Re: What is the best export module to latex

I have been having pretty good luck using the MetaPost export.  Of course, I
haven't tried any of the others....

I have used PsTricks (and pdftricks) in the past (not with Dia) and
generally feel they aren't worth the bother.

I would expect eps or pdf to be trouble-free.  However, they wouldn't allow
you to use LaTeX equations and special characters in your diagram.  If you
plan on doing that, you'll need to go with something else.

Hans has been working with me to track down some issues in the MetaPost
export.  Its use is pretty much drop-in.

There are (at least) two methods of incorporating MetaPost files in a LaTeX
document.  There is a manual, off-line way where you prepare your mp file,
compile it, and then include the result in your document.  This is simple
and easy if you only have a few figures, and they don't change very often.

I am using a LaTeX package that lets me include metapost files in-line
directly.  This lets me make changes to the diagrams, which are reflected
immediately in my document.  It works well if you have a lot of metapost
figures, or if your figures change frequently.  It does require me to
trivially edit the metapost file Dia exports.

MetaPost works well with LaTeX and pdfLaTeX.  Depending on what you do with
text in your diagrams, you may have problems with the DVI file produced by
LaTeX, but dvi2ps is smart enough to fix those issues by the time it hits a
ps file.  So, if you use the DVI file a lot (who does?) you'll have

I can explain either method if you'd like.  But if you go with eps or pdf,
those are far simpler.


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