 "ããçããããããæï3 - 1 = 2\n"
-#: ../src/memory_minus_tux-activity/memory_minus_tux.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/memory_minus_tux-activity/memory_minus_tux.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Subtraction memory game against Tux"
 msgstr "ãããããããããçãççèå"
 #: ../src/memory_mult-activity/memory_mult.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Multiplication"
-msgstr "ããç"
-#: ../src/memory_mult-activity/memory_mult.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Multiplication memory game"
 msgstr "ããçãèæåããã"
+#: ../src/memory_mult-activity/memory_mult.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Turn the cards over to find two numbers which multiply the same, until all the cards are gone."
+msgstr "åããããããçããããããåãããçãèçãããã2ããããã(æçãåèãéå)ãèãããããããããããããããèãããããã."
 #: ../src/memory_mult-activity/memory_mult.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Practise multiplication, until all the cards are gone."
-msgstr "åãããããããããããããããçãççãããããã."
+msgid "Multiplication"
+msgstr "ããç"
 #: ../src/memory_mult-activity/memory_mult.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"Turn the cards over to find two numbers which multiply the same, until all "
-"the cards are gone."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Practise multiplication, until all the cards are gone."
+msgstr "åãããããããããããããããçãççãããããã."
 #: ../src/memory_mult_div-activity/memory_mult_div.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Multiplication and division memory game"
 msgstr "ããçãããçãèæåããã"
-#: ../src/memory_mult_div-activity/memory_mult_div.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/memory_mult_div_tux-activity/memory_mult_div_tux.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/memory_mult_div-activity/memory_mult_div.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/memory_mult_div_tux-activity/memory_mult_div_tux.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Multiplication, division"
 msgstr "ããçãããç"
-#: ../src/memory_mult_div-activity/memory_mult_div.xml.in.h:3
-#: ../src/memory_mult_div_tux-activity/memory_mult_div_tux.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/memory_mult_div-activity/memory_mult_div.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/memory_mult_div_tux-activity/memory_mult_div_tux.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Practise multiplication, division, until all the cards are gone."
 msgstr "åãããããããããããããããçãããçãççãããããã."
@@ -6549,107 +5744,76 @@ msgstr "åãããããããããããããããçãããçãçç
 msgid "Multiplication and division memory game against Tux"
 msgstr "ãããããããããçãããçãççèå"
-#: ../src/memory_mult_tux-activity/memory_mult_tux.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/memory_mult_tux-activity/memory_mult_tux.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Multiplication memory game against Tux"
 msgstr "ãããããããããçãççèå"
-#: ../src/memory_mult_tux-activity/memory_mult_tux.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/memory_mult_tux-activity/memory_mult_tux.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Practise multiplication until all the cards are gone."
 msgstr "åãããããããããããããããçãççãããããã."
 #: ../src/memory_sound-activity/memory_sound.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/memory_sound_tux-activity/memory_sound_tux.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"A set of violinist Tux is shown. Each Tux has an associated sound, and each "
-"sound has a twin exactly the same. Click on a Tux to see its hidden sound, "
-"and try to match the twins. You can only activate two Tux at once, so you "
-"need to remember where a sound is, while you listen to its twin. When you "
-"turn over the twins, they both disappear."
-msgstr ""
-"ããããã. ããããã2åããéãèãããããããã.ããããéãèãããåæ"
-"ããããããããããããéãããããæãåãåèããããã.  ãããããããè"
-#: ../src/memory_sound-activity/memory_sound.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Audio memory game"
 msgstr "ããããããèæåããã"
-#: ../src/memory_sound-activity/memory_sound.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/memory_sound-activity/memory_sound.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Click on Tux the violinist and listen to find the matching sounds"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããããããèåããããéãããããããã"
-#: ../src/memory_sound-activity/memory_sound.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/memory_sound-activity/memory_sound.xml.in.h:3
 #: ../src/memory_sound_tux-activity/memory_sound_tux.xml.in.h:3
 #: ../src/memory_tux-activity/memory_tux.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Mouse manipulation, Brain."
 msgstr "ãããæä, çè."
+#: ../src/memory_sound-activity/memory_sound.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/memory_sound_tux-activity/memory_sound_tux.xml.in.h:4
+msgid "Train your audio memory and remove all the violonists Tux."
+msgstr "ããããéåèæãéãããåãããããããããããããããããæãããããã."
 #: ../src/memory_sound-activity/memory_sound.xml.in.h:5
 #: ../src/memory_sound_tux-activity/memory_sound_tux.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "Train your audio memory and remove all the violonists Tux."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "A set of violinist Tux is shown. Each Tux has an associated sound, and each sound has a twin exactly the same. Click on a Tux to see its hidden sound, and try to match the twins. You can only activate two Tux at once, so you need to remember where a sound is, while you listen to its twin. When you turn over the twins, they both disappear."
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããèããã.äããããããããããééããéãæããããã.ããããäããéããæçãåãéãæããããã.éããããããããèäããããããããããããããããããããããã.ãããããããããããæããããã. ããããã2åããéãèãããããããã.ããããéãèãããåæããããããããããããéãããããæãåãåèããããã.  ãããããããèãããããããããäæããæãããããããã."
-#: ../src/memory_sound_tux-activity/memory_sound_tux.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/memory_sound_tux-activity/memory_sound_tux.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Audio memory game against Tux"
 msgstr "éåèæåãããããããããããåæ"
-#: ../src/memory_sound_tux-activity/memory_sound_tux.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/memory_sound_tux-activity/memory_sound_tux.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Play the audio memory game against Tux"
 msgstr "éåèæåãããããããããããéããããã."
 #: ../src/memory_tux-activity/memory_tux.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Have a memory competition with Tux."
-msgstr "ãããããããççèå."
-#: ../src/memory_tux-activity/memory_tux.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Memory Game with images, against Tux"
 msgstr "çãèæåãããããããããããåæ"
+#: ../src/memory_tux-activity/memory_tux.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Have a memory competition with Tux."
+msgstr "ãããããããççèå."
 #: ../src/memory_tux-activity/memory_tux.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"You can see a set of cards that all look the same. Each card has a picture "
-"on the other side, and each picture has a twin somewhere in the set. You can "
-"only turn over two cards at once, so you need to remember where the pictures "
-"are until you can find the twin. When you turn over twins, they disappear! "
-"You take turns with Tux, and to win the game, you have to find more pairs of "
-"twins than he does."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "You can see a set of cards that all look the same. Each card has a picture on the other side, and each picture has a twin somewhere in the set. You can only turn over two cards at once, so you need to remember where the pictures are until you can find the twin. When you turn over twins, they disappear! You take turns with Tux, and to win the game, you have to find more pairs of twins than he does."
+msgstr "ãããããããåãããåãããããäããããããã.åãããããããçãæãããããã.ããããåããçãããããäãããããæããããã.ããããã2æããããããããããèãããããããã.ãããããããèããããããããçãããããããèããããåèããããã.ãããããããããããèãããããããæãããïããããããããããããääãããããèããã.ãããããããåããããããããããããããåãããããããããèããããããããããã."
-#: ../src/memory_wordnumber-activity/memory_wordnumber.xml.in.h:2
-msgid "Reading numbers, memory."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../src/memory_wordnumber-activity/memory_wordnumber.xml.in.h:1
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Addition memory game"
+msgid "Wordnumber memory game"
+msgstr "ããçãèæåããã"
-#: ../src/memory_wordnumber-activity/memory_wordnumber.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/memory_wordnumber-activity/memory_wordnumber.xml.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Turn the cards over to find two numbers which add up the same, until all "
-#| "the cards are gone."
+#| msgid "Turn the cards over to find two numbers which add up the same, until all the cards are gone."
 msgid "Turn the cards over to match the number with the word matching it."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "åãããããããããããããåãããçãèçãããã2ããããã(æçãåèãéå)ãèãããããããããããããããããããããã."
 #: ../src/memory_wordnumber-activity/memory_wordnumber.xml.in.h:4
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Addition memory game"
-msgid "Wordnumber memory game"
-msgstr "ããçãèæåããã"
+msgid "Reading numbers, memory."
+msgstr ""
 #: ../src/memory_wordnumber-activity/memory_wordnumber.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"You can see some cards, but you can't see what's on the other side of them. "
-"Each card is hiding a number of number, or the word of the number."
+msgid "You can see some cards, but you can't see what's on the other side of them. Each card is hiding a number of number, or the word of the number."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/missingletter_config.c:77
@@ -6665,8 +5829,7 @@ msgid "Question cannot be empty."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/missingletter_config.c:95
-msgid ""
-"Question must include the character '_'. It represents the letter to search."
+msgid "Question must include the character '_'. It represents the letter to search."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/missingletter_config.c:102
@@ -6733,38 +5896,32 @@ msgid "Replace the letter to guess by the character '_'."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/missingletter_config.c:591
-msgid ""
-"Enter here the letter that will be proposed. The first letter here must be "
-"the solution."
