Re: UML plugin...

Le Thu, Aug 15, 2002, à 10:40:41AM -0700, Tim Ellis a écrit:

The simplest (technical) solution seems to me to be: include such extras
as optional dependencies to Dia (does RPM/.deb have such functionality?)
so that Manrake/Redhat/Debian (etc...) distros could install these other
tools, then adding functionality to Dia to allow it to recognise the
installed-status of these other tools and have hooks to them(in the case
of tedia2sql, a save/exec combo) and thus use them if installed.

The Deb format has "Recommends:", "Suggests:" and "Enhances:" fields. When
properly filled, a package manager front-end like dselect is able to
automatically propose the related packages to the user when s/he wants to
install the primary one (in the case of dia, dia or dia-gnome).

I don't know what RPM's capabilities are in that departement.

        -- Cyrille


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