convert to eps in batch mode (font problem)


When I open the dia gui and click "File|Export" and then choose...

"eps (using PostScript Latin-1 fonts)"

everything is fine, and I see a nice eps of my diagram. If I were to

"eps (using Pango fonts)"

I see a problem with small fonts in some figures (in some labels). I make
a series of figures which are identical except for the text in the labels
(I do this automatically by processing the XML of a 'template' diagram),
and when I export them all with "eps (using Pango fonts)" the small fonts
appear seemingly at random around the different labels (however, the
observed pattern for the given files is always the same). 

OK, so the problem is with "eps (using Pango fonts)", so I would like to
simply stick to "eps (using PostScript Latin-1 fonts)", however, I can't
seem to get this option in batch mode...

for i in *.dia; do dia -t eps -e `basename $i .dia`.eps; done

The result of the above looks just like as if I had ... 

open the dia gui and click "File|Export" and then choose...
"eps (using Pango fonts)"

i.e. in batch mode 'dia -e' seems to default to '-t eps-pango' and
selecting '-t eps' dosn't change this.

I would like to be able to say '-t eps-latin-1', but that dosn't work.

I am latest version of dia - please let me know if I should send any more


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