Re: installing 0.95 on Windows XP SP2


> Text in text boxes is no longer shown in an exported png file.  When
> exporting to pixbuf .png the text is properly shown.
> The text-boxes used in this diagram are: "Flowchart - box" and
> "Flowchart - Predefined process".

Exporting to TeX PSTricks macros fails as well.

I created a very simple diagram and exported it to pstricks.  The resulting file contains the text but after including it in my document the text is not shown.

Attached are the files I used.
Diagram1.dia was created with dia 0.95
Diagram1.tex is the exported pstricks file
includedia.tex is a very simple LaTeX file which includes the pstricks file
includedia.pdf is the resulting pdf

Dia 0.95 is running under WinXPSP2, the LaTeX files are created and compiled using cygwin.




Attachment: includedia.tex
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Diagram1.dia
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Diagram1.tex
Description: Binary data

Attachment: includedia.pdf
Description: Binary data

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