[gimp-web] content: more text and screenshots for GIMP 2.99.12 news.

commit cb779833f0f6db6a2bcd3197db86be1e5f1bee1b
Author: Jehan <jehan girinstud io>
Date:   Fri Aug 26 17:36:33 2022 +0200

    content: more text and screenshots for GIMP 2.99.12 news.
    Nearly finished but I need to step out!

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 .../gimp-2.99.12-gif-repeat.png                    | Bin 0 -> 38943 bytes
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 .../2022/2022-08_GIMP-2.99.12_Released/index.md    | 205 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/news/2022/2022-08_GIMP-2.99.12_Released/gimp-2.99.12-ani-support.jpg 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c711c238
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/news/2022/2022-08_GIMP-2.99.12_Released/gimp-2.99.12-ani-support.jpg 
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ace698df
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/news/2022/2022-08_GIMP-2.99.12_Released/gimp-2.99.12-gif-repeat.png 
diff --git a/content/news/2022/2022-08_GIMP-2.99.12_Released/gimp-2.99.12-raw-data.png 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c46b1ae
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/news/2022/2022-08_GIMP-2.99.12_Released/gimp-2.99.12-raw-data.png differ
diff --git a/content/news/2022/2022-08_GIMP-2.99.12_Released/index.md 
index c9230113..2960a4c5 100644
--- a/content/news/2022/2022-08_GIMP-2.99.12_Released/index.md
+++ b/content/news/2022/2022-08_GIMP-2.99.12_Released/index.md
@@ -252,6 +252,10 @@ useful, in particular for visible borders of unclosed areas.
 More iterations may happen to improve usability of this very nice tool
 as we progress towards GIMP 3.0.
+### Customizable checkerboard colors
 ### Welcome Dialog
 Remember the "[Welcome
@@ -518,21 +522,218 @@ accept disabling it to load SVG files from trusted sources, as the
 pop-up also reminds. ☢️
 ### GIF
+A new option appeared in the GIF export dialog: "Number of repeats". It
+specifies a specific number of repeat for loop animation. Previously you
+only had the choice of single run animation versus infinite loop.
+<a href="{attach}gimp-2.99.12-gif-repeat.png">
+<img src="{attach}gimp-2.99.12-gif-repeat.png" alt="GIF export dialog"/>
+<em>GIF export dialog with new option "Number of repeats" - GIMP 2.99.12</em>
 ### PNG
+The following changes happened in our PNG support:
+* The format does not have any flag for linear RGB, but it can simply
+  include a linear profile (or a 1.0 gAMA chunk). Therefore since we
+  always attach the profile when importing (or transforming the gAMA
+  chunk into a profile), we now always load PNG images as non-linear
+  backend.
+* When exporting index images, a new checkbox "*Optimize for smallest
+  possible palette size*", if enabled, will export a PNG file with the
+  smallest palette possible (less than an 8-bit palette with 256
+  entries, if possible).
 ### DDS
+The following changes happened in our DDS support:
+* 16-bit masks now supported.
+* DDS images with single 16-bit channel support added.
+* DDS images with two 16-bit channels correctly converted to 16-bit
+  RGB images.
+* More robust DDS loading.
 ### FLI
+The following changes happened in our FLI support:
+* 1-frame animation now loaded correctly (it's not really an animation
+  yet it should still open!).
+* Layer names now include the delay in ms.
+* More robust FLI/FLC loading, double-checking data rather than
+  assuming that the file writer properly followed the specs, better
+  error handling…
 ### Raw data
+🛈  We are talking here of "raw data" where you export your pixels as
+contiguous or planar data directly, without following a specific file
+format, and not RAW file formats as are usually called formats used by
+digital cameras (for these, we still prefer to pass through good raw
+developer software, such as darktable or RawTherapee).
+A big rewriting of the Raw Data dialog (and API) organization happened.
+First, it is now possible to export any bit depth as Raw data (since the
+higher bit depth support, exporting 16 or 32-bit images were still
+exporting them as 8-bit raw data). This will also be available in future
+stable version GIMP 2.10.34.
+And especially all exportable formats can be loaded back, and more. As
+it made for a huge list, the way the import dialog used to list formats,
+we split settings. Data type (unsigned or signed integer, floating
+point), endianness or planar configuration (contiguous or planar) are
+now their own settings and code has been generalized to support each and
+every combination. The "*Pixel format*" list is now only about the
+layout for various components.
+<a href="{attach}gimp-2.99.12-raw-data.png">
+<img src="{attach}gimp-2.99.12-raw-data.png" alt="Raw data import dialog"/>
+<em>Raw data import dialog with more settings and much more support formats - GIMP 2.99.12</em>
+As a consequence GIMP now support a lot more raw data formats, while
+keeping a usable dialog, without showing a never-ending list of formats.
+The PDB API for this plug-in has also been improved to follow the same
