Re: Ok feedback needed

2008/3/6 Roumano :) <roumano gmail com>:
I have check the new Documentation, i have found mismatch :

1) In the documentation itself, The Debugging need to be update :
The python  is no longer works
We need to do something like this : CONDUIT_LOGLEVEL=CRITICAL conduit/conduit


2) The web page isn't open correctly :
Url try to be opened by my firefox :    file:///work/perso/conduit/1348/%22

Log in conduit :

[Web                 ][INFO   ] Logging in using browser: system (
[Web                 ][DEBUG  ] System Login for Introduction (
[Web                 ][DEBUG  ] Opening (
[Web                 ][DEBUG  ] Opened (

My application favorite ( in the gnome setting ) /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/firefox "%s"   ( if i change to firefox directly it's work's ) ( it's is working for other soft )

Please select "Use built in web browser" from the prefs menu. By putting the developer documentation into the conduit web browser it will help to identify web browser bugs so that pretty soon I can remove that option and make it the default.



The Doc of Conduit it's beging to Rocks !

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