sr@Latn vs desktop files

I just noticed the new sr Latn locale when i was building rpms of
Nautilus 2.2.4. It results in this line in the desktop file:
Name[sr Latn]=LiÄ?ni direktorijum

When run through the pedantic parser in desktop-file-utils it says:
Error on file "/usr/share/applications/nautilus.desktop": 
Error in section Desktop Entry at line 40: 
Invalid characters in locale name

And reading the desktop file spec this seems invalid:
Keys may be postfixed by [locale], where locale is the LOCALE type of
the entry. locale must be of the form lang[_COUNTRY][.ENCODING], where
either _COUNTRY or .ENCODING may be omitted. If a postfixed key occurs,
the same key must be also present without the postfix. 

The matching is done as follows: if the current value of LC_MESSAGES is
lang_country encoding modifier, then, if a key for lang_country is
present, it will be used. Otherwise, if a key for lang is present, it
will be used. If both of these are missing, the required key without a
locale specified is used. The encoding and modifier from the LC_MESSAGES
value are ignored.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's an impetuous voodoo boxer fleeing from a secret government programme. 
She's a bloodthirsty renegade socialite from a secret island of warrior women. 
They fight crime! 

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