+scheme of separate arguments.
+As a last change, the HGT format (supported since the [stable version GIMP
+is sharing the same codebase so we used to pop the raw data dialog up.
+Nevertheless we have all the relevant information for a properly formed
+HGT file, so we now load these directly without dialog (unless we fail
+to detect the proper sample spacing).
 ### New format: WBMP
+GIMP now supports loading <abbr title="Wireless Application Protocol
+Bitmap Format">WBMP</abbr> image files, which are monochrome images
+optimized for the legacy <abbr title="Wireless Application
+Protocol">WAP</abbr> protocol, now mostly discontinued.
+The format itself is probably not really useful for new images, but it
+can always be useful to be able to load existing images from older
+Note that this is a limited support as it doesn't support all features
+of WBMP, yet hopefully enough to be useful for most use cases.
 ### New format: ANI
+GIMP now has import and export support for the `ANI` animated mouse
+cursor format.
+The export dialog allows you to set hot-spot coordinates for each image
+in the animation.
+Hot-spot coordinates from imported ANI files are stored as parasite in
+the XCF to be reused as a default when re-exporting.
+<a href="{attach}gimp-2.99.12-ani-support.jpg">
+<img src="{attach}gimp-2.99.12-ani-support.jpg" alt="Export dialog of ANI format"/>
+<em>Export dialog of ANI format with cursor name, author, animation delay and hot-spot settings - GIMP 
 ## Script-fu
-TODO: a lot of work by Lloyd Konneker so it probably deserves its own
-section too.
+Lloyd Konneker, our new Script-fu maintainer, really did take his new
+responsibility to heart as Script-fu code has not seen such activity for
+years now.
+A lot of bugs were fixed, more documentation for Script-fu developers
+was written, but also a lot of huge change happened.
+### Script-fu server now its own plug-in
+Script-fu used to be a very monolithic extension plug-in (i.e. a plug-in
+running permanently in background), with all its features in one binary.
+It had several drawbacks. One of them is that the Script-fu server
+(`script-fu-server`), which allows to communicate with GIMP remotely.
+It can be considered a security hazard, which is why Lloyd made it its
+own plug-in, which can be run independently, on request only.
+### New separate interpreter
+GIMP now installs a `gimp-script-fu-interpreter-3.0` binary which will
+run the Script-fu scripts. It has huge advantages:
+* Now Script-fu scripts are proper plug-ins. They are installed within
+  the `plug-ins/` folder (not in `scripts/` anymore), and work the same
+  way as other bindings.
+  Note that Script-fu is not a GObject-Introspected binding, unlike
+  other bindings, and it has its own way to wrap the PDB protocol or
+  `libgimp*` libraries, but other than this, it became now much closer
+  conceptually.
+* It makes the Script-fu infrastructure much more robust as a single
+  crashing script will not crash the whole Script-fu altogether. Every
+  Script-fu plug-in now runs in its own dedicated process and is
+  independant.
+### Rethinking the API
+Since a lot happened on the main `libgimp*` API, Script-fu specific API
+had not been able to follow up. Lloyd tried to fill that gap and to get
+Script-fu much closer to the main interface.
+Among these changes, the new function `script-fu-register-filter` is
+used to declare PDB procedure of the C class `GimpImageProcedure`. It
+will also allow to much more easily use the procedural dialog generation
+through the `GimpProcedureDialog` class.
+In other things which Lloyed helped with are the discussions on argument
+handling of various types. This is still a work-in-progress as we are
+trying to improve some use cases, for instance handling of plug-in
+specific lists of options.
 ## API
+The Application Programming Interface for plug-in developer has known
+various improvements and changes within this iteration.
+Of course, we have many new functions corresponding to new features in
+GIMP, such as for the simulation color management, customizable
+checkerboard colors and more. [See the list for
+A new `gimp_image_metadata_save_filter()` also appears, as an
+alternative to `gimp_image_metadata_save_finish()` when you want to save
+metadata yourself and you need only filtering processing.
+It returns filtered metadata allowing the caller to save the finalized
+metadata via other means (via native format’s library for example) This
+API can be used to support metadata saving of image formats not directly
+supported by gexiv2/exiv2. We already use it for the HEIF/AVIF plug-in.
+We also finally got rid of various functions assuming that an image only
+had a single active layer or channel. We know this is not true anymore
+in GIMP 3.0, with [multi-item
+Among the many other changes, one of the most important changes in this
+updated API is how we handle plug-in localization.
 ## Batch processing
 ## Build and documentation
 ### meson (message to packagers)

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