TARBALLS DUE: GNOME 2.26.0 Release Candidate (2.25.92)

Hey hey hey!

Wow, it's been quite some time since I last sent a tarballs due mail.
The last one was in November... I'm pretty sure many of you were glad to
escape mails with some completely off-topic text, which is also
definitely not interesting. I have good news! This has changed: it's
still off-topic, but it's now officially interesting. Seriously. You can
ask a magic ball, it will confirm it. It will also confirm that Daniel
Siegel is German -- not that this is bad, he's just denying this fact
without any reason. But well, since Daniel has brought us Cheese, maybe
we should just pretend to agree with him? I can already hear people
saying "of course, a french guy loving cheese... what a surprise!"
Right. What can I say? But I think everybody should grab some cheese
while working on some last minute fixes for 2.25.92. Or maybe people
could take a picture of themselves with Cheese instead, and publish it?
After all, everybody should be proud of working on what will become
2.26.0, and showing how you work can only be a good thing!

And, hrm, please don't forget to work on critical bugs ;-)

This will be our last release before the 2.26.0 release, so everybody
should try to make it perfect: if there's any critical bug, you should
try to fix it soon so that the fix can make it in this release.

Please note that Hard Code Freeze will start on March 9th. After this
date, no source code changes can be made without approval from the
release-team (translation and documentation can continue).

Tarballs are due on Monday March 2nd before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME
2.26.0 Release Candidate (2.25.92), which will be delivered on

Please make sure that your tarballs will be uploaded before Monday 23:59
UTC: tarballs uploaded later than that will probably be too late to get
in 2.24.2. If you are not able to make a tarball before Monday or if you
think you'll be late, please send a mail to the release team and we'll
find someone to roll the tarball for you!

For more information about 2.25, the full schedule, the official module
lists, please see our colorful 2.25 page on the wiki:

For a quick overview of the GNOME schedule, please see:


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

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