Re: Navigability arrows

The problem doesn't come from dia v0.88.1 at all but from the version
compiled. I guess you are using dia v0.88.1 as distributed by Mandrake 8.1
aren't you ? Their version is VERY buggy.
To correct the problem, simply download the sources of v0.88.1 and compile
them yourself.
Jean-Philippe Player

----- Original Message -----
From: <pierro buro free fr>
To: <dia-list gnome org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: Navigability arrows

Cannot get navigability arrows to point to the west at the eastern
edge of a box.

From the FAQ (<URL:>):

Q: How do I make a zig-zag line go horizontally?
A: Using the object-specific menu on the middle mouse button, add a
in the middle, then remove the end segments.

Hi all,

On my system, this function does not work. The popup menu appears
properly, but
selecting the "Add segment" function generates a dialog: "This object
support Undo/Redo. Undo Information erased" and has no other effect.

I'm using here Dia v0.88.1, because I'm still unable to have that CVS

By the way I would suggest to add the following information in the INSTALL
- package xml-i18n-tools is needed
- package gnome-lib-devel is needed
- package gdk-pixbuf-devel is needed
- package libxml-devel is needed
- package getext-0.10.38 is needed (apparently earlier version do not

I'll start working on some code as soon as I'll fix that *%&/##.
problem  (g_hash_table_lookup() returning null during application init).

a bientot,

Pierre Bureau

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