+msgid "Enter here the letter that will be proposed. The first letter here must be the solution."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/missing_letter.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"An object is displayed in the main area, and an incomplete word is printed "
-"under the picture. Select the missing letter to complete the word."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Missing Letter"
+msgstr "æããããæå"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/missing_letter.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Fill in the missing letter"
 msgstr "æããããæåãåããããã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/missing_letter.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Missing Letter"
-msgstr "æããããæå"
+msgid "Word reading"
+msgstr "åèãèãæ"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/missing_letter.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Training reading skills"
 msgstr "æåãèããããããã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/missing_letter.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "Word reading"
-msgstr "åèãèãæ"
+msgid "An object is displayed in the main area, and an incomplete word is printed under the picture. Select the missing letter to complete the word."
+msgstr "ããçããããçéãèçãããã.ããããäååãèèãçãäãèçãããã.åèãåæããããããæããããæåãéãããããã."
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board1.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "car/c_r/a/k/o"
-msgstr "ããã/ã_ã/ã/ã/ã"
+msgid "plane/_lane/p/g/d"
+msgstr "ãããã/_ããã/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board1.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "dog/_og/d/p/q"
@@ -6775,12 +5932,14 @@ msgid "fish/f_sh/i/u/l"
 msgstr "ããã/ã_ã/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board1.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "plane/_lane/p/g/d"
-msgstr "ãããã/_ããã/ã/ã/ã"
+msgid "car/c_r/a/k/o"
+msgstr "ããã/ã_ã/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board2.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "apple/_pple/a/i/o"
-msgstr "ããã/ã_ã/ã/ã/ã"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "banana/b_nana/a/o/i"
+msgid "bag/b_g/a/o/i"
+msgstr "ããã/ã_ã/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board2.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "banana/b_nana/a/o/i"
@@ -6791,176 +5950,176 @@ msgid "house/hous_/e/a/i"
 msgstr "ããã/ãã_/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board2.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "satchel/s_tchel/a/o/i"
-msgstr "ããã/ã_ã/ã/ã/ã"
+msgid "apple/_pple/a/i/o"
+msgstr "ããã/ã_ã/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board3.xml.in.h:1
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "ball/_all/b/p/d"
-msgid "ball/_all/b/p/d/m"
-msgstr "ããã/_ãã/ã/ã/ã"
-#: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board3.xml.in.h:2
-#, fuzzy
 #| msgid "bed/_ed/b/l/f"
 msgid "bed/_ed/b/l/f/t"
 msgstr "ããã/_ãã/ã/ã/ã"
-#: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board3.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board3.xml.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "bottle/_ottle/b/t/p"
 msgid "bottle/_ottle/b/t/p/l"
 msgstr "ãã/_ã/ã/ã/ã"
-#: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board3.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board3.xml.in.h:3
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "cake/_ake/c/p/d"
 msgid "cake/_ake/c/p/d/k"
 msgstr "ããã/_ãã/ã/ã/ã"
+#: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board3.xml.in.h:4
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "ball/_all/b/p/d"
+msgid "ball/_all/b/p/d/m"
+msgstr "ããã/_ãã/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board4.xml.in.h:1
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "apple/appl_/e/h/a"
-msgid "apple/appl_/e/h/a/i/o/u"
-msgstr "ããã/_ãã/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "plane/p_ane/l/j/i"
+msgid "plane/p_ane/l/j/i/t"
+msgstr "ãããã/ã_ãã/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board4.xml.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "banana/_anana/b/p/d"
-msgid "banana/_anana/b/p/d/m"
-msgstr "ããã/_ãã/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "dog/d_g/o/g/a"
+msgid "dog/d_g/o/g/a/u"
+msgstr "ãã/ã_/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board4.xml.in.h:3
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "car/_ar/c/k/b"
-msgid "car/_ar/c/k/b/u"
-msgstr "ããã/_ãã/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "fish/_ish/f/h/l"
+msgid "fish/_ish/f/h/l/j"
+msgstr "ããã/_ãã/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board4.xml.in.h:4
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "dog/d_g/o/g/a"
-msgid "dog/d_g/o/g/a/u"
-msgstr "ãã/ã_/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "car/_ar/c/k/b"
+msgid "car/_ar/c/k/b/u"
+msgstr "ããã/_ãã/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board4.xml.in.h:5
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "fish/_ish/f/h/l"
-msgid "fish/_ish/f/h/l/j"
-msgstr "ããã/_ãã/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "satchel/_atchel/s/c/l"
+msgid "satchel/_atchel/s/c/l/z"
+msgstr "ããã/_ãã/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board4.xml.in.h:6
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "house/h_use/o/f/u"
-msgid "house/h_use/o/f/u/i"
-msgstr "ããã/ã_ã/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "banana/_anana/b/p/d"
+msgid "banana/_anana/b/p/d/m"
+msgstr "ããã/_ãã/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board4.xml.in.h:7
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "plane/p_ane/l/j/i"
-msgid "plane/p_ane/l/j/i/t"
-msgstr "ãããã/ã_ãã/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "house/h_use/o/f/u"
+msgid "house/h_use/o/f/u/i"
+msgstr "ããã/ã_ã/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board4.xml.in.h:8
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "satchel/_atchel/s/c/l"
-msgid "satchel/_atchel/s/c/l/z"
-msgstr "ããã/_ãã/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "apple/appl_/e/h/a"
+msgid "apple/appl_/e/h/a/i/o/u"
+msgstr "ããã/_ãã/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board5.xml.in.h:1
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "apple/app_e/l/h/n"
-msgid "apple/app_e/l/h/n/i/t"
-msgstr "ããã/ãã_/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "bed/b_d/e/a/i"
+msgid "bed/b_d/e/a/i/o/u/s"
+msgstr "ããã/ã_ã/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board5.xml.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "ball/b_ll/a/u/o"
-msgid "ball/b_ll/a/u/o/e/i/y"
-msgstr "ããã/ã_ã/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "bottle/b_ttle/o/u/d"
+msgid "bottle/b_ttle/o/u/d/a/t/i"
+msgstr "ãã/ã_/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board5.xml.in.h:3
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "ball/bal_/l/h/s"
-msgid "ball/bal_/l/h/s/z/t"
-msgstr "ããã/ãã_/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "cake/c_ke/a/o/e"
+msgid "cake/c_ke/a/o/e/i/u/y"
+msgstr "ããã/ã_ã/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board5.xml.in.h:4
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "banana/ba_ana/n/m/b"
-msgid "banana/ba_ana/n/m/b/z/q"
-msgstr "ããã/ãã_/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "ball/b_ll/a/u/o"
+msgid "ball/b_ll/a/u/o/e/i/y"
+msgstr "ããã/ã_ã/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board5.xml.in.h:5
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "bed/b_d/e/a/i"
-msgid "bed/b_d/e/a/i/o/u/s"
-msgstr "ããã/ã_ã/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "plane/pl_ne/a/o/s"
+msgid "plane/pl_ne/a/o/s/e/i/u/y"
+msgstr "ãããã/ããã_/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board5.xml.in.h:6
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "bed/be_/d/p/b"
-msgid "bed/be_/d/p/b/c/v/n"
-msgstr "ããã/ãã_/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "dog/do_/g/p/q"
+msgid "dog/do_/g/p/q/q/k"
+msgstr "ãã/ã_/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board5.xml.in.h:7
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "bottle/b_ttle/o/u/d"
-msgid "bottle/b_ttle/o/u/d/a/t/i"
-msgstr "ãã/ã_/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "fish/fis_/h/o/i"
+msgid "fish/fis_/h/o/i/y/z"
+msgstr "ããã/ãã_/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board5.xml.in.h:8
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "bottle/bott_e/l/y/r"
-msgid "bottle/bott_e/l/y/r/s/g"
-msgstr "ãã/_ã/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "car/ca_/r/w/k"
+msgid "car/ca_/r/w/k/c/a"
+msgstr "ããã/ãã_/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board5.xml.in.h:9
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "cake/c_ke/a/o/e"
-msgid "cake/c_ke/a/o/e/i/u/y"
-msgstr "ããã/ã_ã/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "satchel/sa_chel/t/p/c"
+msgid "satchel/sa_chel/t/p/c/z/s/l"
+msgstr "ããã/ãã_/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board5.xml.in.h:10
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "cake/ca_e/k/q/c"
-msgid "cake/ca_e/k/q/c/r/z"
-msgstr "ããã/ãã_/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "banana/ba_ana/n/m/b"
+msgid "banana/ba_ana/n/m/b/z/q"
+msgstr "ããã/ãã_/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board5.xml.in.h:11
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "car/ca_/r/w/k"
-msgid "car/ca_/r/w/k/c/a"
-msgstr "ããã/ãã_/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "house/_ouse/h/e/j"
+msgid "house/_ouse/h/e/j/z/p/s"
+msgstr "ããã/_ãã/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board5.xml.in.h:12
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "dog/do_/g/p/q"
-msgid "dog/do_/g/p/q/q/k"
-msgstr "ãã/ã_/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "apple/app_e/l/h/n"
+msgid "apple/app_e/l/h/n/i/t"
+msgstr "ããã/ãã_/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board5.xml.in.h:13
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "fish/fis_/h/o/i"
-msgid "fish/fis_/h/o/i/y/z"
-msgstr "ããã/ãã_/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "bed/be_/d/p/b"
+msgid "bed/be_/d/p/b/c/v/n"
+msgstr "ããã/ãã_/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board5.xml.in.h:14
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "house/_ouse/h/e/j"
-msgid "house/_ouse/h/e/j/z/p/s"
-msgstr "ããã/_ãã/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "bottle/bott_e/l/y/r"
+msgid "bottle/bott_e/l/y/r/s/g"
+msgstr "ãã/_ã/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board5.xml.in.h:15
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "plane/pl_ne/a/o/s"
-msgid "plane/pl_ne/a/o/s/e/i/u/y"
