Re: Grafcet and other improvement

Luc Pionchon wrote:

On Tue, 24 Jun 2003 23:03:14 +0100 (BST)
Alan Horkan <horkana maths tcd ie> wrote:

On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Alexis MARTINI wrote:

Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 23:50:47 +0200
From: Alexis MARTINI <alexis martini wanadoo fr>
Reply-To: dia-list gnome org
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Grafcet and other improvement

Hello, I am very interesting in using DIA in business. In fact I am an
ingenieur in automation and so I used a lot GRAFCET, LADDER and SADT. If
you need more knowledg on this ask me.
Great, thank you for the generous offer.

But to use it in business, DIA must have some fue improvement, the
first, and for me the more important: a cartridge surounding the
différent pages, with some information which could be configured by
user, and automated
I am not sure what you mean by cartridge?

- description, same for all pages
I have in mind to add a Properties Dialog where you would be able to set
things like Description, Subject, Author, Creation Date.

*this* is the "cartridge" ;)

(a straight translation from Technical French "cartouche")
une cartouche = cartridge
UN  cartouche = ??? (I do not know neither)
= The box that you draw on each diagram/sketch/plan/drawing,
 with company logo, signature, author, date, ...
 depending of the standard of the company.

Yes, it is this last deffinition!
Oups I am demasked as French people ....


The standard for doing this in XML is called Dublin Core.  I would first
add this to the XML then add it to the front end.

- page number/ total pages
- date of creation
- business number (formated depending of the abits of the firm), same
for all pages
- Client
These could probably be covered by extra property pairs (name, value)
added by the user.

I thing it is good to don't see the cartridge all the time, to have it
just before printing, in prevue. So it wont split the drawing when
making it .
There are already lines on the Graph indicating the page edges.
I didn't mind about this unprinted line, bute ligne who will suround the printed page, just like in technical drawing.
This is tru for other DIAgrams, like electrical for exemple.

A remarque about this: when repering a cail or a contactor on an electrical diagrams, the referance take a symbole for the element (C or K for contactor, B for detector, D for Dejonctor for exemple) plus the page number and a number which represente the number of the element in the page. For example
K100-1 : Kontactor 1 in page 100
D201 : Dijoncteur 1 in page 100 ...

Can you do something?


Things in advanced, and keep going on this good job!!
sorry I have to catch a bus,
hopefully some one eles on the list will try to answer your questions or
maybe I will try again tomorrow.


Alan Horkan

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