Re: features

On Tue, 9 Oct 2001, Jason Maiorana wrote:

I joined this list to ask about these features for Dia:

* beziergon:  in the middle click menu or anywhere else- there seems
      to be no way to convert a segment to a line (instead of a
      The usual symmetric, smooth and cusp commands are there- but
      there is no way to apply them to more than one node at a time.
      It would be nice to be able to apply such an change to a subset
      of the nodes in a path.

Yes, that would be nice.  The problem is then how do you specify which
subset you want to affect?  Changing it for a single segment could make
sense, but beyond that the interface becomes tricky.

      I didnt see a way to convert a beziergon to a bezierline (and
      vice versa).

There is none.  This would be slightly tricky for various reasons (creation
of shapes outside of the UI, transferring connection points, loss of
filling info), but not impossible.

      There is no way to create rings (holes in a beziergon) For
      example there is no way to create a donut-like shape.

Hadn't thought about that.  It's rarely used in diagrams, so it hasn't been
a high priority.  It would take some restructuring to be able to do it, as
the bezier code assumes a continuous line ATM.  

      The Filling options were limited. There are no Alpha, pattern,
      gradient, etc filling options. Also (this is the gnome color
      picker's fault- trying to pick a 0-255 rgb (value rather than a
      1-100 value) fails).

The filling options are limited because Dia isn't a vector drawing program,
it's a diagramming program.  For a vector drawing program, try Sketch
<URL:> or Gyve <URL:>.

* scale:
      I saw no way to specify an arbitrary scale; For example if I
      wanted to make a map diagram it would be nice to have a mile
      scale and a distance finder tool.

True.  Our unit support is almost sinfully bad.  I've been looking into
some improvements, but not gotten far.

Am I mistaken about the lack of these features? If not I was wondering
about the feasability of them, and their possible planned inclusion...

It all depends on the amount of time people have available for working on
it.  Remember, there are no full-time developers on Dia (though I might at
some point offer to take money to concentrate my efforts on certain areas,
a la buskware).


Lars Clausen (| Hårdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I   |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it."   | Where are we going, and
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire  | what's with the handbasket?

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