-msgstr "ãããã/ããã_/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "cake/ca_e/k/q/c"
+msgid "cake/ca_e/k/q/c/r/z"
+msgstr "ããã/ãã_/ã/ã/ã"
 #: ../src/missing_letter-activity/resources/missing_letter/board5.xml.in.h:16
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "satchel/sa_chel/t/p/c"
-msgid "satchel/sa_chel/t/p/c/z/s/l"
-msgstr "ããã/ãã_/ã/ã/ã"
+#| msgid "ball/bal_/l/h/s"
+msgid "ball/bal_/l/h/s/z/t"
+msgstr "ããã/ãã_/ã/ã/ã"
 #. Set here the way to display money. Change only the money sign, and it's place, always keep %.2f, it will be replaced by 0,34 if decimal is ',' in your locale
 #: ../src/money-activity/money.c:795
@@ -6975,7 +6134,7 @@ msgid "$ %.0f"
 msgstr ""
 #. Set here the way to display money. Change only the money sign, and it's place, always keep %d
-#: ../src/money-activity/money.c:936
+#: ../src/money-activity/money.c:940
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Tux just bought some items in your shop.\n"
@@ -6983,77 +6142,58 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/money-activity/money.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/money_back-activity/money_back.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/money_back_cents-activity/money_back_cents.xml.in.h:1
 #: ../src/money_cents-activity/money_cents.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Can count"
-msgstr "æãããããããã"
+msgid "Money"
+msgstr "ãé"
 #: ../src/money-activity/money.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/money_back-activity/money_back.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/money_back_cents-activity/money_back_cents.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/money_cents-activity/money_cents.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Click on the coins or paper money at the bottom of the screen to pay. If you "
-"want to remove a coin or note, click on it on the upper screen area."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Practice money usage"
+msgstr "ãéãäãæãçç"
 #: ../src/money-activity/money.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/money_back-activity/money_back.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/money_back_cents-activity/money_back_cents.xml.in.h:3
 #: ../src/money_cents-activity/money_cents.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Money"
-msgstr "ãé"
+msgid "Can count"
+msgstr "æãããããããã"
 #: ../src/money-activity/money.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Practice money usage"
-msgstr "ãéãäãæãçç"
+#: ../src/money_cents-activity/money_cents.xml.in.h:4
+msgid "You must buy the different items and give the exact price. At higher levels, several items are displayed, and you must first calculate the total price."
+msgstr "ããããçãããããããèãããããããããã.ããããæçãäæãçãããããã.ããããããããããããããããããããçãããã.ããããçäæãæåãèçãããããããããã."
 #: ../src/money-activity/money.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/money_back-activity/money_back.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/money_back_cents-activity/money_back_cents.xml.in.h:5
 #: ../src/money_cents-activity/money_cents.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"You must buy the different items and give the exact price. At higher levels, "
-"several items are displayed, and you must first calculate the total price."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Click on the coins or paper money at the bottom of the screen to pay. If you want to remove a coin or note, click on it on the upper screen area."
+msgstr "ãéãææãããããããããããäéãããããããçåããããããããããã.ããããããçåãåéãããæãããããããäéããããããããããããããã."
-#: ../src/money_back-activity/money_back.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/money_back-activity/money_back.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Give tux his change"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/money_back-activity/money_back.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/money_back_cents-activity/money_back_cents.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/money_back-activity/money_back.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/money_back_cents-activity/money_back_cents.xml.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Practice money usage including cents"
 msgid "Practice money usage by giving Tux his change"
 msgstr "ããããåãããéãäãæãçç"
-#: ../src/money_back-activity/money_back.xml.in.h:5
-#: ../src/money_back_cents-activity/money_back_cents.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/money_back-activity/money_back.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/money_back_cents-activity/money_back_cents.xml.in.h:4
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "You must buy the different items and give the exact price. At higher "
-#| "levels, several items are displayed, and you must first calculate the "
-#| "total price."
-msgid ""
-"Tux bought you different items and shows you his money. You must give him "
-"back his change. At higher levels, several items are displayed, and you must "
-"first calculate the total price."
-msgstr ""
+#| msgid "You must buy the different items and give the exact price. At higher levels, several items are displayed, and you must first calculate the total price."
+msgid "Tux bought you different items and shows you his money. You must give him back his change. At higher levels, several items are displayed, and you must first calculate the total price."
+msgstr "ããããçãããããããèãããããããããã.ããããæçãäæãçãããããã.ããããããããããããããããããããçãããã.ããããçäæãæåãèçãããããããããã."
-#: ../src/money_back_cents-activity/money_back_cents.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/money_back_cents-activity/money_back_cents.xml.in.h:1
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Practice money usage including cents"
 msgid "Give tux his change, including cents"
 msgstr "ããããåãããéãäãæãçç"
-#: ../src/money_cents-activity/money_cents.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/money_cents-activity/money_cents.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Practice money usage including cents"
 msgstr "ããããåãããéãäãæãçç"
@@ -7074,29 +6214,23 @@ msgid "Drag and Drop the items to rebuild the original paintings"
 msgstr "ããããããããã&ãããããããããããçãåæããããããã."
 #: ../src/paintings-activity/paintings.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"Drag the image parts from the box on the left to create a painting on the "
-"main board."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/paintings-activity/paintings.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Mouse-manipulation: movement, drag and drop"
 msgstr "ãããæäïéåãããããïãããã"
-#: ../src/paintings-activity/paintings.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/paintings-activity/paintings.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Spatial representation"
 msgstr "çéçãèç"
+#: ../src/paintings-activity/paintings.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "Drag the image parts from the box on the left to create a painting on the main board."
+msgstr "ããããããäãçãäæããããããååãããããããããããçåããããããããããã."
 #: ../src/paintings-activity/resources/paintings/board1_0.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Edgar Degas, The Dancing Class - 1873-75"
 msgstr "ããããããã, ãããæå- 1873-75"
 #: ../src/paintings-activity/resources/paintings/board1_10.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Katsushika Hokusai,\\nViewing Sunset over the Ryogoku Bridge from the Ommaya "
-"Embankment - 1830"
+msgid "Katsushika Hokusai,\\nViewing Sunset over the Ryogoku Bridge from the Ommaya Embankment - 1830"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/paintings-activity/resources/paintings/board1_11.xml.in.h:1
@@ -7109,8 +6243,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../src/paintings-activity/resources/paintings/board1_1.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Le Moulin de la Galette - 1876"
-msgstr ""
-"ããããïãããããããããããã,ããããããããããããããã - 1876"
+msgstr "ããããïãããããããããããã,ããããããããããããããã - 1876"
 #: ../src/paintings-activity/resources/paintings/board1_2.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Spring - 1573"
@@ -7137,8 +6270,7 @@ msgid "Katsushika Hokusai, The Great Wave off Kanagawa - 1823-1829"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/paintings-activity/resources/paintings/board1_8.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Utagawa Hiroshige,\\nThe Benzaiten Shrine at Inokashira in Snow - 1760-70"
+msgid "Utagawa Hiroshige,\\nThe Benzaiten Shrine at Inokashira in Snow - 1760-70"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/paintings-activity/resources/paintings/board1_9.xml.in.h:1
@@ -7170,16 +6302,15 @@ msgid "Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Girls At The Piano - 1892"
 msgstr "ããããïãããããããããããã,ããããåãååãã- 1892"
 #: ../src/paintings-activity/resources/paintings/board3_1.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Oil on canvas, 140 x 201 cm; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/paintings-activity/resources/paintings/board3_1.xml.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Kandinsky, Wassily, Composition VIII - 1923"
 msgid "Wassily Kandinsky, Composition VIII - 1923"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããVIII - 1923"
+#: ../src/paintings-activity/resources/paintings/board3_1.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Oil on canvas, 140 x 201 cm; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York"
+msgstr "æçããããããï140Ã201cmï;ãããããR,ãããããããçèéããããããã"
 #: ../src/paintings-activity/resources/paintings/board4_0.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Bazille, The Ramparts at Aigues-Mortes - 1867"
 msgstr "ãããããAigues-Mortesãåå - 1867"
@@ -7199,35 +6330,24 @@ msgid "Control fall speed with up and down arrow keys."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/paratrooper-activity/paratrooper.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Help Tux the parachutist land safely"
-msgstr "ãããããããäéãããããããããçäãçéãããã"
+msgid "Parachutist"
+msgstr "ããããããã"
 #: ../src/paratrooper-activity/paratrooper.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Hit any key or click on the plane to make Tux jump. Hit another key or click "
-"on Tux to open the parachute."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Help Tux the parachutist land safely"
+msgstr "ãããããããäéãããããããããçäãçéãããã"
 #: ../src/paratrooper-activity/paratrooper.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"In this game, Tux the parachutist needs help to land safely on the fishing "
-"boat. He needs to allow for the wind direction and speed."
