Re: Shaded Venn diagrams

On Tue, 25 Nov 2003, Scott Lamb wrote:

Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 09:51:28 -0600
From: Scott Lamb <slamb slamb org>
Reply-To: dia-list gnome org
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Shaded Venn diagrams

On Nov 25, 2003, at 6:40 AM, Cyrille Chepelov wrote:

Le Tue, Nov 25, 2003, à 04:36:21AM -0600, Scott Lamb a écrit:

I think it would be a lot clearer if I could have better shading. Is
possible in Dia to have the shading of two objects mix in their
overlapping region? I.e., could I make the Streams color greenish, the
Pollable color reddish, and have their overlap yellowish? I think that
would make this a much better diagram.

Unfortunately, not at this point. We don't even support background
colour transparency (I think that sodipodi does, FWIW)

Okay. Sorry to hear that, but thanks for the response.

I just tried out OmniGraffle on my OS X laptop, and had a pretty good
result. Disappointing to not use a free/open source tool, but I'll
live. <>.

If you have a recent version of Gnumeric with new graph engine you might
be able to use it to plot Venn Diagrams or something else suitable.
I dont know much about it, I just know that in the past 6 months Gnumeric
has gotten a nice new graphing engine so it might be worth a try if you
generating the Venn Diagram form actual mathematic sets.

If you were interested in adding full Alpha transparency (rather than the
current on or off) we would of course love to accept patches.


- Alan

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