[gtk/msvcproj-git: 10/10] win32: Add NMake Makefile to bootstrap projects

commit e421fa496c229b3d515d100ca38726963c2ecca0
Author: Chun-wei Fan <fanchunwei src gnome org>
Date:   Fri Aug 5 13:28:50 2022 +0800

    win32: Add NMake Makefile to bootstrap projects
    This adds a NMake Makefile to generate the needed items that are normally
    generated during `./configure`, as well as to generate the full Visual Studio
    projects and property sheets, so that one can use the Visual Studio projects
    to build GTK directly from a GIT checkout.  A 'clean' target is also provided
    to remove these generated artifacts.  This also generates the headers that are
    needed to build broadwayd, since they are currently dist'ed with the tarballs
    but are not in the GIT repo.
    This will not be dist'ed, as this is primarily meant for GIT checkouts only.

 win32/bootstrap-msvc.mak | 59 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+)
diff --git a/win32/bootstrap-msvc.mak b/win32/bootstrap-msvc.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc3c03a1fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/bootstrap-msvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# NMake Makefile portion for generating Visual Studio
+# projects and the other related items from a GIT checkout.
+# Items in here should not need to be edited unless
+# one is maintaining the NMake build files.
+!ifndef PYTHON
+!ifndef PERL
+!ifdef USE_EGL
+       config-msvc.mak \
+       ..\config.h.win32       \
+       vs9\gtk3-version-paths.vsprops  \
+       vs1x-props\gtk3-version-paths.props
+all: bootstrap-msvc-projects
+config-msvc.mak: config-msvc.mak.in ..\configure.ac gen-version-items.py
+..\config.h.win32: ..\config.h.win32.in ..\configure.ac gen-version-items.py
+vs9\gtk3-version-paths.vsprops: vs9\gtk3-version-paths.vsprops.in ..\configure.ac gen-version-items.py
+vs1x-props\gtk3-version-paths.props: vs1x-props\gtk3-version-paths.props.in ..\configure.ac 
+config-msvc.mak        \
+..\config.h.win32      \
+vs9\gtk3-version-paths.vsprops \
+       @echo Generating $@...
+       @$(PYTHON) .\gen-version-items.py --source=$@.in -o=$@
+bootstrap-msvc-projects: $(GENERATED_ITEMS)
+       $(MAKE) /f generate-msvc.mak $(NMAKE_ARGS) generate-broadway-items regenerate-all-msvc-projs
+       @-for %%v in (11 12 14 15 16 17) do @for %%x in (sln vcxproj vcxproj.filters) do @del vs%%v\*.%%x
+       @for %%x in (vcxproj vcxproj.filters) do @for %%f in (vs10\*.%%x) do @if exist %%fin del %%f
+       @for %%x in (vcxproj vcxproj.filters) do @for %%f in (vs10\*.%%x) do @if exist %%fin del %%f
+       @for %%x in (vcproj) do @for %%f in (vs9\*.%%x) do @if exist %%fin del %%f
+       @-del ..\gdk\broadway\broadwayjs.h ..\gdk\broadway\clienthtml.h
+       @-del ..\config.h.win32 config-msvc.mak
+       @-del vs9\gtk3-version-paths.vsprops
+       @-del vs1x-props\gtk3-version-paths.props
+       @-for %%v in (9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17) do for %%d in (Debug Release Debug_Broadway Release_Broadway 
.vs) do rmdir /s/q vs%%v\%%d
+       @-rmdir /s/q __pycache__
+       @-del ..\gdk-*-build
+       @-for %%v in (9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17) do for %%f in (vs%%v\*.user vs%%v\gtk+.vc.db vs%%v\gtk+.suo) do 
del /f %%f

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