-msgstr ""
-"ããããããã, ãããããããããããããããæèãçèããåããåèããã"
+msgid "This board is game-oriented. No specific skills are needed to play."
+msgstr "ããããããããããããããæåãããããããã.çåãããããåèããããã."
 #: ../src/paratrooper-activity/paratrooper.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Parachutist"
-msgstr "ããããããã"
+msgid "In this game, Tux the parachutist needs help to land safely on the fishing boat. He needs to allow for the wind direction and speed."
+msgstr "ããããããã, ãããããããããããããããæèãçèããåããåèãããããã.ããããããããéåãéåãèæããåèããããã."
 #: ../src/paratrooper-activity/paratrooper.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "This board is game-oriented. No specific skills are needed to play."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Hit any key or click on the plane to make Tux jump. Hit another key or click on Tux to open the parachute."
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããäãããããæããéèæããããããããããã.ãããããããéããããããäããããæããããããããããããããããããã."
 #: ../src/penalty-activity/penalty.py:292
 #, fuzzy
@@ -7242,22 +6362,17 @@ msgid "Click twice on the ball to shoot it."
 msgstr "èçãããçåãäèããããèãããããããããã."
 #: ../src/penalty-activity/penalty.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Double click the mouse on the ball to kick it. You can double click the left "
-"right or middle mouse button. If you lose, Tux catches the ball. You must "
-"click on it to bring it back to its former position"
+msgid "Penalty kick"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/penalty-activity/penalty.xml.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Double-Click the mouse to erase the area and discover the background"
 msgid "Double click the mouse on the ball to score a goal."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ããããæããããããããããããããããããããã.ããããåçãèãããããããããã."
 #: ../src/penalty-activity/penalty.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "Penalty kick"
+msgid "Double click the mouse on the ball to kick it. You can double click the left right or middle mouse button. If you lose, Tux catches the ball. You must click on it to bring it back to its former position"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/photohunter-activity/photohunter.c:512
@@ -7270,28 +6385,26 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Click on the differences between the two images."
 msgstr "åéæéåãã2ããæåãåãèäããããã."
-#: ../src/photohunter-activity/photohunter.xml.in.h:1
+#: ../src/photohunter-activity/photohunter.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "Photo hunter"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/photohunter-activity/photohunter.xml.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "In a limited time, find the difference between two numbers"
 msgid "Find the differences between two pictures"
 msgstr "åéæéåãã2ããæåãåãèäããããã."
-#: ../src/photohunter-activity/photohunter.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Observe the two pictures carefully. There are some slight differences. When "
-"you find a difference you must click on it."
-msgstr ""
 #: ../src/photohunter-activity/photohunter.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Photo hunter"
+msgid "Visual discrimination."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/photohunter-activity/photohunter.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Visual discrimination."
+msgid "Observe the two pictures carefully. There are some slight differences. When you find a difference you must click on it."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/planegame-activity/planegame.c:62
-#: ../src/planegame-activity/planegame.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/planegame-activity/planegame.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Numbers in Order"
 msgstr "éåæããæ"
@@ -7299,22 +6412,18 @@ msgstr "éåæããæ"
 msgid "Move the plane to catch the clouds in the correct order"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/planegame-activity/planegame.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Catch the numbers in increasing order, using the up, down, right and left "
-"arrows on the keyboard to move the helicopter."
-msgstr ""
 #: ../src/planegame-activity/planegame.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Move the helicopter to catch the clouds in the correct order"
 msgstr "æããéçãæãæãããããããããããããåããã."
-#: ../src/planegame-activity/planegame.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/planegame-activity/planegame.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Number"
 msgstr "æ"
+#: ../src/planegame-activity/planegame.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "Catch the numbers in increasing order, using the up, down, right and left arrows on the keyboard to move the helicopter."
+msgstr "ãããããããåãããããããããããããääååãäçããååããæãããããããããã."
 #: ../src/pythontemplate-activity/pythontemplate.py:62
 #: ../src/pythontest-activity/pythontest.py:182
 #, fuzzy
@@ -7329,31 +6438,30 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../src/pythontemplate-activity/pythontemplate.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/pythontest-activity/pythontest.xml.in.h:1
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Add a language-binding to gcompris."
-msgid "Add a language-binding to GCompris."
-msgstr "ææåãããèèãGcomprisãåãããããã."
+#| msgid "Python Test"
+msgid "Python Template"
+msgstr "Python(ãããã)ããã"
 #: ../src/pythontemplate-activity/pythontemplate.xml.in.h:2
-#: ../src/pythontest-activity/pythontest.xml.in.h:2
-msgid "Advanced Python Programmer :)"
-msgstr "åéããããããããããã :)"
-#: ../src/pythontemplate-activity/pythontemplate.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "An empty python activity to use as a starting point"
 msgstr ""
+#: ../src/pythontemplate-activity/pythontemplate.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/pythontest-activity/pythontest.xml.in.h:3
+msgid "Advanced Python Programmer :)"
+msgstr "åéããããããããããã :)"
 #: ../src/pythontemplate-activity/pythontemplate.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/pythontest-activity/pythontest.xml.in.h:4
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Python Test"
-msgid "Python Template"
-msgstr "Python(ãããã)ããã"
+#| msgid "Add a language-binding to gcompris."
+msgid "Add a language-binding to GCompris."
+msgstr "ææåãããèèãGcomprisãåãããããã."
 #: ../src/pythontemplate-activity/pythontemplate.xml.in.h:5
 #: ../src/pythontest-activity/pythontest.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"Thanks to Guido van Rossum and the python team for this powerful language!"
+msgid "Thanks to Guido van Rossum and the python team for this powerful language!"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããæèããã!"
 #: ../src/pythontest-activity/pythontest.py:192
@@ -7365,8 +6473,7 @@ msgid ""
 "It is now possible to develop GCompris activities in C or in Python.\n"
 "Thanks to Olivier Samys who makes this possible."
 msgstr ""
-"Cèè ããããPython(ãããã)èèãGcomprisãããããéçãããããããã"
+"Cèè ããããPython(ãããã)èèãGcomprisãããããéçããããããããã.\n"
 "ãããããåèããããOlivier Samysæãæèããã."
 #: ../src/pythontest-activity/pythontest.py:202
@@ -7397,11 +6504,11 @@ msgstr "åãäçãããããã."
 msgid "Use rectangles"
 msgstr "éæåãäçãããããã."
-#: ../src/pythontest-activity/pythontest.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/pythontest-activity/pythontest.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Python Test"
 msgstr "Python(ãããã)ããã"
-#: ../src/pythontest-activity/pythontest.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/pythontest-activity/pythontest.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Test board for the python plugin"
 msgstr "ããããããããããããããããããã"
@@ -7414,28 +6521,20 @@ msgid "Build a train according to the model"
 msgstr "ãææãåãããéèãçãçãããããã."
 #: ../src/railroad-activity/railroad.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "A memory game based on trains"
-msgstr "éèããããããèæåããã"
+msgid "Railway"
+msgstr "éé"
 #: ../src/railroad-activity/railroad.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"A train - a locomotive and carriage(s) - is displayed at the top of the main "
-"area for a few seconds. Rebuild it at the top of the screen by selecting the "
-"appropriate carriages and locomotive. Deselect an item by clicking on it "
-"again. Check your construction by clicking on the hand at the bottom."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "A memory game based on trains"
+msgstr "éèããããããèæåããã"
 #: ../src/railroad-activity/railroad.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Memory-training"
 msgstr "èæåããããããã"
 #: ../src/railroad-activity/railroad.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "Railway"
-msgstr "éé"
+msgid "A train - a locomotive and carriage(s) - is displayed at the top of the main area for a few seconds. Rebuild it at the top of the screen by selecting the appropriate carriages and locomotive. Deselect an item by clicking on it again. Check your construction by clicking on the hand at the bottom."
+msgstr "éèãæéèãèäã2ã3çãéãããçéãæääãçãããã.éåãèäãæéèãéããããããããæääããããäãçãããããã.ããäåãèäãæéèãããããããããããããããåãæãããããããã.ãæããããããããããããããããããããçãçããèäãæéèããããããããããã."
 #: ../src/readingh-activity/reading.c:229
 #: ../src/wordsgame-activity/wordsgame.c:222
@@ -7483,117 +6582,77 @@ msgid "And it was displayed"
 msgstr "ããåèãèçããããã."
