Re: search categories in beagle-search

Am Montag, den 30.06.2008, 01:03 +0530 schrieb Arun Raghavan:
> 2008/6/29 drago01 <drago01 gmail com>:
> [...]
> > one is hiden in the menu so that almost nobody even knows that it
> > exists.
> I agree. I think this makes the option, which _is_ useful in common
> use cases, more apparent.
I also agree that the new GUI makes the user aware of the existance of
this option. And the user can still ignore it, easily.

I think it is not possible to select more than one category at a moment
now, however, I think this is not a problem, because the user can select
one, see the results immediately, and if not happy check the next
category. Beagle is quick enough for that :-)


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