 #: ../src/readingh-activity/readingh.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/readingv-activity/readingv.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"A word is shown at the top right of the board. A list of words will appear "
-"and disappear on the left. Does the given word belong to the list?"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/readingh-activity/readingh.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Horizontal reading practice"
 msgstr "æèããçç"
-#: ../src/readingh-activity/readingh.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/readingh-activity/readingh.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Read a list of words and work out if a given word is in it"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "åèããããèãããäããããåèãããããäãããããããæãããããã."
-#: ../src/readingh-activity/readingh.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/readingh-activity/readingh.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Reading training in a limited time"
 msgstr "åéæéåãèããççãããããã."
+#: ../src/readingh-activity/readingh.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/readingv-activity/readingv.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "A word is shown at the top right of the board. A list of words will appear and disappear on the left. Does the given word belong to the list?"
+msgstr "åèããããããåäãçãããã.åèããããããååãçãããæãããããã.äããããåèããããããåããããããï"
+#: ../src/readingv-activity/readingv.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "Vertical-reading practice"
+msgstr "ããèããçç"
 #: ../src/readingv-activity/readingv.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Read a vertical list of words and work out if a given word is in it"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "åçãåèããããèããäããããåèãããããäãããããããæãããããã."
 #: ../src/readingv-activity/readingv.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Read training in a limited time"
 msgstr "åéæéåãèããççãããããã."
-#: ../src/readingv-activity/readingv.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "Vertical-reading practice"
-msgstr "ããèããçç"
 #: ../src/redraw-activity/redraw.py:881
 msgid "Coordinate"
 msgstr "åæ"
 #: ../src/redraw-activity/redraw.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Copy a drawing from the box on the right into the box on the left."
-msgstr "åãããããããåãããããããããããããããããããããã."
+msgid "Redraw the given item"
+msgstr "ãããããæãçããããã"
 #: ../src/redraw-activity/redraw.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"First, select the proper tool from the toolbar. Then drag the mouse to "
-"create objects. When you are done, click on the OK button. Errors will be "
-"marked with a little red cross. The order of objects (above/under) is not "
-"important but be careful not to end up with unwanted objects under others."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Copy a drawing from the box on the right into the box on the left."
+msgstr "åãããããããåãããããããããããããããããããããã."
 #: ../src/redraw-activity/redraw.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Redraw the given item"
-msgstr "ãããããæãçããããã"
+msgid "First, select the proper tool from the toolbar. Then drag the mouse to create objects. When you are done, click on the OK button. Errors will be marked with a little red cross. The order of objects (above/under) is not important but be careful not to end up with unwanted objects under others."
+msgstr "æåãããããããããéåãããããéãããããã.ãããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããã.ãããããããäæããæãïïãããããããããããããã.ããããåããèååãèçãããã.ããããããïabove/underïãåäãéèããããããã.ããããäåèããããããããçãããããããææãããããã."
 #: ../src/redraw_symmetrical-activity/redraw_symmetrical.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Copy the mirror image of an object from the box on the right into the box on "
-"the left."
-msgstr "ãããããéåããåãããããããåãããããããããããããããã."
+msgid "Mirror the given item"
+msgstr "ãããããéå"
 #: ../src/redraw_symmetrical-activity/redraw_symmetrical.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"First, select the proper tool from the toolbar. Then drag the mouse to "
-"create objects. When you are done, click on the OK button. A little red "
-"cross will show you where something isn't right yet. The order of objects "
-"(above/under) is not important but be careful not to end up with unwanted "
-"objects under others."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Copy the mirror image of an object from the box on the right into the box on the left."
+msgstr "ãããããéåããåãããããããåãããããããããããããããã."
 #: ../src/redraw_symmetrical-activity/redraw_symmetrical.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Mirror the given item"
-msgstr "ãããããéå"
+msgid "First, select the proper tool from the toolbar. Then drag the mouse to create objects. When you are done, click on the OK button. A little red cross will show you where something isn't right yet. The order of objects (above/under) is not important but be careful not to end up with unwanted objects under others."
+msgstr "æåãããããããããéåãããããéãããããã.ãããããããããããããããããããããããããããããããã.ãããããããäæããæãïïãããããããããããããã.åããèååãããããäãæãããããçãããããã.ããããããïabove/underïãåäãéèããããããã.ããããäåèããããããããçãããããããææãããããã."
 #: ../src/reversecount-activity/reversecount.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Can move the mouse, can read numbers and subtract numbers up to 10 for the "
-"first level"
-msgstr ""
-"ããããåããã.æåãèããã ããããæåãããããããã10ãããæåãã"
+msgid "Practice subtraction with a fun game"
+msgstr "æãããããããããããããæãççããããã"
 #: ../src/reversecount-activity/reversecount.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Click on the dice to show how many ice spots there are between Tux and the "
-"fish. Click the dice with the right mouse button to count backwards. When "
-"done, click on the OK button or hit the Enter key."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Tux is hungry. Help him find fish by counting to the correct ice spot."
+msgstr "ããããããããèãæããããã.æããæããåæãæãããéãèããããããããããæäãããããããã."
 #: ../src/reversecount-activity/reversecount.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Practice subtraction with a fun game"
-msgstr "æãããããããããããããæãççããããã"
+msgid "Can move the mouse, can read numbers and subtract numbers up to 10 for the first level"
+msgstr "ããããåããã.æåãèããã ããããæåãããããããã10ãããæåãããçãããã."
 #: ../src/reversecount-activity/reversecount.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Tux is hungry. Help him find fish by counting to the correct ice spot."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Click on the dice to show how many ice spots there are between Tux and the fish. Click the dice with the right mouse button to count backwards. When done, click on the OK button or hit the Enter key."
+msgstr "ããããããæçããããããããéãéããããããããçãããããããããããããããããããã.åæãæããããããåããããããããããããããããããããããã.ããåãïïããããããããããããããããããæãããããã."
 #: ../src/scalesboard-activity/scale.c:294
 #, c-format
@@ -7628,27 +6687,15 @@ msgid "Mental calculation, arithmetic equality"
 msgstr "ççãèçãçåãèç."
 #: ../src/scalesboard-activity/scalesboard.xml.in.h:4
-#: ../src/scalesboard_weight-activity/scalesboard_weight.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"The painting is an original painting created by Virginie MOREAU (virginie."
-"moreau free fr) in 2001. Its name is 'Spices Seller in Egypt'. It is "
-"released under the GPL licence."
-msgstr ""
-"çãã2001åãVirginieãMOREAUïvirginie moreau free frïããããæãããçã"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "To balance the scales, move the masses on the left side. The masses can be arranged in any order."
+msgid "To balance the scales, move the weights on the left or the right side. The weights can be arranged in any order."
+msgstr "ççããéãåãããããããååãããããåããããããã.ãããããããéåããéçããããããããã."
 #: ../src/scalesboard-activity/scalesboard.xml.in.h:5
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "To balance the scales, move the masses on the left side. The masses can "
-#| "be arranged in any order."
-msgid ""
-"To balance the scales, move the weights on the left or the right side. The "
-"weights can be arranged in any order."
-msgstr ""
+#: ../src/scalesboard_weight-activity/scalesboard_weight.xml.in.h:5
+msgid "The painting is an original painting created by Virginie MOREAU (virginie moreau free fr) in 2001. Its name is 'Spices Seller in Egypt'. It is released under the GPL licence."
+msgstr "çãã2001åãVirginieãMOREAUïvirginie moreau free frïããããæãããçãã ããååããããããããããããåããã ããããGPLãããããããããåéãããããã "
 #: ../src/scalesboard_weight-activity/scalesboard_weight.xml.in.h:2
 #, fuzzy
@@ -7662,85 +6709,39 @@ msgstr "ãããããããã&ãããããããççããããåã
 msgid "Mental calculation, arithmetic equality, unit conversion"
 msgstr "ççãèçãçåãèç."
-#: ../src/scalesboard_weight-activity/scalesboard_weight.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/scalesboard_weight-activity/scalesboard_weight.xml.in.h:4
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "To balance the scales, move the masses on the left side. The masses can "
-#| "be arranged in any order."
-msgid ""
-"To balance the scales, move the masses on the left or the right side. Take "
-"care of the weight and the unit of the masses, remember that a kilogram (kg) "
-"is 1000 grams (g). They can be arranged in any order."
-msgstr ""
+#| msgid "To balance the scales, move the masses on the left side. The masses can be arranged in any order."
+msgid "To balance the scales, move the masses on the left or the right side. Take care of the weight and the unit of the masses, remember that a kilogram (kg) is 1000 grams (g). They can be arranged in any order."
+msgstr "ççããéãåãããããããååãããããåããããããã.ãããããããéåããéçããããããããã."
 #: ../src/searace1player-activity/searace1player.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "Sea race (Single Player)"
+msgstr "ææããã(1äç)"
+#: ../src/searace1player-activity/searace1player.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Give good instructions to your ship in order to be first in the race."
 msgstr "ããããåããããæçãããããèåããããã"
-#: ../src/searace1player-activity/searace1player.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/searace1player-activity/searace1player.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/searace-activity/searace.xml.in.h:3
+msgid "In this activity, you will learn how to enter commands into a computer. Even if the language is extremely basic, you learn here how to think ahead and construct a program. This activity can be used to introduce the programming concept to children."
+msgstr "ãããããããããããããããããããããååããææãåããã.ãããèèããããåæçãããããããããããããåãèããããããããããäãæããããåãããããããã.ãããããããåãããããããããããããæåãçäããããããããã."
+#: ../src/searace1player-activity/searace1player.xml.in.h:4
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "In the text entry, enter one command per line, to control your boat. "
-#| "Commands supported are displayed between the two entry areas. The 'left' "
-#| "and 'right' commands must be followed by an angle in degrees. The angle "
-#| "value is also called a 'parameter' to the left or right command. By "
-#| "default 45 degrees is used. The 'forward' command accepts a distance "
-#| "parameter. By default 1 is used. For example: left 90 => Make a "
-#| "perpendicular left turn forward 10 => Go forward for 10 units (as "
-#| "displayed on the ruler). The goal is to reach the right of the screen "
-#| "(the red line). When done, you can try to improve your program and start "
-#| "a new race with the same weather conditions by using the retry button. "
-#| "You can click and drag your mouse anywhere on the map to get a "
-#| "measurement in distance and angle. Going to the next level will give you "
-#| "more complex weather conditions."
+#| msgid "In the text entry, enter one command per line, to control your boat. Commands supported are displayed between the two entry areas. The 'left' and 'right' commands must be followed by an angle in degrees. The angle value is also called a 'parameter' to the left or right command. By default 45 degrees is used. The 'forward' command accepts a distance parameter. By default 1 is used. For example: left 90 => Make a perpendicular left turn forward 10 => Go forward for 10 units (as displayed on the ruler). The goal is to reach the right of the screen (the red line). When done, you can try to improve your program and start a new race with the same weather conditions by using the retry button. You can click and drag your mouse anywhere on the map to get a measurement in distance and angle. Going to the next level will give you more complex weather conditions."
 msgid ""
-"In the text entry, enter one command per line, to control your boat. "
-"Commands supported are displayed between the two entry areas. The 'left' and "
-"'right' commands must be followed by an angle in degrees. The angle value is "
-"also called a 'parameter' to the left or right command. By default 45 "
-"degrees is used. The 'forward' command accepts a distance parameter. By "
-"default 1 is used.\n"
+"In the text entry, enter one command per line, to control your boat. Commands supported are displayed between the two entry areas. The 'left' and 'right' commands must be followed by an angle in degrees. The angle value is also called a 'parameter' to the left or right command. By default 45 degrees is used. The 'forward' command accepts a distance parameter. By default 1 is used.\n"
 "For example:\n"
 "- left 90: Make a perpendicular left turn\n"
 "- forward 10: Go forward for 10 units (as displayed on the ruler).\n"
-"The goal is to reach the right of the screen (the red line). When done, you "
-"can try to improve your program and start a new race with the same weather "
-"conditions by using the retry button. You can click and drag your mouse "
-"anywhere on the map to get a measurement in distance and angle. Going to the "
-"next level will give you more complex weather conditions."
-msgstr ""
+"The goal is to reach the right of the screen (the red line). When done, you can try to improve your program and start a new race with the same weather conditions by using the retry button. You can click and drag your mouse anywhere on the map to get a measurement in distance and angle. Going to the next level will give you more complex weather conditions."
+msgstr ""
 "äïå 90 => åç(90å)ãåæããããããã.\n"
 "åæ 10 =>ã10åäåéãããããã(åèãèçãããã)\n"
-#: ../src/searace1player-activity/searace1player.xml.in.h:7
-#: ../src/searace-activity/searace.xml.in.h:8
-msgid ""
-"In this activity, you will learn how to enter commands into a computer. Even "
-"if the language is extremely basic, you learn here how to think ahead and "
-"construct a program. This activity can be used to introduce the programming "
-"concept to children."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/searace1player-activity/searace1player.xml.in.h:8
-msgid "Sea race (Single Player)"
-msgstr "ææããã(1äç)"
 #: ../src/searace-activity/searace.py:174
 msgid "The race is already being run"
@@ -7802,76 +6803,46 @@ msgid "Distance:"
 msgstr "ããã:"
 #: ../src/searace-activity/searace.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "Sea race (2 Players)"
+msgstr "ææããã (2äç)"
+#: ../src/searace-activity/searace.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Direct your boat accurately to win the race."
 msgstr "ããããåããããæçãããããèåããããã."
-#: ../src/searace-activity/searace.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/searace-activity/searace.xml.in.h:4
 #, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "In the text entry, enter one command per line, to control your boat. "
-#| "Commands supported are displayed between the two entry areas. The 'left' "
-#| "and 'right' commands must be followed by an angle in degrees. The angle "
-#| "value is also called a 'parameter' to the left or right command. By "
-#| "default 45 degrees is used. The 'forward' command accepts a distance "
-#| "parameter. By default 1 is used. For example: left 90 => Make a "
-#| "perpendicular left turn forward 10 => Go forward for 10 units (as "
-#| "displayed on the ruler). The goal is to reach the right of the screen "
-#| "(the red line). When done, you can try to improve your program and start "
-#| "a new race with the same weather conditions by using the retry button. "
-#| "You can click and drag your mouse anywhere on the map to get a "
-#| "measurement in distance and angle. Going to the next level will give you "
-#| "more complex weather conditions."
+#| msgid "In the text entry, enter one command per line, to control your boat. Commands supported are displayed between the two entry areas. The 'left' and 'right' commands must be followed by an angle in degrees. The angle value is also called a 'parameter' to the left or right command. By default 45 degrees is used. The 'forward' command accepts a distance parameter. By default 1 is used. For example: left 90 => Make a perpendicular left turn forward 10 => Go forward for 10 units (as displayed on the ruler). The goal is to reach the right of the screen (the red line). When done, you can try to improve your program and start a new race with the same weather conditions by using the retry button. You can click and drag your mouse anywhere on the map to get a measurement in distance and angle. Going to the next level will give you more complex weather conditions."
 msgid ""
 "In the text entry, enter one command per line, to control your boat.\n"
-"Commands supported are displayed between the two entry areas. The 'left' and "
-"'right' commands must be followed by an angle in degrees. The angle value is "
-"also called a 'parameter' to the left or right command. By default 45 "
-"degrees is used. The 'forward' command accepts a distance parameter. By "
-"default 1 is used.\n"
+"Commands supported are displayed between the two entry areas. The 'left' and 'right' commands must be followed by an angle in degrees. The angle value is also called a 'parameter' to the left or right command. By default 45 degrees is used. The 'forward' command accepts a distance parameter. By default 1 is used.\n"
 "For example:\n"
 "- left 90: Make a perpendicular left turn\n"
 "- forward 10: Go forward for 10 units (as displayed on the ruler).\n"
-"The goal is to reach the right of the screen (the red line). When done, you "
-"can try to improve your program and start a new race with the same weather "
-"conditions by using the retry button. You can click and drag your mouse "
-"anywhere on the map to get a measurement in distance and angle. Going to the "
-"next level will give you more complex weather conditions."
-msgstr ""
+"The goal is to reach the right of the screen (the red line). When done, you can try to improve your program and start a new race with the same weather conditions by using the retry button. You can click and drag your mouse anywhere on the map to get a measurement in distance and angle. Going to the next level will give you more complex weather conditions."
+msgstr ""
 "äïå 90 => åç(90å)ãåæããããããã.\n"
 "åæ 10 =>ã10åäåéãããããã(åèãèçãããã)\n"
-#: ../src/searace-activity/searace.xml.in.h:9
-msgid "Sea race (2 Players)"
-msgstr "ææããã (2äç)"
 #: ../src/smallnumbers2-activity/smallnumbers2.xml.in.h:1
-#: ../src/smallnumbers-activity/smallnumbers.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Count the number of dots on dice before they reach the ground"
-msgstr "ãããããåéãçãåããããããçãæãæããããã."
+msgid "Numbers with pairs of dice"
+msgstr ""
 #: ../src/smallnumbers2-activity/smallnumbers2.xml.in.h:2
 #: ../src/smallnumbers-activity/smallnumbers.xml.in.h:2
-msgid "Counting skills"
-msgstr "æãæãããããã"
+msgid "Count the number of dots on dice before they reach the ground"
+msgstr "ãããããåéãçãåããããããçãæãæããããã."
 #: ../src/smallnumbers2-activity/smallnumbers2.xml.in.h:3
 #: ../src/smallnumbers-activity/smallnumbers.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "In a limited time, count the number of dots"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Counting skills"
+msgstr "æãæãããããã"
 #: ../src/smallnumbers2-activity/smallnumbers2.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Numbers with pairs of dice"
+#: ../src/smallnumbers-activity/smallnumbers.xml.in.h:4
+msgid "In a limited time, count the number of dots"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/smallnumbers2-activity/smallnumbers2.xml.in.h:5
@@ -7879,19 +6850,16 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "With the keyboard, type the number of dots you see on the falling dice."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/smallnumbers-activity/smallnumbers.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/smallnumbers-activity/smallnumbers.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Numbers With Dice"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/submarine-activity/submarine.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Click on different active elements : engine, rudders and air tanks, in order "
-"to navigate to the required depth. There is a close gate on the right. Catch "
-"the jewel to open it, then pass through it to reach the next level."
+msgid "Pilot a submarine"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/submarine-activity/submarine.xml.in.h:2
-msgid "Learn how a submarine works"
+msgid "Pilot a submarine using air tanks and dive rudders"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/submarine-activity/submarine.xml.in.h:3
@@ -7899,51 +6867,40 @@ msgid "Physics basics"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/submarine-activity/submarine.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Pilot a submarine"
+msgid "Learn how a submarine works"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/submarine-activity/submarine.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "Pilot a submarine using air tanks and dive rudders"
+msgid "Click on different active elements : engine, rudders and air tanks, in order to navigate to the required depth. There is a close gate on the right. Catch the jewel to open it, then pass through it to reach the next level."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/sudoku-activity/sudoku.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Completing the puzzle requires patience and logical ability"
+msgid "Sudoku, place unique symbols in a square."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/sudoku-activity/sudoku.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"For the first level with colored symbols, select a symbol on the left and "
-"click on its target position. For the higher levels, click on an empty "
-"square to give it the keyboard focus. Then enter a possible letter or "
-"number. GCompris will not let you enter invalid data."
+msgid "Symbols must be unique in a row, in a column, and (if defined) each region."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/sudoku-activity/sudoku.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Sudoku, place unique symbols in a square."
+msgid "Completing the puzzle requires patience and logical ability"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/sudoku-activity/sudoku.xml.in.h:4
-msgid ""
-"Symbols must be unique in a row, in a column, and (if defined) each region."
+msgid "The aim of the puzzle is to enter a symbol or numeral from 1 through 9 in each cell of a grid, most frequently a 9x9 grid made up of 3x3 subgrids (called 'regions'), starting with various symbols or numerals given in some cells (the 'givens'). Each row, column and region must contain only one instance of each symbol or numeral (Source &lt;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudoku&gt;)."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/sudoku-activity/sudoku.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"The aim of the puzzle is to enter a symbol or numeral from 1 through 9 in "
-"each cell of a grid, most frequently a 9x9 grid made up of 3x3 subgrids "
-"(called 'regions'), starting with various symbols or numerals given in some "
-"cells (the 'givens'). Each row, column and region must contain only one "
-"instance of each symbol or numeral (Source &lt;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/";
+msgid "For the first level with colored symbols, select a symbol on the left and click on its target position. For the higher levels, click on an empty square to give it the keyboard focus. Then enter a possible letter or number. GCompris will not let you enter invalid data."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/superbrain-activity/superbrain.c:110
-#: ../src/superbrain-activity/superbrain.xml.in.h:2
+#: ../src/superbrain-activity/superbrain.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "Super Brain"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/superbrain-activity/superbrain.c:111
-#: ../src/superbrain-activity/superbrain.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/superbrain-activity/superbrain.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Tux has hidden several items. Find them again in the correct order"
 msgstr ""
@@ -7969,22 +6926,21 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "One item is misplaced"
 msgstr "ããåèãèçããããã."
-#: ../src/superbrain-activity/superbrain.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Click on the items until you find what you think is the correct answer. "
-"Then, click on the OK button in the control bar. In the lower levels, Tux "
-"gives you an indication if you found a hiding place by marking the item with "
-"a black box. You can use the right mouse button to flip the colors in the "
-"opposite order."
+#: ../src/superbrain-activity/superbrain.xml.in.h:3
+msgid "Click on the items until you find what you think is the correct answer. Then, click on the OK button in the control bar. In the lower levels, Tux gives you an indication if you found a hiding place by marking the item with a black box. You can use the right mouse button to flip the colors in the opposite order."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/tangram-activity/tangram.xml.in.h:1
+msgid "The tangram puzzle game"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/tangram-activity/tangram.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "The objective is to form a given shape with seven pieces"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../src/tangram-activity/tangram.xml.in.h:4
 msgid ""
-"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Tangram (Chinese: literally \"seven "
-"boards of cunning\") is a Chinese puzzle. While the tangram is often said to "
-"be ancient, its existence has only been verified as far back as 1800. It "
-"consists of 7 pieces, called tans, which fit together to form a square; "
-"taking the square as the unit:\n"
+"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Tangram (Chinese: literally \"seven boards of cunning\") is a Chinese puzzle. While the tangram is often said to be ancient, its existence has only been verified as far back as 1800. It consists of 7 pieces, called tans, which fit together to form a square; taking the square as the unit:\n"
 "\t* 5 right isosceles triangles\n"
 "\t\to 2 small (legs of 1)\n"
 "\t\to 1 medium size (legs of square root of 2)\n"
@@ -7993,38 +6949,23 @@ msgid ""
 "\t* 1 parallelogram (sides of 1 and square root of 2)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/tangram-activity/tangram.xml.in.h:9
-msgid ""
-"Select the tangram to form. Move a piece by dragging it. Right-click on it "
-"to create a symmetrical item. Select an item and drag around it to show the "
-"rotation you want. Once you've shown what shape you want, the computer will "
-"create it. If you need help, click on the shape button, and the border of "
-"the shape will be drawn."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../src/tangram-activity/tangram.xml.in.h:10
-msgid "The objective is to form a given shape with seven pieces"
-msgstr ""
 #: ../src/tangram-activity/tangram.xml.in.h:11
-msgid ""
-"The original code was written by Philippe Banwarth in 1999. It was ported to "
-"GCompris by Yves Combe in 2005."
+msgid "Select the tangram to form. Move a piece by dragging it. Right-click on it to create a symmetrical item. Select an item and drag around it to show the rotation you want. Once you've shown what shape you want, the computer will create it. If you need help, click on the shape button, and the border of the shape will be drawn."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/tangram-activity/tangram.xml.in.h:12
-msgid "The tangram puzzle game"
+msgid "The original code was written by Philippe Banwarth in 1999. It was ported to GCompris by Yves Combe in 2005."
 msgstr ""
 #. Set the maximum text to calc the background
 #. Set the correct initial text
-#: ../src/target-activity/target.c:296 ../src/target-activity/target.c:562
-#: ../src/target-activity/target.c:599
+#: ../src/target-activity/target.c:296 ../src/target-activity/target.c:563
+#: ../src/target-activity/target.c:600
 #, c-format
 msgid "Points = %s"
 msgstr "ãããã = %s"
-#: ../src/target-activity/target.c:414
+#: ../src/target-activity/target.c:415
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Wind speed = %d\n"
@@ -8033,7 +6974,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "éé = %d\n"
-#: ../src/target-activity/target.c:482
+#: ../src/target-activity/target.c:483
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 #| msgid "Distance to target = %d meters"
 msgid "Distance to target = %d meter"
@@ -8042,28 +6983,23 @@ msgstr[0] "çãããããã = %d ãããã"
 msgstr[1] "çãããããã = %d ãããã"
 #: ../src/target-activity/target.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Can move the mouse, can read numbers and count up to 15 for the first level"
+msgid "Practice addition with a target game"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/target-activity/target.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Check the wind speed and direction, and then click on the target to launch a "
-"dart. When you all your darts are thrown, a window appears asking you to "
-"count your score. Enter the score with the keyboard then press the Enter key "
-"or the OK button."
+msgid "Hit the target and count your points"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/target-activity/target.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Hit the target and count your points"
+msgid "Can move the mouse, can read numbers and count up to 15 for the first level"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/target-activity/target.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Practice addition with a target game"
+msgid "Throw darts at a target and count your score."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/target-activity/target.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "Throw darts at a target and count your score."
+msgid "Check the wind speed and direction, and then click on the target to launch a dart. When you all your darts are thrown, a window appears asking you to count your score. Enter the score with the keyboard then press the Enter key or the OK button."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/traffic-activity/traffic.xml.in.h:1
@@ -8071,16 +7007,12 @@ msgid "A sliding-block puzzle game"
 msgstr "ãããããããããããããããã"
 #: ../src/traffic-activity/traffic.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"Each car can only move either horizontally or vertically. You must make some "
-"room in order to let the red car move through the gate on the right."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Remove the red car from the parking lot through the gate on the right"
+msgstr "åãéãéãããéèåãããèãèãåãããããã.(ããããããããããåããããæåããèããããããåãéããããã)"
 #: ../src/traffic-activity/traffic.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Remove the red car from the parking lot through the gate on the right"
+msgid "Each car can only move either horizontally or vertically. You must make some room in order to let the red car move through the gate on the right."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/tuxpaint-activity/tuxpaint.py:123
 msgid ""
@@ -8115,23 +7047,23 @@ msgid "Disable stamps"
 msgstr "ãããããäçäåããããããã."
 #: ../src/tuxpaint-activity/tuxpaint.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "Drawing activity (pixmap)"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Tuxpaint"
+msgstr "ãããããããã"
 #: ../src/tuxpaint-activity/tuxpaint.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Launch Tuxpaint"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/tuxpaint-activity/tuxpaint.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Tuxpaint"
-msgstr "ãããããããã"
+msgid "mouse and keyboard manipulation"
+msgstr ""
 #: ../src/tuxpaint-activity/tuxpaint.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "Use Tuxpaint to draw. When Tuxpaint is finished this board will end."
+msgid "Drawing activity (pixmap)"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/tuxpaint-activity/tuxpaint.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "mouse and keyboard manipulation"
+msgid "Use Tuxpaint to draw. When Tuxpaint is finished this board will end."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/watercycle-activity/watercycle.py:170
@@ -8143,99 +7075,85 @@ msgid "This is a water cleanup station."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/watercycle-activity/watercycle.py:263
-msgid ""
-"A water tower or elevated water tower is a large elevated water storage "
-"container constructed to hold a water supply at a height sufficient to "
-"pressurize a water distribution system."
+msgid "A water tower or elevated water tower is a large elevated water storage container constructed to hold a water supply at a height sufficient to pressurize a water distribution system."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/watercycle-activity/watercycle.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"Click on different active elements : sun, cloud, water pump station, and "
-"water cleanup station, in order to reactivate the entire water system. When "
-"the system is back up and Tux is in the shower, push the shower button for "
+msgid "Learn about the water cycle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/watercycle-activity/watercycle.xml.in.h:3
-msgid "Learn about the water cycle"
+#: ../src/watercycle-activity/watercycle.xml.in.h:2
+msgid "Tux has come back from a long fishing party on his boat. Bring the water system back up so he can take a shower."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/watercycle-activity/watercycle.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/watercycle-activity/watercycle.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "Learn the water cycle"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/watercycle-activity/watercycle.xml.in.h:5
-msgid ""
-"Tux has come back from a long fishing party on his boat. Bring the water "
-"system back up so he can take a shower."
+#: ../src/watercycle-activity/watercycle.xml.in.h:4
+msgid "Click on different active elements : sun, cloud, water pump station, and water cleanup station, in order to reactivate the entire water system. When the system is back up and Tux is in the shower, push the shower button for him."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:54
+#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:57
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "larch"
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "ããããè"
-#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:65
+#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:69
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Senegal"
 msgid "Sentimental"
 msgstr "ãããã"
-#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:76
+#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:81
 msgid "Official"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:98
+#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:105
 msgid "Flyer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:431
+#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:478
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Chile"
 msgid "Title"
 msgstr "ãã"
-#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:432
+#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:479
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Reading"
 msgid "Heading 1"
 msgstr "èããã"
-#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:433
+#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:480
 #, fuzzy
 #| msgid "Reading"
 msgid "Heading 2"
 msgstr "èããã"
+#: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.c:482
+msgid "Hyperlink"
+msgstr ""
 #: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.xml.in.h:1
-msgid "A simple word processor to enter and save any text"
+msgid "Your word processor"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"In this wordprocessor you can type the text you want, save and get it back "
-"later. You can add some style to your text by using the buttons on the left. "
-"The first 4 buttons let you select the style of the line on which your "
-"insert cursor is. The 2 others buttons with multiple choices let you select "
-"from a predefined document and color theme."
+msgid "A simple word processor to enter and save any text"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.xml.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"Learn how to enter text in a wordprocessor. This wordprocessor is special in "
-"that it enforces the use of styles. This way, the children will understand "
-"their benefit when moving to more feature full wordprocessor like OpenOffice."
+msgid "The children can type their own text or copy one given by the teacher."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.xml.in.h:4
-msgid "The children can type their own text or copy one given by the teacher."
+msgid "Learn how to enter text in a wordprocessor. This wordprocessor is special in that it enforces the use of styles. This way, the children will understand their benefit when moving to more feature full wordprocessor like LibreOffice."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/wordprocessor-activity/wordprocessor.xml.in.h:5
-msgid "Your word processor"
+msgid "In this wordprocessor you can type the text you want, save and get it back later. You can add some style to your text by using the buttons on the left. The first 4 buttons let you select the style of the line on which your insert cursor is. The 2 others buttons with multiple choices let you select from a predefined document and color theme."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/wordsgame-activity/wordsgame.c:115
@@ -8244,18 +7162,24 @@ msgid "Falling Words"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/wordsgame-activity/wordsgame.c:116
-#: ../src/wordsgame-activity/wordsgame.xml.in.h:5
+#: ../src/wordsgame-activity/wordsgame.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Type the falling words before they reach the ground"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/wordsgame-activity/wordsgame.xml.in.h:3
+#: ../src/wordsgame-activity/wordsgame.xml.in.h:4
 msgid "Keyboard training"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../src/wordsgame-activity/wordsgame.xml.in.h:4
+#: ../src/wordsgame-activity/wordsgame.xml.in.h:5
 msgid "Type the complete word as it falls, before it reachs the ground"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Serbia Montenegro"
+#~ msgstr "ãããããããããã"
+#~ msgid "satchel/s_tchel/a/o/i"
+#~ msgstr "ããã/ã_ã/ã/ã/ã"
 #~ msgid "English (United State)"
 #~ msgstr "èè(ããããåèå)"
@@ -8282,28 +7206,20 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "Fish are taken from the Unix utility xfishtank.\n"
-#~ "Images are taken from the National Undersea Research Program (NURP) "
-#~ "Collection\n"
+#~ "Images are taken from the National Undersea Research Program (NURP) Collection\n"
 #~ "at &lt;http://www.photolib.noaa.gov&gt;\n";
-#~ "All image credits belong to the OAR/National Undersea Research Program "
-#~ "(NURP),\n"
-#~ "except for the first image, which is property of the University of North "
-#~ "Carolina at Wilmington.\n"
+#~ "All image credits belong to the OAR/National Undersea Research Program (NURP),\n"
+#~ "except for the first image, which is property of the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.\n"
 #~ "The images used in each level are:\n"
-#~ "Location: Tropical Atlantic Ocean, Florida Keys (image nur00523) "
-#~ "Photographer: D. Kesling\n"
+#~ "Location: Tropical Atlantic Ocean, Florida Keys (image nur00523) Photographer: D. Kesling\n"
 #~ "Location: Florida Keys (image nur03006)\n"
 #~ "Location: Unknown (image nur03505)\n"
 #~ "Location: Unknown (image nur03010)\n"
 #~ "Location: Unknown (image nur03011)\n"
 #~ "Location: Unknown (image nur03013)"
 #~ msgstr ""
-#~ "éãããthe Unix utility xfishtankãããååããããã.ããããçåããæ"
-#~ "åççèçïNURPïãããããããããååããããã.(http://www.photolib.";
-#~ "noaa.gov&gt)\n"
-#~ "ããããããããããããããããååãèçãããæåããããããéãã,å"
-#~ "ãããããããååæèããæåççèçïNURPïãåããããã.åããããã"
-#~ "ãäãããããããããääãéããã.\n"
+#~ "éãããthe Unix utility xfishtankãããååããããã.ããããçåããæåççèçïNURPïãããããããããååããããã.(http://www.photolib.noaa.gov&gt)\n"
+#~ "ããããããããããããããããååãèçãããæåããããããéãã,åãããããããååæèããæåççèçïNURPïãåããããã.åããããããäãããããããããääãéããã.\n"
 #~ "åæ: åèæ, ããããããã (çå nur00523) åçå: D. Kesling\n"
 #~ "åæ: ããããããã (çå nur03006)\n"
 #~ "åæ: çå (çå nur03505)\n"
@@ -8366,14 +7282,10 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgstr "èããã"
 #~ msgid "SVG is disabled. Install python xml module to enable it"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "SVG ãäçäåãã.ãããåèãããããããPython XMLããããããããã"
-#~ "ããããããããã."
+#~ msgstr "SVG ãäçäåãã.ãããåèãããããããPython XMLãããããããããããããããããã."
 #~ msgid "Warning: the following images cannot be accessed on your system.\n"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "èåïääãããããããããããããããäãããããããããããããã"
-#~ "ã.\n"
+#~ msgstr "èåïääãããããããããããããããäããããããããããããããã.\n"
 #~ msgid "The corresponding items have been skipped."
 #~ msgstr "ååããããããããããããããããã."
@@ -8426,12 +7338,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgid "Use alternate database for logs"
 #~ msgstr "ããããããääããããããããäãããããã."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Shared directory location, for profiles and board-configuration data: "
-#~ "[$HOME/.gcompris/shared]"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "åæãããããããåæïããããããããããææããããããã): [$HOME/."
-#~ "gcompris/shared]"
+#~ msgid "Shared directory location, for profiles and board-configuration data: [$HOME/.gcompris/shared]"
+#~ msgstr "åæãããããããåæïããããããããããææããããããã): [$HOME/.gcompris/shared]"
 #~ msgid "Display the resources on stdout based on the selected activities"
 #~ msgstr "éæããããããææååãããããããããããèçãããããã."

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